#-- copyright # OpenProject is an open source project management software. # Copyright (C) 2012-2020 the OpenProject GmbH # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: # Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Jean-Philippe Lang # Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # See docs/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ module RbCommonHelper def assignee_id_or_empty(story) story.assigned_to_id.to_s end def assignee_name_or_empty(story) story.blank? || story.assigned_to.blank? ? '' : "#{story.assigned_to.firstname} #{story.assigned_to.lastname}" end def blocks_ids(ids) ids.sort.join(',') end def build_inline_style(task) is_assigned_task?(task) ? color_style(task) : '' end def color_style(task) background_color = get_backlogs_preference(task.assigned_to, :task_color) "style=\"background-color:#{background_color};\"".html_safe end def color_contrast_class(task) if is_assigned_task?(task) color_contrast(background_color_hex(task)) ? 'light' : 'dark' else '' end end # Return true if the difference between two colors # matches the W3C recommendations for readability # See http://www.wat-c.org/tools/CCA/1.1/ def colors_diff_ok?(color_1, color_2) cont, bright = find_color_diff color_1, color_2 (cont > 500) && (bright > 125) # Acceptable diff according to w3c end def color_contrast(color) _, bright = find_color_diff 0x000000, color (bright > 128) end # Return the contrast and brightness difference between two RGB values def find_color_diff(c1, c2) r1, g1, b1 = break_color c1 r2, g2, b2 = break_color c2 cont_diff = (r1 - r2).abs + (g1 - g2).abs + (b1 - b2).abs # Color contrast bright1 = (r1 * 299 + g1 * 587 + b1 * 114) / 1000 bright2 = (r2 * 299 + g2 * 587 + b2 * 114) / 1000 brt_diff = (bright1 - bright2).abs # Color brightness diff [cont_diff, brt_diff] end # Break a color into the R, G and B components def break_color(rgb) r = (rgb & 0xff0000) >> 16 g = (rgb & 0x00ff00) >> 8 b = rgb & 0x0000ff [r, g, b] end def is_assigned_task?(task) !(task.blank? || task.assigned_to.blank?) end def background_color_hex(task) background_color = get_backlogs_preference(task.assigned_to, :task_color) background_color_hex = background_color.sub(/\#/, '0x').hex end def id_or_empty(item) item.id.to_s end def shortened_id(record) id = record.id.to_s (id.length > 8 ? "#{id[0..1]}...#{id[-4..-1]}" : id) end def work_package_link_or_empty(work_package) modal_link_to_work_package(work_package.id, work_package, class: 'prevent_edit') unless work_package.new_record? end def modal_link_to_work_package(title, work_package, options = {}) modal_link_to(title, work_package_path(work_package), options) end def modal_link_to(title, path, options = {}) html_id = "modal_work_package_#{SecureRandom.hex(10)}" link_to(title, path, options.merge(id: html_id, target: '_blank')) end def sprint_link_or_empty(item) item_id = item.id.to_s text = (item_id.length > 8 ? "#{item_id[0..1]}...#{item_id[-4..-1]}" : item_id) if item.new_record? '' else link_to(text, backlogs_project_sprint_path(id: item.id, project_id: item.project.identifier), class: 'prevent_edit') end end def mark_if_closed(story) !story.new_record? && work_package_status_for_id(story.status_id).is_closed? ? 'closed' : '' end def story_points_or_empty(story) story.story_points.to_s end def status_id_or_default(story) story.new_record? ? new_record_status.id : story.status_id end def status_label_or_default(story) story.new_record? ? new_record_status.name : h(work_package_status_for_id(story.status_id).name) end def sprint_html_id_or_empty(sprint) sprint.id.nil? ? '' : "sprint_#{sprint.id}" end def story_html_id_or_empty(story) story.id.nil? ? '' : "story_#{story.id}" end def type_id_or_empty(story) story.type_id.to_s end def type_name_or_empty(story) story.type.nil? ? '' : h(backlogs_types_by_id[story.type_id].name) end def updated_on_with_milliseconds(story) date_string_with_milliseconds(story.updated_on, 0.001) unless story.blank? end def date_string_with_milliseconds(d, add = 0) return '' if d.blank? d.strftime('%B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S') + '.' + (d.to_f % 1 + add).to_s.split('.')[1] end def remaining_hours(item) item.remaining_hours.blank? || item.remaining_hours == 0 ? '' : item.remaining_hours end def available_story_types @available_story_types ||= begin types = story_types & @project.types if @project types end end def available_statuses_by_type @available_statuses_by_type ||= begin available_statuses_by_type = Hash.new do |type_hash, type| type_hash[type] = Hash.new do |status_hash, status| status_hash[status] = [status] end end workflows = all_workflows workflows.each do |w| type_status = available_statuses_by_type[story_types_by_id[w.type_id]][w.old_status] type_status << w.new_status unless type_status.include?(w.new_status) end available_statuses_by_type end end def show_burndown_link(project, sprint) link_to(I18n.t('backlogs.show_burndown_chart'), backlogs_project_sprint_burndown_chart_path(project.identifier, sprint), class: 'show_burndown_chart button', target: :_blank) end private def new_record_status @new_record_status ||= all_work_package_status.first end def default_work_package_status @default_work_package_status ||= all_work_package_status.detect(&:is_default) end def work_package_status_for_id(id) @all_work_package_status_by_id ||= begin all_work_package_status.inject({}) do |mem, status| mem[status.id] = status mem end end @all_work_package_status_by_id[id] end def all_workflows @all_workflows ||= Workflow.includes([:new_status, :old_status]) .where(role_id: User.current.roles_for_project(@project).map(&:id), type_id: story_types.map(&:id)) end def all_work_package_status @all_work_package_status ||= Status.order(Arel.sql('position ASC')) end def backlogs_types @backlogs_types ||= begin backlogs_ids = Setting.plugin_openproject_backlogs['story_types'] backlogs_ids << Setting.plugin_openproject_backlogs['task_type'] Type.where(id: backlogs_ids).order(Arel.sql('position ASC')) end end def backlogs_types_by_id @backlogs_types_by_id ||= begin backlogs_types.inject({}) do |mem, type| mem[type.id] = type mem end end end def story_types @story_types ||= begin backlogs_type_ids = Setting.plugin_openproject_backlogs['story_types'].map(&:to_i) backlogs_types.select { |t| backlogs_type_ids.include?(t.id) } end end def story_types_by_id @story_types_by_id ||= begin story_types.inject({}) do |mem, type| mem[type.id] = type mem end end end def get_backlogs_preference(assignee, attr) assignee.is_a?(User) ? assignee.backlogs_preference(attr) : '#24B3E7' end def template_story Story.new.tap do |s| s.type = available_story_types.first end end end