%#-- copyright
OpenProject is a project management system.
Copyright (C) 2012-2013 the OpenProject Team
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.
See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details.
<% if User.current.allowed_to?(:add_subprojects, @project) %>
<%= link_to l(:label_subproject_new), {:controller => '/projects', :action => 'new', :parent_id => @project}, :class => 'icon icon-add' %>
<% end %>
<%= textilizable @project.description %>
<% if @project.homepage.present? %>
- <%= Project.human_attribute_name(:homepage) %>: <%=raw auto_link(@project.homepage) %>
<% end %>
<% if @subprojects.any? %>
<%= l(:label_subproject_plural) %>:
<%=raw @subprojects.map { |project| link_to(project.name, project) }.to_sentence %>
<% end %>
<% @project.visible_custom_field_values.each do |custom_value| %>
<% if custom_value.value.present? %>
- <%= custom_value.custom_field.name %>: <%= show_value(custom_value) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if User.current.allowed_to?(:view_work_packages, @project) %>
<% for type in @types %>
- <%= link_to (type.is_standard) ? l(:default_type) : h(type.name),
:controller => '/issues', :action => 'index', :project_id => @project,
:set_filter => 1,
"type_id" => type.id %>:
<%= l(:label_x_open_issues_abbr_on_total, :count => @open_issues_by_type[type].to_i,
:total => @total_issues_by_type[type].to_i) %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to l(:label_issue_view_all), :controller => '/issues', :action => 'index', :project_id => @project, :set_filter => 1 %>
<% if User.current.allowed_to?(:view_calendar, @project, :global => true) %>
| <%= link_to(l(:label_calendar), :controller => '/issues/calendars', :action => 'index', :project_id => @project) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= call_hook(:view_projects_show_left, :project => @project) %>
<%= render :partial => 'members_box' %>
<% if @news.any? && authorize_for('news', 'index') %>
<%= render :partial => 'news/news', :collection => @news %>
<%= link_to l(:label_news_view_all), :controller => '/news', :action => 'index', :project_id => @project %>
<% end %>
<%= call_hook(:view_projects_show_right, :project => @project) %>
<% content_for :sidebar do %>
<% if @total_hours.present? %>
<%= link_to(l(:label_details), {:controller => '/timelog', :action => 'index', :project_id => @project}) %> |
<%= link_to(l(:label_report), {:controller => '/time_entry_reports', :action => 'report', :project_id => @project}) %>
<% if authorize_for('timelog', 'new') %>
| <%= link_to l(:button_log_time), {:controller => '/timelog', :action => 'new', :project_id => @project} %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= call_hook(:view_projects_show_sidebar_bottom, :project => @project) %>
<% end %>
<% content_for :header_tags do %>
<%= auto_discovery_link_tag(:atom, {:controller => '/activities', :action => 'index', :id => @project, :format => 'atom', :key => User.current.rss_key}) %>
<% end %>
<% html_title(l(:label_overview)) -%>