#-- encoding: UTF-8 #-- copyright # OpenProject is a project management system. # Copyright (C) 2012-2017 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: # Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Jean-Philippe Lang # Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ require 'rack_session_access/capybara' InstanceFinder.register(WorkPackage, Proc.new { |name| WorkPackage.find_by(subject: name) }) RouteMap.register(WorkPackage, '/work_packages') Given /^the work package "(.*?)" has the following children:$/ do |work_package_subject, table| parent = WorkPackage.find_by(subject: work_package_subject) table.raw.flatten.each do |child_subject| child = WorkPackage.find_by(subject: child_subject) child.parent_id = parent.id child.save end end Given /^a relation between "(.*?)" and "(.*?)"$/ do |work_package_from, work_package_to| from = WorkPackage.find_by(subject: work_package_from) to = WorkPackage.find_by(subject: work_package_to) FactoryGirl.create :relation, from: from, to: to end Given /^user is already watching "(.*?)"$/ do |work_package_subject| work_package = WorkPackage.find_by(subject: work_package_subject) user = User.find(page.get_rack_session['user_id']) work_package.add_watcher user end Given(/^the work_package "(.+?)" is updated with the following:$/) do |subject, table| work_package = WorkPackage.find_by(subject: subject) except = {} except['type'] = lambda { |wp, value| wp.type = ::Type.find_by(name: value) if value } except['assigned_to'] = lambda { |wp, value| wp.assigned_to = User.find_by_login(value) if value } except['responsible'] = lambda { |wp, value| wp.responsible = User.find_by_login(value) if value } send_table_to_object(work_package, table, except) end Given(/^the user "([^\"]+)" has the following queries by type in the project "(.*?)":$/) do |login, project_name, table| u = User.find_by login: login p = get_project(project_name) table.hashes.each_with_index do |t, _i| types = ::Type.where(name: t['type_value']).map { |type| type.id.to_s } query = p.queries.create(user_id: u.id, name: t['name']) query.filters.clear query.add_filter(:type_id, '=', types) query.save! end end Given(/^the user "([^\"]+)" has the following query menu items in the project "(.*?)":$/) do |login, project_name, table| u = User.find_by login: login p = get_project(project_name) table.hashes.each_with_index do |t, _i| query = p.queries.find_by name: t['navigatable'] MenuItems::QueryMenuItem.create name: t['name'], title: t['title'], navigatable_id: query.id end end When /^the work package table has finished loading$/ do message <<-MESSAGE This is a safeguard to ensure that the work package table is loaded before performing actions on UI items that have not been fully loaded. It currently assumes that at least one filter is set, without the necessity of the filter being displayed. MESSAGE expect(page).to have_selector('.advanced-filters--filter', visible: false), message end When /^I fill in the id of work package "(.+?)" into "(.+?)"$/ do |wp_name, field_name| work_package = InstanceFinder.find(WorkPackage, wp_name) fill_in(field_name, with: work_package.id) end Then /^the "(.+?)" field should contain the id of work package "(.+?)"$/ do |field_name, wp_name| work_package = InstanceFinder.find(WorkPackage, wp_name) should have_field(field_name, with: work_package.id.to_s) end Then /^the work package "(.+?)" should be shown as the parent$/ do |wp_name| work_package = InstanceFinder.find(WorkPackage, wp_name) step "I open the work package tab \"Relations\"" within('.tabcontent') do should have_content(work_package.to_s) end end Then /^the work package should be shown with the following values:$/ do |table| table_attributes = table.raw.select { |k, _v| !['Subject', 'Description'].include?(k) } table_attributes.each do |key, value| label = find('div.attributes-key-value--key', text: key) should have_css("div.#{label[:class].split(' ').last}", text: value) end if table.rows_hash['Subject'] subject_field = find(".work-packages--details--subject input") expect(subject_field.value).to eq(table.rows_hash['Subject']) end if table.rows_hash['Description'] should have_css('.work-packages--details--description', text: table.rows_hash['Description']) end end Then(/^the attribute "(.*?)" of work package "(.*?)" should be "(.*?)"$/) do |attribute, wp_name, value| wp = WorkPackage.find_by(subject: wp_name) wp ||= WorkPackages.where('subject like ?', wp_name).to_sql wp.send(attribute).to_s.should == value end When /^I open the work package tab "(.+?)"$/ do |tab_label| within('#tabs') do click_link tab_label end end When /^I click the edit work package button$/ do within('#toolbar-items') do find('button[title=Edit]').click end end When /^I show all attributes$/ do within '.panel-toggler' do find('a', text: 'Show all attributes').click end end When /^I click the watch work package button$/ do within('#toolbar-items') do find('#watch-button').click end end When /^I click the unwatch work package button$/ do within('#toolbar-items') do find('#unwatch-button').click end end When /^I fill in a comment with "(.+?)"$/ do |comment| # Using the "I click on "..." step does not work for some reason find('.work-packages--activity--add-comment .inplace-editing--trigger-link').click steps %{ Then I fill in "value" with "#{comment}" within ".work-packages--activity--add-comment" } end When /^I preview the comment to be added and see "(.+?)"$/ do |comment| steps %{ And I click on "Preview" within ".work-packages--activity--add-comment" And I should see "#{comment}" within ".work-packages--activity--add-comment .inplace-edit--preview" } end When /^I should see the comment "(.+?)"$/ do |comment| steps %{ And I should see "#{comment}" within ".work-package-details-activities-list" } end When /^I preview the "(.+?)" and see "(.+?)"$/ do |field_name, text| steps %{ And I click on "Preview" within ".work-packages--details--#{field_name}" And I should see "#{text}" within ".work-packages--details--#{field_name} .-preview" } end When /^I click to see all work package attributes$/ do find('a', text: I18n.t('js.label_show_attributes')).click end