--- sidebar_navigation: title: Repositories settings priority: 500 description: Repositories settings in OpenProject. robots: index, follow keywords: repository settings --- # Repositories settings To adapt repositories settings, go to System settings on the tab **Repositories** you can configure the following options. 1. **Autofetch repository changes**. This option allows to automatically show commits in an OpenProject Repository. 2. **Repository disk size cache**. In order to cache the repository disk size (displayed e.g. in repository page). 3. **Enable repository management web service**. This option allows communication with SVN- or Git-Clients. If it is deactivated, a repository cannot be created. 4. **Define an API key**. This API key is created once and used for communication with an SVN or Git client. 5. Select which **SCM** you want to enabled. You can choose **Git** and/or **Subversion**. 6. **Automatic repository vendor type**. Specify the default repository type which is used in new projects. 7. **Define repositories encodings**. 8. Define the **maximum number of revisions to be displayed on file log**. 9. Define the **maximum number of files displayed in the repository browser**. 10. **Enable caching for authentication request of version control software**. This option allows saving the authentication so that a user doesn’t have to authenticate every time a repository is accessed (for example during commits). ![repository-settings-administration](image-20210422095627477.png) ## Checkout instructions for Subversion and GIT Show checkout instructions for Subversion and GIT. 1. Select whether or not to **display checkout instructions** on the repository page. 2. **Checkout base URL**. Define the base URL to be used for repositories of new projects. 3. **Checkout instruction text**. Used to specify an (optional) instruction text for repositories (can be further specified in project settings). ![Sys-admin-system-settings-repositories-checkout-instructions](Sys-admin-system-settings-repositories-checkout-instructions.png) ## Referencing and fixing work packages in commit messages 1. **Define referencing keywords** for work packages in commit messages. Used to reference keywords used to link revisions to work packages. 2. Define **fixing keywords for work packages** in commit messages. Fixing keywords allow status or progress changes using certain keywords in commit messages, e.g. changing a work package to closed and set to 100%. 3. Define which **status will be applied** to a work package if a fixing word is used in a commit message. 4. Define which **percentage of done is applied** to a work package if a fixing word is used in a commit message for that work package. 5. **Enable time logging**. Activating this option enables [logging time to a work package](../../../user-guide/time-and-costs/time-tracking) via commit message. 6. Define **activity for logged time**. This activity is used for time logging via a commit. ![Sys-admin-system-settings-repositories-fixing-commit-messages](Sys-admin-system-settings-repositories-fixing-commit-messages.png) 7. Do not forger to **Save** all your changes.