<%#-- copyright OpenProject is a project management system. Copyright (C) 2012-2013 the OpenProject Team This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. ++#%> <% breadcrumb_paths(nil) %>
<%= textilizable Setting.welcome_text %>
<% if @news.any? %>


<%= render :partial => 'news/news', :collection => @news %> <%= link_to l(:label_news_view_all), :controller => '/news' %>
<% end %> <%= call_hook(:view_welcome_index_left, :projects => @projects) %>
<% if @projects.any? %>


<% end %> <%= call_hook(:view_welcome_index_right, :projects => @projects) %>
<% content_for :header_tags do %> <%= auto_discovery_link_tag(:atom, {:controller => '/news', :action => 'index', :key => User.current.rss_key, :format => 'atom'}, :title => "#{Setting.app_title}: #{l(:label_news_latest)}") %> <%= auto_discovery_link_tag(:atom, {:controller => '/activities', :action => 'index', :key => User.current.rss_key, :format => 'atom'}, :title => "#{Setting.app_title}: #{l(:label_activity)}") %> <% end %>