# English strings go here for Rails i18n en: backlogs_story_tracker: "Story trackers" backlogs_task_tracker: "Task tracker" backlogs_card_specification: "Label types for card printing" backlogs_sprints: "Sprints" field_story_points: "Story points" field_remaining_hours: "Remaining hours" button_edit_wiki: "Edit wiki page" field_backlogs_issue_type: "Backlog type" backlogs_story: Story backlogs_task: Task backlogs_any: any backlogs_points_burn_direction: "Points burn up/down" label_points_burn_up: Up label_points_burn_down: Down field_position: Position backlogs_product_backlog: "Product backlog" backlogs_wiki_template: "Template for sprint wiki page" points_committed: "points committed" required_burn_rate_points: "required burn rate (points)" required_burn_rate_hours: "required burn rate (hours)" points_to_accept: "points not accepted" ideal: "ideal" points_to_resolve: "points not resolved" remaining_hours: "remaining hours" field_velocity_based_estimate: "Velocity based estimate" product_backlog_empty: "Product backlog is empty" product_backlog_unsized: "Top of the product backlog has unsized stories" unsized_stories: "The last {{sprints}} sprints have unsized stories" active_sprint_unsized_stories: "The active sprint has unsized stories" unestimated_tasks: "The last {{sprints}} sprints have unestimated tasks" active_sprint_unestimated_tasks: "The active sprint has unestimated tasks" size_accuracy: "Story size estimates vary by {{pct}}%" sprint_notes_missing: "Last sprint doesn't have sprint notes" project_dormant: "Project shows no activity" active_sprint_dormant: "Active sprint shows no activity" no_velocity: "Project has no velocity" optimistic_velocity: "Project plans too optimistically by {{pct}}%" pessimistic_velocity: "Project plans too pessimistically by {{pct}}%" backlogs_active: active label_task_board: "Task board" label_stories_tasks: "Stories/Tasks" label_stories: "Stories" label_burndown: "Burndown" label_printable_cards: "Printable cards" label_select_all: "Select all" label_back_to_project: "Back to project page" label_sprint_name: "Sprint \"{{name}}\"" label_backlogs: Backlogs label_scrum_statistics: "Scrum statistics" label_sprint_backlog: "sprint backlog" label_product_backlog: "product backlog" label_Product_backlog: "Product backlog" label_hours: hours label_points: points label_not_prioritized: "not prioritized" label_backlogs_unconfigured: "You have not configured Backlogs yet. Please go to {{administration}} > {{plugins}}, then click on the {{configure}} link for this plugin. Once you have set the fields, come back to this page to start using the tool." label_sprint_velocity: "Velocity {{velocity}}, based on {{sprints}} sprints with an average {{days}} days"