#-- copyright # OpenProject Costs Plugin # # Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # version 3. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. #++ require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper.rb') describe CostlogController, type: :controller do include Cost::PluginSpecHelper let (:project) { FactoryBot.create(:project_with_types) } let (:work_package) { FactoryBot.create(:work_package, project: project, author: user, type: project.types.first) } let (:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user) } let (:user2) { FactoryBot.create(:user) } let (:controller) { FactoryBot.build(:role, permissions: [:log_costs, :edit_cost_entries]) } let (:cost_type) { FactoryBot.build(:cost_type) } let (:cost_entry) { FactoryBot.build(:cost_entry, work_package: work_package, project: project, spent_on: Date.today, overridden_costs: 400, units: 100, user: user, comments: '') } let(:work_package_status) { FactoryBot.create(:work_package_status, is_default: true) } def grant_current_user_permissions(user, permissions) member = FactoryBot.build(:member, project: project, principal: user) member.roles << FactoryBot.build(:role, permissions: permissions) member.principal = user member.save! user.reload # in order to refresh the member/membership associations allow(User).to receive(:current).and_return(user) end def disable_flash_sweep allow(@controller.flash).to receive(:sweep) end shared_examples_for 'assigns' do it do expect(assigns(:cost_entry).project).to eq(expected_project) expect(assigns(:cost_entry).work_package).to eq(expected_work_package) expect(assigns(:cost_entry).user).to eq(expected_user) expect(assigns(:cost_entry).spent_on).to eq(expected_spent_on) expect(assigns(:cost_entry).cost_type).to eq(expected_cost_type) expect(assigns(:cost_entry).units).to eq(expected_units) expect(assigns(:cost_entry).overridden_costs).to eq(expected_overridden_costs) end end before do disable_flash_sweep allow(@controller).to receive(:check_if_login_required) end after do User.current = nil end describe 'GET new' do let(:params) { { 'work_package_id' => work_package.id.to_s } } let(:expected_project) { project } let(:expected_work_package) { work_package } let(:expected_user) { user } let(:expected_spent_on) { Date.today } let(:expected_cost_type) { nil } let(:expected_overridden_costs) { nil } let(:expected_units) { nil } shared_examples_for 'successful new' do before do get :new, params: params end it { expect(response).to be_successful } it_should_behave_like 'assigns' it { expect(response).to render_template('edit') } end shared_examples_for 'forbidden new' do before do get :new, params: params end it { expect(response.response_code).to eq(403) } end describe 'WHEN user allowed to create new cost_entry' do before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [:log_costs] end it_should_behave_like 'successful new' end describe "WHEN user allowed to create new cost_entry WHEN a default cost_type exists" do let(:expected_cost_type) { cost_type } before do cost_type.default = true cost_type.save! grant_current_user_permissions user, [:log_costs] end it_should_behave_like 'successful new' end describe 'WHEN user is allowed to create new own cost_entry' do before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [:log_own_costs] end it_should_behave_like 'successful new' end describe 'WHEN user is not allowed to create new cost_entries' do before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [] end it_should_behave_like 'forbidden new' end end describe 'GET edit' do let(:params) { { 'id' => cost_entry.id.to_s } } before do cost_entry.save(validate: false) end shared_examples_for 'successful edit' do before do get :edit, params: params end it { expect(response).to be_successful } it { expect(assigns(:cost_entry)).to eq(cost_entry) } it { expect(assigns(:cost_entry)).not_to be_changed } it { expect(response).to render_template('edit') } end shared_examples_for 'forbidden edit' do before do get :edit, params: params end it { expect(response.response_code).to eq(403) } end describe 'WHEN the user is allowed to edit cost_entries' do before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [:edit_cost_entries] end it_should_behave_like 'successful edit' end describe "WHEN the user is allowed to edit cost_entries WHEN trying to edit a not own cost_entry" do