//-- copyright // OpenProject is a project management system. // Copyright (C) 2012-2014 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. // // OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: // Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang // Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. //++ /*jshint expr: true*/ describe('DetailsTabOverviewController', function() { var DEFAULT_WORK_PACKAGE_PROPERTIES = ['status', 'assignee', 'responsible', 'date', 'percentageDone', 'priority', 'estimatedTime', 'versionName', 'spentTime'] var scope; var buildController; var HookService; var ConfigurationService; var I18n = { t: angular.identity }, WorkPackagesHelper = { formatWorkPackageProperty: angular.identity }, UserService = { getUser: angular.identity }, CustomFieldHelper = { formatCustomFieldValue: angular.identity }, workPackage = { props: { status: 'open', versionName: null, percentageDone: 0, estimatedTime: undefined, spentTime: 'A lot!', customProperties: [ { format: 'text', name: 'color', value: 'red' }, { format: 'text', name: 'Width', value: '' }, { format: 'text', name: 'height', value: '' }, ] }, embedded: { activities: [], watchers: [], attachments: [] }, }; var workPackageAttributesStub; function buildWorkPackageWithId(id) { angular.extend(workPackage.props, {id: id}); return workPackage; } beforeEach(module('openproject.api', 'openproject.services', 'openproject.config', 'openproject.workPackages.controllers')); beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, $controller, $timeout, _HookService_, _ConfigurationService_) { var workPackageId = 99; buildController = function() { scope = $rootScope.$new(); scope.workPackage = workPackage; ctrl = $controller("DetailsTabOverviewController", { $scope: scope, I18n: I18n, UserService: UserService, CustomFieldHelper: CustomFieldHelper, }); $timeout.flush(); }; HookService = _HookService_; ConfigurationService = _ConfigurationService_; workPackageAttributesStub = sinon.stub(ConfigurationService, "workPackageAttributes"); workPackageAttributesStub.returns(DEFAULT_WORK_PACKAGE_PROPERTIES); })); describe('initialisation', function() { it('should initialise', function() { buildController(); }); }); describe('work package properties', function() { function fetchPresentPropertiesWithName(propertyName) { return scope.presentWorkPackageProperties.filter(function(propertyData) { return propertyData.property === propertyName; }); } function fetchEmptyPropertiesWithName(propertyName) { return scope.emptyWorkPackageProperties.filter(function(propertyData) { return propertyData.property === propertyName; }); } var shouldBehaveLikePropertyWithValue = function(propertyName) { it('adds property to present properties', function() { expect(fetchPresentPropertiesWithName(propertyName)).to.have.length(1); }); } var shouldBehaveLikePropertyWithNoValue = function(propertyName) { it('adds property to present properties', function() { expect(fetchEmptyPropertiesWithName(propertyName)).to.have.length(1); }); } describe('when the property has a value', function() { beforeEach(function() { buildController(); }); describe('status', function() { var propertyName = 'status'; shouldBehaveLikePropertyWithValue(propertyName); }); describe('percentage done', function() { var propertyName = 'percentageDone'; shouldBehaveLikePropertyWithValue(propertyName); }); }); describe('when the property has NO value', function() { beforeEach(function() { buildController(); }); describe('estimated Time', function() { var propertyName = 'estimatedTime'; }); }); describe('when the property is among the first 3 properties', function() { var propertyName = 'responsible'; beforeEach(function() { buildController(); }); it('is added to present properties even if it is empty', function() { expect(fetchPresentPropertiesWithName(propertyName)).to.have.length(1); }); }); describe('when the property is among the second group of 3 properties', function() { var propertyName = 'priority', label = 'Priority'; beforeEach(function() { sinon.stub(I18n, 't') .withArgs('js.work_packages.properties.' + propertyName) .returns(label); buildController(); }); afterEach(function() { I18n.t.restore(); }); describe('and none of these 3 properties is present', function() { beforeEach(function() { buildController(); }); it('is added to the empty properties', function() { expect(scope.emptyWorkPackageProperties.indexOf(label)).to.be.greaterThan(-1); }); }); describe('and at least one of these 3 properties is present', function() { beforeEach(function() { workPackage.props.percentageDone = '20'; buildController(); }); it('is added to the present properties', function() { expect(fetchPresentPropertiesWithName(propertyName)).to.have.length(1); }); }); }); describe('when the property is not among the first 6 properties', function() { var propertyName = 'versionName', label = 'Version'; beforeEach(function() { sinon.stub(I18n, 't') .withArgs('js.work_packages.properties.' + propertyName) .returns(label); buildController(); }); afterEach(function() { I18n.t.restore(); }); it('adds properties that without values to empty properties', function() { expect(scope.emptyWorkPackageProperties.indexOf(label)).to.be.greaterThan(-1); }); }); describe('date property', function() { var startDate = '2014-07-09', dueDate = '2014-07-10', placeholder = 'placeholder'; describe('when only the due date is present', function() { beforeEach(function() { sinon.stub(I18n, 't') .withArgs('js.label_no_start_date') .returns(placeholder); workPackage.props.startDate = null; workPackage.props.dueDate = dueDate; buildController(); }); afterEach(function() { I18n.t.restore(); }); it('renders the due date and a placeholder for the start date as date property', function() { expect(fetchPresentPropertiesWithName('date')[0].value).to.equal(placeholder + ' - 07/10/2014'); }); }); describe('when only