<% 7.times do |i| %><% end %> <% day = calendar.startdt while day <= calendar.enddt %> <%= "".html_safe if day.cwday == calendar.first_wday %> <%= ''.html_safe if day.cwday==calendar.last_wday and day!=calendar.enddt %> <% day = day + 1 end %>
<%= day_name( (calendar.first_wday+i)%7 ) %>

<%= day.day %>

<% calendar.events_on(day).each do |i| %> <% if i.is_a? Issue %>
<%= h("#{i.project} -") unless @project && @project == i.project %> <%# date_img = '' %> <% if day == i.start_date and day == i.due_date %> <% date_img = image_tag("bullet_diamond.png", :title => l(:text_tip_issue_begin_end_day), :alt => l(:text_tip_issue_begin_end_day), :class => "imgtag-icon") %> <% elsif day == i.start_date %> <% date_img = image_tag("bullet_go.png", :title => l(:text_tip_issue_begin_day), :alt => l(:text_tip_issue_begin_day), :class => "imgtag-icon") %> <% elsif day == i.due_date %> <% date_img = image_tag("bullet_end.png", :title => l(:text_tip_issue_end_day), :alt => l(:text_tip_issue_end_day), :class => "imgtag-icon") %> <% end %> <%= link_to_issue i, :truncate => 30, :before_text => date_img %> <%= render_issue_tooltip i %>
<% else %> <%= h("#{i.project} -") unless @project && @project == i.project %> <%= link_to_version i, {}, {:before_text => image_tag("package.png", :title => l(:label_version), :alt => l(:label_version), :class => "imgtag-icon") }%> <% end %> <% end %>