#-- copyright # OpenProject is an open source project management software. # Copyright (C) 2012-2021 the OpenProject GmbH # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: # Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang # Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # See COPYRIGHT and LICENSE files for more details. #++ require 'spec_helper' describe 'Search', type: :feature, js: true, with_settings: { per_page_options: '5' }, with_mail: false do include ::Components::NgSelectAutocompleteHelpers shared_let(:admin) { FactoryBot.create :admin } let(:user) { admin } let(:project) { FactoryBot.create :project } let(:searchable) { true } let(:is_filter) { true } let!(:work_packages) do (1..12).map do |n| Timecop.freeze("2016-11-21 #{n}:00".to_datetime) do subject = "Subject No. #{n} WP" FactoryBot.create :work_package, subject: subject, project: project end end end let(:custom_field_text_value) { 'cf text value' } let!(:custom_field_text) do FactoryBot.create(:text_wp_custom_field, is_filter: is_filter, searchable: searchable).tap do |custom_field| project.work_package_custom_fields << custom_field work_packages.first.type.custom_fields << custom_field FactoryBot.create(:work_package_custom_value, custom_field: custom_field, customized: work_packages[0], value: custom_field_text_value) end end let(:custom_field_string_value) { 'cf string value' } let!(:custom_field_string) do FactoryBot.create(:string_wp_custom_field, is_for_all: true, is_filter: is_filter, searchable: searchable).tap do |custom_field| custom_field.save work_packages.first.type.custom_fields << custom_field FactoryBot.create(:work_package_custom_value, custom_field: custom_field, customized: work_packages[1], value: custom_field_string_value) end end let(:global_search) { ::Components::GlobalSearch.new } let(:query) { 'Subject' } let(:params) { [project, { q: query }] } let(:run_visit) { true } def expect_range(a, b) (a..b).each do |n| expect(page).to have_content("No. #{n} WP") expect(page).to have_selector("a[href*='#{work_package_path(work_packages[n - 1].id)}']") end end before do project.reload login_as user visit search_path(*params) if run_visit end describe 'autocomplete' do let!(:other_work_package) { FactoryBot.create(:work_package, subject: 'Other work package', project: project) } it 'provides suggestions' do global_search.search(query, submit: false) # Suggestions shall show latest WPs first. global_search.expect_work_package_option(work_packages[11]) # and show maximum 10 suggestions. global_search.expect_work_package_option(work_packages[2]) global_search.expect_no_work_package_option(work_packages[1]) # and unrelated work packages shall not get suggested global_search.expect_no_work_package_option(other_work_package) target_work_package = work_packages.last # If no direct match is available, the first option is marked global_search.expect_in_project_and_subproject_scope_marked # Expect redirection when WP is selected from results global_search.search(target_work_package.subject, submit: false) # Even though there is a work package named the same, we did not search by id # and thus the work package is not selected. global_search.expect_in_project_and_subproject_scope_marked # But we can open it by clicking global_search.click_work_package(target_work_package) expect(page) .to have_selector('.subject', text: target_work_package.subject) expect(current_path).to eql project_work_package_path(target_work_package.project, target_work_package, state: 'activity') search_target = work_packages.last # Typing a work package id shall find that work package global_search.search(search_target.id.to_s, submit: false) # And it shall be marked as the direct hit. global_search.expect_work_package_marked(search_target) # And the direct hit is opened when enter is pressed global_search.submit_with_enter expect(page) .to have_selector('.subject', text: search_target.subject) expect(current_path).to eql project_work_package_path(search_target.project, search_target, state: 'activity') # Typing a hash sign before an ID shall only suggest that work package and (no hits within the subject) global_search.search("##{search_target.id}", submit: false) global_search.expect_work_package_marked(search_target) # Expect to have 3 project scope selecting menu entries global_search.expect_scope('In this project ↵') global_search.expect_scope('In this project + subprojects ↵') global_search.expect_scope('In all projects ↵') # Selection project scope 'In all projects' redirects away from current project. global_search.submit_in_global_scope expect(current_path).to match(/\/search/) expect(current_url).to match(/\/search\?q=#{"%23#{search_target.id}"}&work_packages=1&scope=all$/) end end describe 'search for work packages' do context 'search in all projects' do let(:params) { [project, { q: query, work_packages: 1 }] } context 'custom fields not searchable' do let(:searchable) { false } it "does not find WP via custom fields" do select_autocomplete(page.find('.top-menu-search--input'), query: "text", select_text: "In all projects ↵") table = Pages::EmbeddedWorkPackagesTable.new(find('.work-packages-embedded-view--container')) table.ensure_work_package_not_listed!