#-- copyright # OpenProject is an open source project management software. # Copyright (C) 2012-2021 the OpenProject GmbH # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: # Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang # Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # See docs/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ require 'spec_helper' require 'work_package' describe UsersController, type: :controller do shared_let(:admin) { FactoryBot.create :admin } shared_let(:anonymous) { User.anonymous } shared_let(:user_password) { 'bob!' * 4 } shared_let(:user) do FactoryBot.create :user, login: 'bob', password: user_password, password_confirmation: user_password end describe 'GET new' do context "without user limit reached" do before do as_logged_in_user admin do get :new end end it 'is success' do expect(response) .to have_http_status(200) end it 'renders the template' do expect(response) .to have_rendered('new') end it 'have a user object initialized' do expect(assigns(:user)) .to be_a(User) end end context "with user limit reached" do before do allow(OpenProject::Enterprise).to receive(:user_limit_reached?).and_return(true) end context "with fail fast" do before do allow(OpenProject::Enterprise).to receive(:fail_fast?).and_return(true) as_logged_in_user admin do get :new end end it "shows a user limit error" do expect(flash[:error]).to match /user limit reached/i end it "redirects back to the user index" do expect(response).to redirect_to users_path end end context "without fail fast" do before do as_logged_in_user admin do get :new end end it "shows a user limit warning" do expect(flash[:warning]).to match /user limit reached/i end it "shows the new user page" do expect(response).to render_template("users/new") end end end end describe 'GET deletion_info' do describe "WHEN the current user is the requested user WHEN the setting users_deletable_by_self is set to true" do let(:params) { { 'id' => user.id.to_s } } before do allow(Setting).to receive(:users_deletable_by_self?).and_return(true) as_logged_in_user user do get :deletion_info, params: params end end it do expect(response).to be_successful end it do expect(assigns(:user)).to eq(user) end it { expect(response).to render_template('deletion_info') } end describe "WHEN the current user is the requested user WHEN the setting users_deletable_by_self is set to false" do let(:params) { { 'id' => user.id.to_s } } before do allow(Setting).to receive(:users_deletable_by_self?).and_return(false) as_logged_in_user user do get :deletion_info, params: params end end it { expect(response.response_code).to eq(404) } end describe 'WHEN the current user is the anonymous user' do let(:params) { { 'id' => anonymous.id.to_s } } before do as_logged_in_user anonymous do get :deletion_info, params: params end end it { expect(response).to redirect_to(controller: 'account', action: 'login', back_url: @controller.url_for(controller: 'users', action: 'deletion_info')) } end describe "WHEN the current user is admin WHEN the setting users_deletable_by_admins is set to true" do let(:params) { { 'id' => user.id.to_s } } before do allow(Setting).to receive(:users_deletable_by_admins?).and_return(true) as_logged_in_user admin do get :deletion_info, params: params end end it do expect(response).to be_successful end it do expect(assigns(:user)).to eq(user) end it { expect(response).to render_template('deletion_info') } end describe "WHEN the current user is admin WHEN the setting users_deletable_by_admins is set to false" do let(:params) { { 'id' => user.id.to_s } } before do allow(Setting).to receive(:users_deletable_by_admins?).and_return(false) as_logged_in_user admin do get :deletion_info, params: params end end it { expect(response.response_code).to eq(404) } end end describe 'POST resend_invitation' do let(:invited_user) { FactoryBot.create :invited_user } context 'without admin rights' do let(:normal_user) { FactoryBot.create :user } before do as_logged_in_user normal_user do post :resend_invitation, params: { id: invited_user.id } end end it 'returns 403 forbidden' do expect(response.status).to eq 403 end end context 'with admin rights' do before do expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to be_empty as_logged_in_user admin do perform_enqueued_jobs do post :resend_invitation, params: { id: invited_user.id } end end end it 'redirects back to the edit user page' do expect(response).to redirect_to edit_user_path(invited_user) end it 'sends another activation email' do mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.body.parts.first.body.to_s