#!/bin/bash set -e set -o pipefail PGBIN="$(pg_config --bindir)" display_error() { echo " !--> ERROR on postinstall:" tail -n 200 /tmp/dockerize.log exit 1 } echo " ---> POSTINSTALL" # Add MySQL-to-Postgres migration script to path (used in entrypoint.sh) cp ./docker/mysql-to-postgres/bin/migrate-mysql-to-postgres /usr/local/bin/ # Ensure we can write in /tmp/op_uploaded_files (cf. #29112) mkdir -p /tmp/op_uploaded_files/ && chown -R $APP_USER:$APP_USER /tmp/op_uploaded_files/ rm -f ./config/database.yml if test -f ./docker/setup/postinstall-$PLATFORM.sh ; then echo " ---> Executing postinstall for $PLATFORM..." ./docker/setup/postinstall-$PLATFORM.sh fi echo " ---> Precompiling assets. This will take a while..." ( set -e set -o pipefail pushd "${APP_PATH}/frontend" export NG_CLI_ANALYTICS=ci # so angular cli doesn't block waiting for user input # Installing frontend dependencies RAILS_ENV=production npm install popd # Bundle assets su - postgres -c "$PGBIN/initdb -D /tmp/nulldb" su - postgres -c "$PGBIN/pg_ctl -D /tmp/nulldb -l /dev/null -w start" echo "create database assets; create user assets with encrypted password 'p4ssw0rd'; grant all privileges on database assets to assets;" | su - postgres -c psql DATABASE_URL=postgres://assets:p4ssw0rd@ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate db:schema:dump db:schema:cache:dump assets:precompile su - postgres -c "$PGBIN/pg_ctl -D /tmp/nulldb stop" rm -rf /tmp/nulldb # Remove sprockets cache rm -rf "$APP_PATH/tmp/cache/assets" # Remove node_modules and entire frontend rm -rf "$APP_PATH/node_modules/" "$APP_PATH/frontend/node_modules/" # Clean cache in root rm -rf /root/.npm ) >/tmp/dockerize.log || display_error rm -f /tmp/dockerize.log echo " OK."