title: Project settings
priority: 500
description: Configure your project in OpenProject.
robots: index, follow
keywords: project settings
# Project settings
Customize your project in the project settings.
Open a project via the Select a project drop-down menu and navigate to -> *Project settings* in the project menu.
**Note**: You have to be a project admin in order to see and access to project settings.
## Overview
| Feature | Documentation for |
| ------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| [Project information](project-information) | Define project name, subproject, description, project status, and much more. |
| [Modules](modules) | Activate or deactivate modules in a project. |
| [Work package types](work-package-types) | Activate or deactivate work package types in a project. |
| [Work package categories](work-package-categories) | Create and manage work package categories. |
| [Custom fields](custom-fields) | Activate or deactivate custom fields for a project. |
| [Versions](versions) | Create and manage versions in a project. |
| [Repository](repository) | Activate and manage a SVN or GIT repository for a project. |
| [Activities (time tracking)](activities-time-tracking) | Activate or deactivate Activities (for time tracking) in a project. |
| [Backlogs settings](backlogs-settings) | Manage backlogs settings for a project. |