angular.module('openproject.layout') .factory('menuItemFactory', [ '$rootScope', '$compile', '$http', '$templateCache', '$animate', function($rootScope, $compile, $http, $templateCache, $animate) { return function(options) { if (!options.container) { throw new Error('Container must be specified menu item to have exacly one of either `template` or `templateUrl`'); } var templateUrl = '/templates/layout/menu_item.html', type = options.type, container = angular.element(options.container), linkFn = options.linkFn, scope; function generateMenuItem(title, path, objectId) { var menuItem; scope = $rootScope.$new(true); scope.type = type; scope.title = title; scope.path = path; scope.objectId = objectId; $http.get(templateUrl, { cache: $templateCache }).then(function (response) { menuItem = angular.element(; if (linkFn) linkFn(scope, menuItem.children('a'), {}); $compile(menuItem)(scope); $animate.enter(menuItem, container); }); } return { generateMenuItem: generateMenuItem, link: linkFn }; }; }]);