// -- copyright // OpenProject is a project management system. // Copyright (C) 2012-2015 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. // // OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: // Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang // Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. // ++ import { WorkPackageTableTimelineVisible } from './../../wp-fast-table/wp-table-timeline-visible'; import {openprojectModule} from "../../../angular-modules"; import { TimelineViewParameters, RenderInfo, timelineElementCssClass, timelineMarkerSelectionStartClass } from "./wp-timeline"; import { WorkPackageResource, WorkPackageResourceInterface } from "./../../api/api-v3/hal-resources/work-package-resource.service"; import {WpTimelineHeader} from "./wp-timeline.header"; import {States} from "../../states.service"; import {BehaviorSubject, Observable} from "rxjs"; import * as moment from "moment"; import {WpTimelineGlobalService} from "./wp-timeline-global.directive"; import {opDimensionEventName} from "../../common/ui/detect-dimension-changes.directive"; import { scopeDestroyed$ } from "../../../helpers/angular-rx-utils"; import { debugLog } from "../../../helpers/debug_output"; import Moment = moment.Moment; import IDirective = angular.IDirective; import IScope = angular.IScope; import {WorkPackageRelationsService} from "../../wp-relations/wp-relations.service"; import {HalRequestService} from "../../api/api-v3/hal-request/hal-request.service"; import {WorkPackageTableTimelineService} from '../../wp-fast-table/state/wp-table-timeline.service'; import {WorkPackageNotificationService} from "../../wp-edit/wp-notification.service"; export class WorkPackageTimelineTableController { private _viewParameters: TimelineViewParameters = new TimelineViewParameters(); private workPackagesInView: {[id: string]: WorkPackageResourceInterface} = {}; public wpTimelineHeader: WpTimelineHeader; public readonly globalService = new WpTimelineGlobalService(this.$scope); private updateAllWorkPackagesSubject = new BehaviorSubject(true); private refreshViewRequested = false; public disableViewParamsCalculation = false; constructor(private $scope:IScope, private $element:ng.IAugmentedJQuery, private TypeResource:any, private states:States, private wpTableTimeline:WorkPackageTableTimelineService, private wpNotificationsService:WorkPackageNotificationService, private wpRelations:WorkPackageRelationsService) { "ngInject"; this.wpTimelineHeader = new WpTimelineHeader(this); $element.on(opDimensionEventName, () => { this.refreshView(); }); // Refresh timeline view after table rendered states.table.rendered.values$() .take(1) .subscribe(() => this.refreshView()); // Refresh timeline view when becoming visible states.table.timelineVisible.values$() .takeUntil(scopeDestroyed$(this.$scope)) .subscribe((timelineState:WorkPackageTableTimelineVisible) => { if (timelineState.isVisible) { this.refreshView(); } }); // TODO: Load only necessary types from API TypeResource.loadAll(); } /** * Returns a defensive copy of the currently used view parameters. */ getViewParametersCopy(): TimelineViewParameters { return _.cloneDeep(this._viewParameters); } get viewParameterSettings() { return this._viewParameters.settings; } refreshView() { if (!this.wpTableTimeline.isVisible) { debugLog('refreshView() requested, but TL is invisible.'); return; } if (!this.refreshViewRequested) { debugLog('refreshView() in timeline container'); setTimeout(() => { this.calculateViewParams(this._viewParameters); this.updateAllWorkPackagesSubject.next(true); this.wpTimelineHeader.refreshView(this._viewParameters); this.refreshScrollOnly(); this.refreshViewRequested = false; }, 30); } this.refreshViewRequested = true; } refreshScrollOnly() { jQuery("." + timelineElementCssClass).css("margin-left", this._viewParameters.scrollOffsetInPx + "px"); } addWorkPackage(wpId: string): Observable { const wpObs = this.states.workPackages.get(wpId).values$() .takeUntil(scopeDestroyed$(this.