before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [:edit_cost_entries] cost_entry.user = FactoryBot.create(:user) cost_entry.save(validate: false) end it_should_behave_like 'successful edit' end describe 'WHEN the user is allowed to edit own cost_entries' do before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [:edit_own_cost_entries] end it_should_behave_like 'successful edit' end describe "WHEN the user is allowed to edit own cost_entries WHEN trying to edit a not own cost_entry" do before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [:edit_own_cost_entries] cost_entry.user = FactoryBot.create(:user) cost_entry.save(validate: false) end it_should_behave_like 'forbidden edit' end describe 'WHEN the user is not allowed to edit cost_entries' do before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [] end it_should_behave_like 'forbidden edit' end describe "WHEN the user is allowed to edit cost_entries WHEN the cost_entry is associated to a different project" do before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [:edit_cost_entries] cost_entry.project = FactoryBot.create(:project_with_types) cost_entry.work_package = FactoryBot.create(:work_package, project: cost_entry.project, type: cost_entry.project.types.first, author: user) cost_entry.save! end it_should_behave_like 'forbidden edit' end describe "WHEN the user is allowed to edit cost_entries WHEN the provided id is invalid" do before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [:edit_cost_entries] params['id'] = (cost_entry.id + 1).to_s get :edit, params: params end it { expect(response.response_code).to eq(404) } end end describe 'POST create' do let (:params) { { 'project_id' => project.id.to_s, 'cost_entry' => { 'user_id' => user.id.to_s, 'work_package_id' => (work_package.present? ? work_package.id.to_s : ''), 'units' => units.to_s, 'cost_type_id' => (cost_type.present? ? cost_type.id.to_s : ''), 'comments' => 'lorem', 'spent_on' => date.to_s, 'overridden_costs' => overridden_costs.to_s } } } let(:expected_project) { project } let(:expected_work_package) { work_package } let(:expected_user) { user } let(:expected_overridden_costs) { overridden_costs } let(:expected_spent_on) { date } let(:expected_cost_type) { cost_type } let(:expected_units) { units } let(:user2) { FactoryBot.create(:user) } let(:date) { '2012-04-03'.to_date } let(:overridden_costs) { 500.00 } let(:units) { 5.0 } before do cost_type.save! if cost_type.present? end shared_examples_for 'successful create' do before do post :create, params: params end it { expect(response).to be_redirect } it { expect(assigns(:cost_entry)).not_to be_new_record } it_should_behave_like 'assigns' it { expect(flash[:notice]).to eql('Unit cost logged successfully.') } end shared_examples_for 'invalid create' do before do post :create, params: params end it { expect(response).to be_successful } it_should_behave_like 'assigns' it { expect(flash[:notice]).to be_nil } end shared_examples_for 'forbidden create' do before do post :create, params: params end it { expect(response.response_code).to eq(403) } end describe 'WHEN the user is allowed to create cost_entries' do before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [:log_costs] end it_should_behave_like 'successful create' end describe 'WHEN the user is allowed to create own cost_entries' do before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [:log_own_costs] end it_should_behave_like 'successful create' end describe "WHEN the user is allowed to create cost_entries WHEN no date is specified" do let(:expected_spent_on) { Date.today } before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [:log_costs] params['cost_entry'].delete('spent_on') end it_should_behave_like 'successful create' end describe "WHEN the user is allowed to create cost_entries WHEN a non existing cost_type_id is specified WHEN no default cost_type is defined" do let(:expected_cost_type) { nil } before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [:log_costs] params['cost_entry']['cost_type_id'] = (cost_type.id + 1).to_s end it_should_behave_like 'invalid create' end describe "WHEN the user is allowed to create cost_entries WHEN a non existing cost_type_id is specified WHEN a default cost_type is defined" do let(:expected_cost_type) { nil } before do FactoryBot.create(:cost_type, default: true) grant_current_user_permissions user, [:log_costs] params['cost_entry']['cost_type_id'] = 1 