token = Token::Invitation.find_by user_id: invited_user.id expect(mail).to include 'activate your account' expect(mail).to include token.value end end end describe 'GET edit' do before do as_logged_in_user admin do get :edit, params: { id: user.id } end end it 'is success' do expect(response) .to have_http_status(200) end it 'renders the template' do expect(response) .to have_rendered('edit') end it 'have a user object initialized' do expect(assigns(:user)) .to eql user end end describe 'POST destroy' do let(:base_params) { { 'id' => user.id.to_s, back_url: my_account_path } } context 'WHEN the password confirmation is missing' do before do disable_flash_sweep allow(Setting).to receive(:users_deletable_by_self?).and_return(true) as_logged_in_user user do post :destroy, params: base_params end end it do expect(response).to redirect_to(controller: 'my', action: 'account') end it { expect(flash[:error]).to eq(I18n.t(:notice_password_confirmation_failed)) } end context 'WHEN password confirmation is present' do let(:base_params) do { 'id' => user.id.to_s, :_password_confirmation => user_password, back_url: my_account_path } end describe "WHEN the current user is the requested one WHEN the setting users_deletable_by_self is set to true" do before do disable_flash_sweep allow(Setting).to receive(:users_deletable_by_self?).and_return(true) as_logged_in_user user do post :destroy, params: base_params end end it do expect(response).to redirect_to(controller: 'account', action: 'login') end it { expect(flash[:notice]).to eq(I18n.t('account.deleted')) } end describe "WHEN the current user is the requested one WHEN the setting users_deletable_by_self is set to false" do before do disable_flash_sweep allow(Setting).to receive(:users_deletable_by_self?).and_return(false) as_logged_in_user user do post :destroy, params: base_params end end it { expect(response.response_code).to eq(404) } end describe "WHEN the current user is the anonymous user EVEN when the setting login_required is set to false" do before do allow(@controller).to receive(:find_current_user).and_return(anonymous) allow(Setting).to receive(:login_required?).and_return(false) as_logged_in_user anonymous do post :destroy, params: base_params.merge(id: anonymous.id.to_s) end end # redirecting post is not possible for now it { expect(response.response_code).to eq(403) } end describe "WHEN the current user is the admin WHEN the given password does not match WHEN the setting users_deletable_by_admins is set to true" do shared_let(:admin) { FactoryBot.create :admin } before do disable_flash_sweep allow(Setting).to receive(:users_deletable_by_admins?).and_return(true) as_logged_in_user admin do post :destroy, params: base_params end end it 'redirects with error' do expect(response).to redirect_to(controller: 'my', action: 'account') expect(flash[:notice]).to eq(nil) expect(flash[:error]).to eq(I18n.t(:notice_password_confirmation_failed)) end end describe "WHEN the current user is the admin WHEN the given password does match WHEN the setting users_deletable_by_admins is set to true" do before do disable_flash_sweep allow(Setting).to receive(:users_deletable_by_admins?).and_return(true) as_logged_in_user admin do post :destroy, params: base_params.merge('_password_confirmation': 'adminADMIN!') end end it do expect(response).to redirect_to(controller: 'users', action: 'index') end it { expect(flash[:notice]).to eq(I18n.t('account.deleted')) } end describe "WHEN the current user is the admin WHEN the setting users_deletable_by_admins is set to false" do shared_let(:admin) { FactoryBot.create :admin } before do disable_flash_sweep allow(Setting).to receive(:users_deletable_by_admins).and_return(false) as_logged_in_user admin do post :destroy, params: base_params end end it { expect(response.response_code).to eq(404) } end end end describe '#change_status_info' do let!(:registered_user) do FactoryBot.create(:user, status: User.statuses[:registered]) end before do as_logged_in_user admin do get :change_status_info, params: { id: registered_user.id, change_action: change_action } end end shared_examples 'valid status info' do it 'renders the status info' do expect(response).to be_successful expect(response).to render_template 'users/change_status_info' expect(assigns(:user)).to eq(registered_user) expect(assigns(:status_change)).to eq(change_action) end end describe 'with valid activate' do let(:change_action) { :activate } it_behaves_like 'valid status info' end describe 'with valid unlock' do let(:change_action) { :unlock } it_behaves_like 'valid status info' end describe 'with valid lock' do let(:change_action) { :lock } it_behaves_like 'valid status info' end describe 'bogus status' do let(:change_action) { :wtf } it 'renders 400' do expect(response.status).to eq(400) expect(response).not_to render_template 'users/change_status_info' end end end describe '#change_status', with_settings: { available_languages: %i(en de), bcc_recipients: 1 } do describe 'WHEN activating a registered user' do let!