(work_packages[0]) table.ensure_work_package_not_listed!(work_packages[1]) end end context 'custom fields are no filters' do let(:is_filter) { false } it "does not find WP via custom fields" do select_autocomplete(page.find('.top-menu-search--input'), query: "text", select_text: "In all projects ↵") table = Pages::EmbeddedWorkPackagesTable.new(find('.work-packages-embedded-view--container')) table.ensure_work_package_not_listed!(work_packages[0]) table.ensure_work_package_not_listed!(work_packages[1]) end end context 'custom fields searchable' do it "finds WP global custom fields" do select_autocomplete(page.find('.top-menu-search--input'), query: "string", select_text: "In all projects ↵") table = Pages::EmbeddedWorkPackagesTable.new(find('.work-packages-embedded-view--container')) table.ensure_work_package_not_listed!(work_packages[0]) table.expect_work_package_subject(work_packages[1].subject) end end end context 'project search' do let(:subproject) { FactoryBot.create :project, parent: project } let!(:other_work_package) do FactoryBot.create(:work_package, subject: 'Other work package', project: subproject) end let(:filters) { ::Components::WorkPackages::Filters.new } let(:columns) { ::Components::WorkPackages::Columns.new } let(:top_menu) { ::Components::Projects::TopMenu.new } it 'shows a work package table with correct results' do # Search without subprojects global_search.search query global_search.submit_in_current_project # Expect that the "All" tab is selected. expect(page).to have_selector('[data-qa-tab-id="all"][data-qa-tab-selected]') # Expect that the project scope is set to current_project and no module (this is the "all" tab) is requested. expect(current_url).to match(/\/#{project.identifier}\/search\?q=#{query}&scope=current_project$/) # Select "Work packages" tab page.find('[data-qa-tab-id="work_packages"]').click # Expect that the project scope is set to current_project and the module "work_packages" is requested. expect(current_url).to match(/\/search\?q=#{query}&work_packages=1&scope=current_project$/) # Expect that the "Work packages" tab is selected. expect(page).to have_selector('[data-qa-tab-id="work_packages"][data-qa-tab-selected]') table = Pages::EmbeddedWorkPackagesTable.new(find('.work-packages-embedded-view--container')) table.expect_work_package_count(5) # because we set the page size to this # Expect order to be from newest to oldest. table.expect_work_package_listed(*work_packages[7..12]) # This line ensures that the table is completely rendered. table.expect_work_package_order(*work_packages[7..12].map { |wp| wp.id.to_s }.reverse) # Expect that "Advanced filters" can refine the search: filters.expect_closed page.find('.advanced-filters--toggle').click filters.expect_open # As the project has a subproject, the filter for subprojectId is expected to be active. filters.expect_filter_by 'subprojectId', 'none', nil, 'subprojectId' filters.add_filter_by('Subject', 'contains', [work_packages.last.subject], 'subject') table.expect_work_package_listed(work_packages.last) filters.remove_filter('subject') page.find('#filter-by-text-input').set(work_packages[5].subject) table.expect_work_package_subject(work_packages[5].subject) table.ensure_work_package_not_listed!(work_packages.last) # clearing the text filter and searching by a just a custom field works page.find('#filter-by-text-input').set('') filters.add_filter_by(custom_field_string.name, 'is', [custom_field_string_value], "customField#{custom_field_string.id}") table.expect_work_package_subject(work_packages[1].subject) # Expect that a fresh global search will reset the advanced filters, i.e. that they are closed global_search.search work_packages[6].subject, submit: true expect(page).to have_text "Search for \"#{work_packages[6].subject}\" in #{project.name}" table.ensure_work_package_not_listed!(work_packages[5]) table.expect_work_package_subject(work_packages[6].subject) filters.expect_closed # ...and that advanced filter shall have copied the global search input value. page.find('.advanced-filters--toggle').click filters.expect_open # Expect that changing the search term without using the autocompleter will leave the project scope unchanged # at current_project. global_search.search other_work_package.subject, submit: true expect(page).to have_text "Search for \"#{other_work_package.subject}\" in #{project.name}" # and expect that subproject's work packages will not be found table.ensure_work_package_not_listed! other_work_package expect(current_url).to match(/\/#{project.identifier}\/search\?q=Other%20work%20package&work_packages=1&scope=current_project$/) # Expect