end it_should_behave_like 'invalid create' end describe "WHEN the user is allowed to create cost_entries WHEN no cost_type is specified WHEN a default cost_type is defined" do let(:expected_cost_type) { nil } before do FactoryBot.create(:cost_type, default: true) grant_current_user_permissions user, [:log_costs] params['cost_entry'].delete('cost_type_id') end it_should_behave_like 'invalid create' end describe "WHEN the user is allowed to create cost_entries WHEN no cost_type is specified WHEN no default cost_type is defined" do let(:expected_cost_type) { nil } before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [:log_costs] params['cost_entry'].delete('cost_type_id') end it_should_behave_like 'invalid create' end describe "WHEN the user is allowed to create cost_entries WHEN the cost_type id provided belongs to an inactive cost_type" do before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [:log_costs] cost_type.deleted_at = Date.today cost_type.save! end it_should_behave_like 'invalid create' end describe "WHEN the user is allowed to create cost_entries WHEN the user is allowed to log cost for someone else and is doing so WHEN the other user is a member of the project" do before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [] grant_current_user_permissions user2, [:log_costs] params['cost_entry']['user_id'] = user.id.to_s end it_should_behave_like 'successful create' end describe "WHEN the user is allowed to create cost_entries WHEN the user is allowed to log cost for someone else and is doing so WHEN the other user isn't a member of the project" do before do grant_current_user_permissions user2, [:log_costs] params['cost_entry']['user_id'] = user.id.to_s end it_should_behave_like 'invalid create' end describe "WHEN the user is allowed to create cost_entries WHEN the id of an work_package not included in the provided project is provided" do let(:project2) { FactoryBot.create(:project_with_types) } let(:work_package2) { FactoryBot.create(:work_package, project: project2, type: project2.types.first, author: user) } let(:expected_work_package) { work_package2 } before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [:log_costs] params['cost_entry']['work_package_id'] = work_package2.id end it_should_behave_like 'invalid create' end describe "WHEN the user is allowed to create cost_entries WHEN no work_package_id is provided" do let(:expected_work_package) { nil } before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [:log_costs] params['cost_entry'].delete('work_package_id') end it_should_behave_like 'invalid create' end describe "WHEN the user is allowed to create own cost_entries WHEN the user is trying to log costs for somebody else" do before do grant_current_user_permissions user2, [:log_own_costs] params['cost_entry']['user_id'] = user.id end it_should_behave_like 'forbidden create' end describe 'WHEN the user is not allowed to create cost_entries' do before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [] end it_should_behave_like 'forbidden create' end end describe 'PUT update' do let(:params) { { 'id' => cost_entry.id.to_s, 'cost_entry' => { 'comments' => 'lorem', 'work_package_id' => cost_entry.work_package.id.to_s, 'units' => cost_entry.units.to_s, 'spent_on' => cost_entry.spent_on.to_s, 'user_id' => cost_entry.user.id.to_s, 'cost_type_id' => cost_entry.cost_type.id.to_s } } } before do cost_entry.save(validate: false) end let(:expected_work_package) { cost_entry.work_package } let(:expected_user) { cost_entry.user } let(:expected_project) { cost_entry.project } let(:expected_cost_type) { cost_entry.cost_type } let(:expected_units) { cost_entry.units } let(:expected_overridden_costs) { cost_entry.overridden_costs } let(:expected_spent_on) { cost_entry.spent_on } shared_examples_for 'successful update' do before do put :update, params: params end it { expect(response).to be_redirect } it { expect(assigns(:cost_entry)).to eq(cost_entry) } it_should_behave_like 'assigns' it { expect(assigns(:cost_entry)).not_to be_changed } it { expect(flash[:notice]).to eql I18n.t(:notice_successful_update) } end shared_examples_for 'invalid update' do before do put :update, params: params end it_should_behave_like 'assigns' it { expect(response).to be_successful } it { expect(flash[:notice]).to be_nil } end shared_examples_for 'forbidden update' do before do put :update, params: params end it { expect(response.response_code).to eq(403) } end describe "WHEN the user is allowed to update cost_entries WHEN updating: work_package_id user_id units cost_type overridden_costs spent_on" do let(:expected_work_package) { FactoryBot.create(:work_package, project: project, type: project.types.first, author: user) } let(:expected_user) { FactoryBot.create(:user) } let(:expected_spent_on) { cost_entry.spent_on + 4.days } let(:expected_units) { cost_entry.units + 20 } let(:expected_cost_type) { FactoryBot.create(:cost_type) } let(:expected_overridden_costs) { cost_entry.overridden_costs + 300 } before do grant_current_user_permissions expected_user, [] grant_current_user_permissions user, [:edit_cost_entries] params['cost_entry']['work_package_id'] = expected_work_package.id.to_s params['cost_entry']['user_id'] = expected_user.id.to_s params['cost_entry']['spent_on'] = expected_spent_on.to_s params['cost_entry']['units'] = expected_units.to_s params['cost_entry']['cost_type_id'] = expected_cost_type.id.to_s params['cost_entry']['overridden_costs'] = expected_overridden_costs.to_s end it_should_behave_like 'successful update' end describe "WHEN the user is allowed to update cost_entries WHEN updating nothing" do before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [:edit_cost_entries] end it_should_behave_like 'successful update' end describe "WHEN the user is allowed ot update own cost_entries WHEN updating something" do let(:expected_units) { cost_entry.units + 20 } before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [:edit_own_cost_entries] params['cost_entry']['units'] = expected_units.to_s end it_should_behave_like 'successful update' end describe "WHEN the user is allowed to update cost_entries WHEN updating the user WHEN the new user isn't a member of the project" do let(:user2) { FactoryBot.create(:user) } let(:expected_user) { user2 } before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [:edit_cost_entries] params['cost_entry']['user_id'] = user2.id.to_s end it_should_behave_like 'invalid update' end describe "WHEN the user is allowed to update cost_entries WHEN updating the work_package WHEN the new work_package isn't an work_package of the current project" do let(:project2) { FactoryBot.create(:project_with_types) } let(:work_package2) { FactoryBot.create(:work_package, project: project2, type: project2.types.first) } let(:expected_work_package) { work_package2 } before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [:edit_cost_entries] params['cost_entry']['work_package_id'] = work_package2.id.to_s end it_should_behave_like 'invalid update' end describe "WHEN the user is allowed to update cost_entries WHEN updating the work_package WHEN the new work_package_id isn't existing" do let(:expected_work_package) { nil } before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [:edit_cost_entries] params['cost_entry']['work_package_id'] = (work_package.id + 1).to_s end it_should_behave_like 'invalid update' end describe "WHEN the user is allowed to update cost_entries WHEN updating the cost_type WHEN the new cost_type is deleted" do let(:expected_cost_type) { FactoryBot.create(:cost_type, deleted_at: Date.today) } before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [:edit_cost_entries] params['cost_entry']['cost_type_id'] = expected_cost_type.id.to_s end it_should_behave_like 'invalid update' end describe "WHEN the user is allowed to update cost_entries WHEN updating the cost_type WHEN the new cost_type doesn't exist" do let(:expected_cost_type) { nil } before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [:edit_cost_entries] params['cost_entry']['cost_type_id'] = '1' end it_should_behave_like 'invalid update' end describe "WHEN the user is allowed to update own cost_entries and not all WHEN updating own cost entry WHEN updating the user" do let(:user3) { FactoryBot.create(:user) } before do grant_current_user_permissions user, [:edit_own_cost_entries] params['cost_entry']['user_id'] = user3.id end it_should_behave_like 'forbidden update' end describe "WHEN the user is allowed to update own cost_entries and not all WHEN updating foreign cost_entry WHEN updating someting" do let(:user3) { FactoryBot.create(:user) } before do grant_current_user_permissions user3, [:edit_own_cost_entries] params['cost_entry']['units'] = (cost_entry.units + 20).to_s end it_should_behave_like 'forbidden update' end end end