(:registered_user) do FactoryBot.create(:user, status: User.statuses[:registered], language: 'de') end let(:user_limit_reached) { false } before do allow(OpenProject::Enterprise).to receive(:user_limit_reached?).and_return(user_limit_reached) as_logged_in_user admin do post :change_status, params: { id: registered_user.id, user: { status: User.statuses[:active] }, activate: '1' } end end it 'should activate the user' do assert registered_user.reload.active? end it 'should send an email to the correct user in the correct language' do perform_enqueued_jobs mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last refute_nil mail assert_equal [registered_user.mail], mail.to mail.parts.each do |part| assert part.body.encoded.include?(I18n.t(:notice_account_activated, locale: 'de')) end end context "with user limit reached" do let(:user_limit_reached) { true } it "shows the user limit reached error and recommends to upgrade" do expect(flash[:error]).to match /user limit reached.*upgrade/i end it "does not activate the user" do expect(registered_user.reload).not_to be_active end end end end describe 'GET #index' do let(:params) { {} } before do as_logged_in_user admin do get :index, params: params end end it 'to be success' do expect(response) .to have_http_status(200) end it 'renders the index' do expect(response) .to have_rendered('index') end it 'assigns users' do expect(assigns(:users)) .to match_array([user, admin]) end context 'with a name filter' do let(:params) { { name: user.firstname } } it 'assigns users' do expect(assigns(:users)) .to match_array([user]) end end context 'with a group filter' do let(:group) { FactoryBot.create(:group, members: [user]) } let(:params) do { group_id: group.id } end it 'assigns users' do expect(assigns(:users)) .to match_array([user]) end end end describe 'session lifetime' do # TODO move this section to a proper place because we test a # before_action from the application controller after(:each) do # reset, so following tests are not affected by the change User.current = nil end shared_examples_for 'index action with disabled session lifetime or inactivity not exceeded' do it "doesn't logout the user and renders the index action" do expect(User.current).to eq(admin) expect(response).to render_template 'index' end end shared_examples_for 'index action with enabled session lifetime and inactivity exceeded' do it 'logs out the user and redirects with a warning that he has been locked out' do expect(response.redirect_url).to eq(signin_url + '?back_url=' + CGI::escape(@controller.url_for(controller: 'users', action: 'index'))) expect(User.current).not_to eq(admin) expect(flash[:warning]).to eq(I18n.t(:notice_forced_logout, ttl_time: Setting.session_ttl)) end end context 'disabled' do before do allow(Setting).to receive(:session_ttl_enabled?).and_return(false) @controller.send(:logged_user=, admin) get :index end it_should_behave_like 'index action with disabled session lifetime or inactivity not exceeded' end context 'enabled ' do before do allow(Setting).to receive(:session_ttl_enabled?).and_return(true) allow(Setting).to receive(:session_ttl).and_return('120') @controller.send(:logged_user=, admin) end context 'before 120 min of inactivity' do before do session[:updated_at] = Time.now - 1.hours get :index end it_should_behave_like 'index action with disabled session lifetime or inactivity not exceeded' end context 'after 120 min of inactivity' do before do session[:updated_at] = Time.now - 3.hours get :index end it_should_behave_like 'index action with enabled session lifetime and inactivity exceeded' end context 'without last activity time in the session' do before do allow(Setting).to receive(:session_ttl).and_return('60') session[:updated_at] = nil get :index end it_should_behave_like 'index action with enabled session lifetime and inactivity exceeded' end context 'with ttl = 0' do before do allow(Setting).to receive(:session_ttl).and_return('0') session[:updated_at] = Time.now - 1.hours get :index end it_should_behave_like 'index action with disabled session lifetime or inactivity not exceeded' end context 'with ttl < 0' do before do allow(Setting).to