#-- copyright # OpenProject is an open source project management software. # Copyright (C) 2012-2021 the OpenProject GmbH # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: # Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang # Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # See COPYRIGHT and LICENSE files for more details. #++ # Will create journals for a journable (e.g. WorkPackage and Meeting) # As a journal is basically a copy of the current state of the database, consisting of the journable as well as its # custom values and attachments, those entries are copied in the database. # Copying and thereby creation only takes place if a change of the current state and the last journal is identified. # Note, that the adequate creation of a journal which represents the state that is generated by a single user action depends on # no other user/action altering the current state at the same time especially in a multi process/thread setup. # Therefore, the whole update of a journable needs to be safeguarded by a mutex. In our implementation, we use # # OpenProject::Mutex.with_advisory_lock_transaction(journable) # # for this purpose. module Journals class CreateService attr_accessor :journable, :user def initialize(journable, user) self.user = user self.journable = journable end def call(notes: '') Journal.transaction do journal = create_journal(notes) return ServiceResult.new success: true unless journal destroy_predecessor(journal) journal reload_journals touch_journable(journal) ServiceResult.new success: true, result: journal end end private def destroy_predecessor(journal) predecessor = journal.previous if aggregatable?(predecessor, journal) predecessor.destroy if predecessor.notes.present? journal.update_columns(notes: predecessor.notes, version: predecessor.version) else journal.update_columns(version: predecessor.version) end end end def create_journal(notes) Rails.logger.debug "Inserting new journal for #{journable_type} ##{journable.id}" create_sql = create_journal_sql(notes) # We need to ensure that the result is genuine. Otherwise, # calling the service repeatedly for the same journable # could e.g. return a (query cached) journal creation # that then e.g. leads to the later code thinking that a journal was # created. result = Journal.connection.uncached do ::Journal .connection .select_one(create_sql) end Journal.instantiate(result) if result end # The sql necessary for creating the journal inside the database. # It consists of a couple of parts that are kept as individual queries (as CTEs) but # are all executed within a single database call. # # The first CTEs (`max_journals`) responsibility is to fetch the latests journal and have that available for later queries # (i.e. when determining the latest state of the journable and when getting the current version number). # # The second CTE (`changes`) determines whether a change as occurred so that a new journal needs to be created. The next CTE, # that will insert new data, will only do so if the changes CTE returns an entry. The only exception to this check is that # if a note is provided, a journal will be created regardless of whether any changes are detected. To determine whether a # change is worthy of being journalized, the current and the latest journalized state are compared in three aspects: # * the journable's table columns are compared to the columns in the journable's journal data table # (e.g. work_package_journals for WorkPackages). Only columns that exist in the journable's journal data table are considered # (and some columns like the primary key `id` is ignored). Therefore, to add an attribute to be journalized, it needs to # be added to that table. # * the journable's attachments are compared to the attachable_journals entries being associated with the most recent journal. # * the journable's custom values are compared to the customizable_journals entries being associated with the most # recent journal. # When comparing text based values, newlines are normalized as otherwise users having a different OS might change a text value # without intending to. # # Only if a change has been identified (or if a note is present) is a journal inserted by the third CTE (`insert_journal`). # Its creation timestamp will be updated_at value of the journable as this is the logical creation time. If a note is present, # however, the current time is taken as it signifies an action in itself and there might not be a change at all. In such a # case, the journable will later on receive the creation date of the journal as its updated_at value. The update timestamp of # a journable and the creation date of its most recent journal should always be in sync. # # Both cases (having a note or a change) can at this point be identified by a journal having been created. Therefore, the # return value of that insert statement is further on used to identify whether the next statements (`insert_data`, # `insert_attachable` and `insert_customizable`) should actually insert data. It is additionally used as the values returned # by the overall SQL statement so that an AR instance can be instantiated with it. # # If a journal is created, all columns that also exist in the journable's data table are inserted as a new entry into # to the data table with a reference to the newly created journal. Again, newlines are normalized. # # If a journal is created, all entries in the attachments table associated to the journable are recreated as entries # in the attachable_journals table. # # If a journal is created, all entries in the custom_values table associated to the journable are recreated as entries # in the customizable_journals table. Again, newlines are normalized. def create_journal_sql(notes) <<~SQL WITH max_journals AS ( #{select_max_journal_sql} ), changes AS ( #{select_changed_sql} ), insert_data AS ( #{insert_data_sql(notes)} ), inserted_journal AS ( #{insert_journal_sql(notes)} ), insert_attachable AS ( #{insert_attachable_sql} ), insert_customizable AS ( #{insert_customizable_sql} ) SELECT * from inserted_journal SQL end def insert_journal_sql(notes) journal_sql = <<~SQL INSERT INTO journals ( journable_id, journable_type, version, activity_type, user_id, notes, created_at, updated_at, data_id, data_type ) SELECT :journable_id, :journable_type, COALESCE(max_journals.version, 0) + 1, :activity_type, :user_id, :notes, #{journal_timestamp_sql(notes, ':created_at')}, #{journal_timestamp_sql(notes, ':updated_at')}, insert_data.id, :data_type FROM max_journals, insert_data RETURNING * SQL ::OpenProject::SqlSanitization.sanitize(journal_sql, notes: notes, journable_id: journable.id, activity_type: journable.activity_type, journable_type: journable_type, user_id: user.id, created_at: journable_timestamp, updated_at: journable_timestamp, data_type: journable.class.journal_class.name) end def insert_data_sql(notes) condition = if notes.blank? "AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM changes)" else "" end data_sql = <<~SQL INSERT INTO #{data_table_name} ( #{data_sink_columns} ) SELECT #{data_source_columns} FROM #{journable_table_name} #{journable_data_sql_addition} WHERE #{journable_table_name}.id = :journable_id #{condition} RETURNING * SQL ::OpenProject::SqlSanitization.sanitize(data_sql, journable_id: journable.id) end def insert_attachable_sql attachable_sql = <<~SQL INSERT INTO attachable_journals ( journal_id, attachment_id, filename ) SELECT #{id_from_inserted_journal_sql}, attachments.id, attachments.file FROM attachments WHERE #{only_if_created_sql} AND attachments.container_id = :journable_id AND attachments.container_type = :journable_class_name SQL ::OpenProject::SqlSanitization.sanitize(attachable_sql, journable_id: journable.id, journable_class_name: journable.class.name) end def insert_customizable_sql customizable_sql = <<~SQL INSERT INTO customizable_journals ( journal_id, custom_field_id, value ) SELECT #{id_from_inserted_journal_sql}, custom_values.custom_field_id, #{normalize_newlines_sql('custom_values.value')} FROM custom_values WHERE #{only_if_created_sql} AND custom_values.customized_id = :journable_id AND custom_values.customized_type = :journable_class_name AND custom_values.value IS NOT NULL AND custom_values.value != '' SQL ::OpenProject::SqlSanitization.sanitize(customizable_sql, journable_id: journable.id, journable_class_name: journable.class.name) end def select_max_journal_sql max_journal_sql = <<~SQL SELECT :journable_id journable_id, :journable_type journable_type, COALESCE(journals.version, fallback.version) AS version, COALESCE(journals.id, 0) id, COALESCE(journals.data_id, 0) data_id FROM journals RIGHT OUTER JOIN (SELECT 0 AS version) fallback ON journals.journable_id = :journable_id AND journals.journable_type = :journable_type AND journals.version IN (SELECT MAX(version) FROM journals WHERE journable_id = :journable_id AND journable_type = :journable_type) SQL ::OpenProject::SqlSanitization.sanitize(max_journal_sql, journable_id: journable.id, journable_type: journable_type) end def select_changed_sql <<~SQL SELECT * FROM (#{data_changes_sql}) data_changes FULL JOIN (#{customizable_changes_sql}) customizable_changes ON customizable_changes.journable_id = data_changes.journable_id FULL JOIN (#{attachable_changes_sql}) attachable_changes ON attachable_changes.journable_id = data_changes.journable_id SQL end def attachable_changes_sql attachable_changes_sql = <<~SQL SELECT max_journals.journable_id FROM max_journals LEFT OUTER JOIN attachable_journals ON attachable_journals.journal_id = max_journals.id FULL JOIN (SELECT * FROM attachments WHERE attachments.container_id = :journable_id AND attachments.container_type = :container_type) attachments ON attachments.id = attachable_journals.attachment_id WHERE (attachments.id IS NULL AND attachable_journals.attachment_id IS NOT NULL) OR (attachable_journals.attachment_id IS NULL AND attachments.id IS NOT NULL) SQL ::OpenProject::SqlSanitization.sanitize(attachable_changes_sql, journable_id: journable.id, container_type: journable.class.name) end def customizable_changes_sql customizable_changes_sql = <<~SQL SELECT max_journals.journable_id FROM max_journals LEFT OUTER JOIN customizable_journals ON customizable_journals.journal_id = max_journals.id FULL JOIN (SELECT * FROM custom_values WHERE custom_values.customized_id = :journable_id AND custom_values.customized_type = :customized_type) custom_values ON custom_values.custom_field_id = customizable_journals.custom_field_id WHERE (custom_values.value IS NULL AND customizable_journals.value IS NOT NULL) OR (customizable_journals.value IS NULL AND custom_values.value IS NOT NULL AND custom_values.value != '') OR (#{normalize_newlines_sql('customizable_journals.value')} != #{normalize_newlines_sql('custom_values.value')}) SQL ::OpenProject::SqlSanitization.sanitize(customizable_changes_sql, customized_type: journable.class.name, journable_id: journable.id) end def data_changes_sql data_changes_sql = <<~SQL SELECT #{journable_table_name}.id journable_id FROM (SELECT * FROM #{journable_table_name} #{journable_data_sql_addition}) #{journable_table_name} LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM max_journals JOIN #{data_table_name} ON #{data_table_name}.id = max_journals.data_id) #{data_table_name} ON #{journable_table_name}.id = #{data_table_name}.journable_id WHERE #{journable_table_name}.id = :journable_id AND (#{data_changes_condition_sql}) SQL ::OpenProject::SqlSanitization.sanitize(data_changes_sql, journable_id: journable.id) end def only_if_created_sql "EXISTS (SELECT * from inserted_journal)" end def id_from_inserted_journal_sql "(SELECT id FROM inserted_journal)" end def data_changes_condition_sql data_table = data_table_name journable_table = journable_table_name data_changes = (journable.journaled_columns_names - text_column_names).map do |column_name| <<~SQL (#{journable_table}.#{column_name} != #{data_table}.#{column_name}) OR (#{journable_table}.#{column_name} IS NULL AND #{data_table}.#{column_name} IS NOT NULL) OR (#{journable_table}.#{column_name} IS NOT NULL AND #{data_table}.#{column_name} IS NULL) SQL end data_changes += text_column_names.map do |column_name| <<~SQL #{normalize_newlines_sql("#{journable_table}.#{column_name}")} != #{normalize_newlines_sql("#{data_table}.#{column_name}")} SQL end data_changes.join(' OR ') end def data_sink_columns text_columns = text_column_names (journable.journaled_columns_names - text_columns + text_columns).join(', ') end def data_source_columns text_columns = text_column_names normalized_text_columns = text_columns.map { |column| normalize_newlines_sql(column) } (journable.journaled_columns_names - text_columns + normalized_text_columns).join(', ') end def journable_data_sql_addition journable.class.aaj_options[:data_sql]&.call(journable) || '' end def text_column_names journable.class.columns_hash.select { |_, v| v.type == :text }.keys.map(&:to_sym) & journable.journaled_columns_names end def journable_timestamp journable.send(journable.class.aaj_options[:timestamp]) end def journable_type journable.class.base_class.name end def journable_table_name journable.class.table_name end def data_table_name journable.class.journal_class.table_name end def normalize_newlines_sql(column) "REGEXP_REPLACE(COALESCE(#{column},''), '\\r\\n', '\n', 'g')" end def journal_timestamp_sql(notes, attribute) if notes.blank? && journable_timestamp attribute else 'now()' end end # Because we added the journal via bare metal sql, rails does not yet # know of the journal. If the journable has the journals loaded already, # the caller might expect the journals to also be updated so we do it for him. def reload_journals journable.journals.reload if journable.journals.loaded? end def touch_journable(journal) return unless journal.notes.present? # Not using touch here on purpose, # as to avoid changing lock versions on the journables for this change attributes = journable.send(:timestamp_attributes_for_update_in_model) timestamps = attributes.index_with { journal.created_at } journable.update_columns(timestamps) if timestamps.any? end def aggregatable?(predecessor, journal) predecessor.present? && Setting.journal_aggregation_time_minutes.to_i > 0 && predecessor.created_at >= journal.created_at - Setting.journal_aggregation_time_minutes.to_i.minutes && predecessor.user_id == journal.user_id && (predecessor.notes.empty? || journal.notes.empty?) end end end