$scope)) .map((wp: any) => { this.workPackagesInView[wp.id] = wp; const viewParamsChanged = this.calculateViewParams(this._viewParameters); if (viewParamsChanged) { // view params have changed, notify all cells this.globalService.updateViewParameter(this._viewParameters); this.refreshView(); } return { viewParams: this._viewParameters, workPackage: wp }; }) .distinctUntilChanged((v1, v2) => { return v1 === v2; }, renderInfo => { return "" + renderInfo.viewParams.dateDisplayStart + renderInfo.viewParams.dateDisplayEnd + renderInfo.workPackage.date + renderInfo.workPackage.startDate + renderInfo.workPackage.dueDate; }); return Observable.combineLatest( wpObs, this.updateAllWorkPackagesSubject, (renderInfo: RenderInfo) => { return renderInfo; } ); } startAddRelationPredecessor(start: WorkPackageResourceInterface) { this.activateSelectionMode(start.id, end => { this.wpRelations .addCommonRelation(start as any, "follows", end.id) .catch(error => this.wpNotificationsService.handleErrorResponse(error, end)); }); } startAddRelationFollower(start: WorkPackageResourceInterface) { this.activateSelectionMode(start.id, end => { this.wpRelations .addCommonRelation(start as any, "precedes", end.id) .catch(error => this.wpNotificationsService.handleErrorResponse(error, end)); }); } private activateSelectionMode(start: string, callback: (wp: WorkPackageResourceInterface) => any) { start = start.toString(); // old system bug: ID can be a 'number' this._viewParameters.activeSelectionMode = (wp: WorkPackageResourceInterface) => { callback(wp); this._viewParameters.activeSelectionMode = null; this._viewParameters.selectionModeStart = null; this.$element.removeClass("active-selection-mode"); jQuery("." + timelineMarkerSelectionStartClass).removeClass(timelineMarkerSelectionStartClass); this.refreshView(); }; this._viewParameters.selectionModeStart = start; this.$element.addClass("active-selection-mode"); this.refreshView(); } private calculateViewParams(currentParams: TimelineViewParameters): boolean { if (this.disableViewParamsCalculation) { return false; } const newParams = new TimelineViewParameters(); let changed = false; // Calculate view parameters for (const wpId in this.workPackagesInView) { const workPackage = this.workPackagesInView[wpId]; const startDate = workPackage.startDate ? moment(workPackage.startDate) : currentParams.now; const dueDate = workPackage.dueDate ? moment(workPackage.dueDate) : currentParams.now; const date = workPackage.date ? moment(workPackage.date) : currentParams.now; // start date newParams.dateDisplayStart = moment.min( newParams.dateDisplayStart, currentParams.now, startDate, date); // due date newParams.dateDisplayEnd = moment.max( newParams.dateDisplayEnd, currentParams.now, dueDate, date); } // left spacing newParams.dateDisplayStart.subtract(3, "days"); // right spacing const headerWidth = this.wpTimelineHeader.getHeaderWidth(); const pixelPerDay = currentParams.pixelPerDay; const visibleDays = Math.ceil((headerWidth / pixelPerDay) * 1.5); newParams.dateDisplayEnd.add(visibleDays, "days"); // Check if view params changed: // start date if (!newParams.dateDisplayStart.isSame(this._viewParameters.dateDisplayStart)) { changed = true; this._viewParameters.dateDisplayStart = newParams.dateDisplayStart; } // end date if (!newParams.dateDisplayEnd.isSame(this._viewParameters.dateDisplayEnd)) { changed = true; this._viewParameters.dateDisplayEnd = newParams.dateDisplayEnd; } this._viewParameters.timelineHeader = this.wpTimelineHeader; return changed; } } function wpTimelineContainer() { return { restrict: 'A', controller: WorkPackageTimelineTableController, bindToController: true }; } openprojectModule.directive('wpTimelineContainer', wpTimelineContainer);