to find custom field values # ...for type: text global_search.search custom_field_text_value, submit: true table.ensure_work_package_not_listed! work_packages[1] table.expect_work_package_subject(work_packages[0].subject) # ... for type: string global_search.search custom_field_string_value, submit: true table.expect_work_package_subject(work_packages[1].subject) table.ensure_work_package_not_listed! work_packages[0] # Change to project scope to include subprojects global_search.search other_work_package.subject global_search.submit_in_project_and_subproject_scope # Expect that the "Work packages" tab is selected. expect(page).to have_selector('[data-qa-tab-id="work_packages"][data-qa-tab-selected]') expect(page).to have_text "Search for \"#{other_work_package.subject}\" in #{project.name} and all subprojects" # Expect that the project scope is not set and work_packages module continues to stay selected. expect(current_url).to match(/\/#{project.identifier}\/search\?q=Other%20work%20package&work_packages=1$/) table = Pages::EmbeddedWorkPackagesTable.new(find('.work-packages-embedded-view--container')) table.expect_work_package_count(1) table.expect_work_package_subject(other_work_package.subject) # Change project context to subproject top_menu.toggle top_menu.expect_open top_menu.search_and_select subproject.name top_menu.expect_current_project subproject.name select_autocomplete(page.find('.top-menu-search--input'), query: query, select_text: 'In this project ↵') filters.expect_closed page.find('.advanced-filters--toggle').click filters.expect_open # As the current project (the subproject) has no subprojects, the filter for subprojectId is expected to be unavailable. filters.expect_no_filter_by 'subprojectId', 'subprojectId' end end end describe 'search for projects' do let!(:searched_for_project) { FactoryBot.create(:project, name: 'Searched for project') } let!(:other_project) { FactoryBot.create(:project, name: 'Other project') } context 'globally' do it 'finds the project' do select_autocomplete(page.find('.top-menu-search--input'), query: "Searched", select_text: "In all projects ↵") within '.global-search--tabs' do click_on 'Projects' end expect(page) .to have_link(searched_for_project.name) expect(page) .to have_no_link(other_project.name) end end end describe 'pagination' do context 'project wide search' do it 'works' do expect_range 3, 12 click_on 'Next', match: :first expect_range 1, 2 expect(current_path).to match "/projects/#{project.identifier}/search" click_on 'Previous', match: :first expect_range 3, 12 expect(current_path).to match "/projects/#{project.identifier}/search" end end context 'global "All" search' do before do login_as user visit "/search?q=#{query}" end it 'works' do expect_range 3, 12 click_on 'Next', match: :first expect_range 1, 2 click_on 'Previous', match: :first expect_range 3, 12 end end end describe 'params escaping' do let(:wp_1) { FactoryBot.create :work_package, subject: "Foo && Bar", project: project } let(:wp_2) { FactoryBot.create :work_package, subject: "Foo # Bar", project: project } let(:wp_3) { FactoryBot.create :work_package, subject: "Foo &# Bar", project: project } let(:wp_4) { FactoryBot.create :work_package, subject: %(Foo '' "" \(\) Bar), project: project } let!(:work_packages) { [wp_1, wp_2, wp_3, wp_4] } let(:table) { Pages::EmbeddedWorkPackagesTable.new(find('.work-packages-embedded-view--container')) } let(:run_visit) { false } before do visit home_path end it 'properly transmits parameters used in URL query' do global_search.search "Foo &" # Bug in ng-select causes highlights to break up entities global_search.find_option "Foo && Bar" global_search.find_option "Foo &# Bar" global_search.expect_global_scope_marked global_search.submit_in_global_scope table.expect_work_package_listed(wp_1, wp_3) table.ensure_work_package_not_listed! wp_2 global_search.search "# Bar" global_search.find_option "Foo # Bar" global_search.find_option "Foo &# Bar" global_search.submit_in_global_scope table.expect_work_package_listed(wp_2) table.ensure_work_package_not_listed! wp_1 global_search.search "&" # Bug in ng-select causes highlights to break up entities global_search.find_option "Foo && Bar" global_search.find_option "Foo &# Bar" global_search.submit_in_global_scope table.expect_work_package_listed(wp_1, wp_3) table.ensure_work_package_not_listed! wp_2 global_search.search '""' global_search.find_option wp_4.subject global_search.submit_in_global_scope table.expect_work_package_listed(wp_4) global_search.search "'" global_search.find_option wp_4.subject global_search.submit_in_global_scope table.expect_work_package_listed(wp_4) end end describe 'search hotkey' do it 'opens and focuses the global search when you press the [s] hotkey' do visit home_path page.find('body').send_keys('s') expect(page).to have_selector '[data-qa-search-open="1"]', wait: 10 end end end