the start date is present', function() { beforeEach(function() { sinon.stub(I18n, 't') .withArgs('js.label_no_due_date') .returns(placeholder); workPackage.props.startDate = startDate; workPackage.props.dueDate = null; buildController(); }); afterEach(function() { I18n.t.restore(); }); it('renders the start date and a placeholder for the due date as date property', function() { expect(fetchPresentPropertiesWithName('date')[0].value).to.equal('07/09/2014 - ' + placeholder); }); }); describe('when both - start and due date are present', function() { beforeEach(function() { workPackage.props.startDate = startDate; workPackage.props.dueDate = dueDate; buildController(); }); it('combines them and renders them as date property', function() { expect(fetchPresentPropertiesWithName('date')[0].value).to.equal('07/09/2014 - 07/10/2014'); }); }); }); describe('property format', function() { describe('is "version"', function() { beforeEach(function() { workPackage.props.versionName = 'Test version'; workPackage.props.versionId = 1; workPackage.links = workPackage.links || {}; buildController(); }); context('versionViewable is false or missing', function() { beforeEach(function() { buildController(); }); it ('should set the correct viewable property', function() { expect(fetchPresentPropertiesWithName('versionName')[0].value.viewable).to.equal(false); }); }); context('versionViewable is true', function() { beforeEach(function() { workPackage.links.version = { href: "/versions/1" }; buildController(); }); it('should return the version as a link with correct href', function() { expect(fetchPresentPropertiesWithName('versionName')[0].value.href).to.equal('/versions/1'); }); it('should return the version as a link with correct title', function() { expect(fetchPresentPropertiesWithName('versionName')[0].value.title).to.equal('Test version'); }); it ('should set the correct viewable property', function() { expect(fetchPresentPropertiesWithName('versionName')[0].value.viewable).to.equal(true); }); }); }); describe('is "user"', function() { beforeEach(function() { workPackage.embedded['assignee'] = { id: 1, name: 'Waya Namamo' } buildController(); }); it('should return object with correct id', function() { expect(fetchPresentPropertiesWithName('assignee')[0].value.id).to.equal(1); }); it('should return object with correct name', function() { expect(fetchPresentPropertiesWithName('assignee')[0].value.name).to.equal('Waya Namamo'); }); }); }); describe('custom field properties', function() { var customPropertyName = 'color'; describe('when the property has a value', function() { beforeEach(function() { formatCustomFieldValueSpy = sinon.spy(CustomFieldHelper, 'formatCustomFieldValue'); buildController(); }); afterEach(function() { CustomFieldHelper.formatCustomFieldValue.restore(); }); it('adds properties to present properties', function() { expect(fetchPresentPropertiesWithName(customPropertyName)).to.have.length(1); }); it('formats values using the custom field helper', function() { expect(CustomFieldHelper.formatCustomFieldValue.calledWith('red', 'text')).to.be.true; }); }); describe('when the property does not have a value', function() { beforeEach(function() { workPackage.props.customProperties[0].value = null; buildController(); }); it('adds the custom property to empty properties', function() { expect(scope.emptyWorkPackageProperties.indexOf(customPropertyName)).to.be.greaterThan(-1); }); }); describe('user custom property', function() { var userId = '1'; beforeEach(function() { workPackage.props.customProperties[0].value = userId; workPackage.props.customProperties[0].format = 'user'; getUserSpy = sinon.spy(UserService, 'getUser'); buildController(); }); it('fetches the user using the user service', function() { expect(UserService.getUser.calledWith(userId)).to.be.true; }); }); }); describe('Plug-in properties', function() { var propertyName = 'myPluginProperty'; var directiveName = 'my-plugin-property-directive'; beforeEach(function() { gon.settings = { }; gon.settings.work_package_attributes = [propertyName]; var attributes = DEFAULT_WORK_PACKAGE_PROPERTIES.slice(0); attributes.push(propertyName); workPackageAttributesStub.returns(attributes); var workPackageOverviewAttributesStub = sinon.stub(HookService, "call"); workPackageOverviewAttributesStub.withArgs('workPackageOverviewAttributes', { type: propertyName, workPackage: workPackage }) .returns([directiveName]); workPackageOverviewAttributesStub.returns([]); buildController(); }); it('adds plug-in property to present properties', function() { expect(fetchPresentPropertiesWithName(propertyName)).to.have.length(1); }); it('adds plug-in property to present properties', function() { var propertyData = fetchPresentPropertiesWithName(propertyName)[0]; expect(propertyData.property).to.eq(propertyName); expect(propertyData.format).to.eq('dynamic'); expect(propertyData.value).to.eq(directiveName); }); }); describe('Properties are sorted', function() { beforeEach(function() { var stub = sinon.stub(I18n, 't'); stub.withArgs('js.work_packages.properties.spentTime').returns('SpentTime'); stub.returnsArg(0); buildController(); }); afterEach(function() { I18n.t.restore(); }); it('sorts list of non-empty properties', function() { var isSorted = function(element, index, array) { return index === 0 || String(array[index - 1].label.toLowerCase()) <= String(element.label.toLowerCase()); }; // Don't consider the first 6 properties because those are predefined // and will not be sorted. expect(scope.presentWorkPackageProperties.slice(6).every(isSorted)).to.be.true; }); it('sorts list of empty properties', function() { var isSorted = function(element, index, array) { return index === 0 || String(array[index - 1].toLowerCase()) <= String(element.toLowerCase()); }; expect(scope.emptyWorkPackageProperties.every(isSorted)).to.be.true; }); }); }); });