Given /^there is a standard permission test project named "([^\"]*)"$/ do |name| steps %Q{ Given there is 1 project with the following: | Name | #{name} | And the project "#{name}" has 1 issue with: | subject | #{name}issue | And there is a role "Testuser" And the role "Testuser" may have the following rights: | view_own_hourly_rate | | view_hourly_rates | | view_cost_rates | | view_own_time_entries | | view_own_cost_entries | | view_cost_entries | | view_time_entries | And there is 1 User with: | Login | testuser | | Firstname | Test | | Lastname | User | | default rate | 0.01 | And the user "testuser" is a "Testuser" in the project "#{name}" And there is 1 User with: | Login | otheruser | | Firstname | Other | | Lastname | User | | default rate | 0.05 | And the user "otheruser" is a "Testuser" in the project "#{name}" And there is 1 cost type with the following: | name | one | | cost rate | 1.00 | And there is 1 cost type with the following: | name | ten | | cost rate | 10.00 | And the issue "#{name}issue" has 1 time entry with the following: | hours | 1 | | user | testuser | And the issue "#{name}issue" has 1 time entry with the following: | hours | 2 | | user | otheruser | And the issue "#{name}issue" has 1 cost entry with the following: | units | 1 | | user | testuser | | cost type | one | And the issue "#{name}issue" has 1 cost entry with the following: | units | 1 | | user | otheruser | | cost type | ten | } end Given /^I set the filter "([^"]*)" to "([^"]*)" with the operator "([^"]*)"$/ do |filter, value, operator| locate :xpath, "//body" page.evaluate_script("restore_filter(\"#{filter}\", \"#{operator}\", \"#{value}\")") end When /^I send the query$/ do find(:xpath, '//p[@class="buttons"]/a[@class="button apply"]').click end Then /^filter "([^"]*)" should (not )?be visible$/ do |filter, negative| bool = negative ? false : true page.evaluate_script("$('tr_#{filter}').visible()") =~ /^#{bool}$/ end Given /^I group (rows|columns) by "([^"]*)"/ do |target, group| destination = target == "rows" ? "moveLeft" : "moveUp" When %{I select "#{group}" from "group_by_container"} find(:xpath, "//input[@class='buttons group_by move #{destination}']").click end