# OpenProject Configuration This file describes a part of the OpenProject configuration. You can find general installation instructions [here](INSTALL.md). OpenProject also allows configuring many aspects via its admin interface. The config/settings.yml file should *not* be used for changing these settings. OpenProject can be configured either via a `configuration.yml` file, environment variables or a mix of both. While the latter is probably a bad idea, the environment variable option is often helpful for automatically deploying production systems. Using the configuration file is probably the simplest way of configuration. You can find a list of options below and an example file in [`config/configuration.yml.example`](../config/configuration.yml.example). ## Environment variables When using environment variables, you can set the options by setting environment variables with the name of the options below in uppercase. So for example, to configure email delivery via an SMTP server, you can set the following environment variables: ```bash EMAIL_DELIVERY_METHOD="smtp" SMTP_ADDRESS="smtp.example.net" SMTP_PORT="587" SMTP_DOMAIN="example.net" SMTP_AUTHENTICAITON="plain" SMTP_USER_NAME="user" SMTP_PASSWORD="password" SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS_AUTO="true" ``` In case you want to use environment variables, but you have no easy way to set them on a specific systme, you can use the [dotenv](https://github.com/bkeepers/dotenv) gem. It automatically sets environment variables written to a .env file for a Rails application. ### Nested Values You can override nested configuration values as well by joining the respective hash keys with underscores. Underscores within keys have to be escaped by doubling them. For example, given the following configuration: storage: tmp_path: tmp You can override it by defining the following environment variable: OPENPROJECT_STORAGE_TMP__PATH=/some/other/path You can also add new values this way. For instance you could add another field 'type' to the storage config above like this: OPENPROJECT_STORAGE_TYPE=nfs ## List of options * `attachments_storage_path` * `autologin_cookie_name` (default: 'autologin'), * `autologin_cookie_path` (default: '/') * `autologin_cookie_secure` (default: false) * `database_cipher_key` (default: nil) * `scm_git_command` (default: 'git') * `scm_subversion_command` (default: 'git') * `session_store`: `active_record_store`, `cache_store`, or `cookie_store` (default: cache_store) * [`omniauth_direct_login_provider`](#omniauth-direct-login-provider) (default: nil) * [`disable_password_login`](#disable-password-login) (default: false) ### disable password login *default: false* If you enable this option you have to configure at least one omniauth authentication provider to take care of authentication instead of the password login. All username/password forms will be removed and only a list of omniauth providers presented to the users. ### omniauth direct login provider *default: nil* Example: omniauth_direct_login_provider: google Per default the user may choose the usual password login as well as several omniauth providers on the login page and in the login drop down menu. With his configuration option you can set a specific omniauth provider to be used for direct login. Meaning that the login provider selection is skipped and the configured provider is used directly instead. If this option is active /login will lead directly to the configured omniauth provider and so will a click on 'Sign in' (as opposed to opening the drop down menu). Note that this does not stop a user from manually navigating to any other omniauth provider if additional ones are configured. ## Email configuration * `email_delivery_method`: The way emails should be delivered. Possible values: `smtp` or `sendmail` ### SMTP Options: * `smtp_address`: SMTP server hostname, e.g. `smtp.example.net` * `smtp_port`: SMTP server port. Common options are `25` and `587`. * `smtp_domain`: The domain told to the SMTP server, probably the hostname of your OpenProject instance (sent in the HELO domain command). Example: `example.net` * `smtp_authentication`: Authentication method, possible values: `plain`, `login`, `cram_md5` (optional, only when authentication is required) * `smtp_user_name`: Username for authentication against the SMTP server (optional, only when authentication is required) * `smtp_password` (optional, only when authentication is required) * `smtp_enable_starttls_auto`: You can disable STARTTLS here in case it doesn't work. Make sure you don't login to a SMTP server over a public network when using this. This setting can't currently be used via environment variables, since setting options to `false` is only possible via a YAML file. (default: true, optional) * `smtp_openssl_verify_mode`: Define how the SMTP server certificate is validated. Make sure you don't just disable verification here unless both, OpenProject and SMTP servers are on a private network. Possible values: `none`, `peer`, `client_once` or `fail_if_no_peer_cert` ## Cache Options: * `rails_cache_store`: `memcache` for [memcached](http://www.memcached.org/) or `memory_store` (default: `file_store`) * `cache_memcache_server`: The memcache server host and IP (default: ``) * `cache_expires_in`: Expiration time for memcache entries (default: `0`, no expiry) * `cache_namespace`: Namespace for cache keys, useful when multiple applications use a single memcache server (default: none)