receive(:session_ttl).and_return('-60') session[:updated_at] = Time.now - 1.hours get :index end it_should_behave_like 'index action with disabled session lifetime or inactivity not exceeded' end context 'with ttl < 5 > 0' do before do allow(Setting).to receive(:session_ttl).and_return('4') session[:updated_at] = Time.now - 1.hours get :index end it_should_behave_like 'index action with disabled session lifetime or inactivity not exceeded' end end end describe 'PATCH #update' do context 'fields' do current_user { admin } let(:user) do FactoryBot.create(:user, firstname: 'Firstname', admin: true, login: 'testlogin', mail_notification: 'all', force_password_change: false) end let(:params) do { id: user.id, user: { admin: false, firstname: 'Changed', login: 'changedlogin', mail_notification: 'only_assigned', force_password_change: true }, pref: { hide_mail: '1', comments_sorting: 'desc' } } end before do perform_enqueued_jobs do put :update, params: params end end it 'should redirect to the edit page' do expect(response).to redirect_to(edit_user_url(user)) end it 'should be assigned their new values' do user_from_db = User.find(user.id) expect(user_from_db.admin).to be_falsey expect(user_from_db.firstname).to eql('Changed') expect(user_from_db.login).to eql('changedlogin') expect(user_from_db.mail_notification).to eql('only_assigned') expect(user_from_db.force_password_change).to eql(true) expect(user_from_db.pref[:hide_mail]).to be_truthy expect(user_from_db.pref[:comments_sorting]).to eql('desc') end it 'sends no mail' do expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.empty?).to be_truthy end context 'when updating the password' do let(:params) do { id: user.id, user: { password: 'newpassPASS!', password_confirmation: 'newpassPASS!' }, send_information: '1' } end it 'sends a mail' do mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last expect(mail.to) .to match_array [user.mail] expect(mail.body.encoded) .to include('newpassPASS!') end end context 'with invalid params' do let(:params) do { id: user.id, user: { firstname: '' } } end it 'is success' do expect(response) .to have_http_status(200) end it 'renders the edit template' do expect(response) .to have_rendered('edit') end end end context 'with external authentication' do let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user, identity_url: 'some:identity') } before do as_logged_in_user(admin) do put :update, params: { id: user.id, user: { force_password_change: 'true' } } end user.reload end it 'should ignore setting force_password_change' do expect(user.force_password_change).to eql(false) end end context 'ldap auth source' do let(:ldap_auth_source) { FactoryBot.create(:ldap_auth_source) } it 'switchting to internal authentication on a password change' do user.auth_source = ldap_auth_source as_logged_in_user admin do put :update, params: { id: user.id, user: { auth_source_id: '', password: 'newpassPASS!', password_confirmation: 'newpassPASS!' } } end expect(user.reload.auth_source).to be_nil expect(user.check_password?('newpassPASS!')).to be_truthy end end context 'with disabled_password_choice' do before do expect(OpenProject::Configuration).to receive(:disable_password_choice?).and_return(true) end it 'ignores password parameters and leaves the password unchanged' do as_logged_in_user(admin) do put :update, params: { id: user.id, user: { password: 'changedpass!', password_confirmation: 'changedpass!' } } end expect(user.reload.check_password?('changedpass!')).to be false end end end describe 'Anonymous should not be able to create a user' do it 'should redirect to the login page' do post :create, params: { user: { login: 'psmith', firstname: 'Paul', lastname: 'Smith' }, password: 'psmithPSMITH09', password_confirmation: 'psmithPSMITH09' } expect(response).to redirect_to '/login?back_url=http%3A%2F%2Ftest.host%2Fusers' end end describe 'GET #show' do describe 'general' do let(:current_user) { user } let(:params) { { id: user.id } } before do as_logged_in_user current_user do get :show, params: params end end it 'responds with success' do expect(response).to be_successful end it 'renders the show template' do expect(response).to render_template 'show' end it 'assigns @user' do expect(assigns(:user)).to eq(user) end context 'when not being logged in' do let(:current_user) { User.anonymous } it 'responds with 404' do expect(response) .to have_http_status(404) end end context 'when the user is locked for an admin' do let(:current_user) do user.locked! admin end it 'responds with 200' do expect(response) .to have_http_status(200) end end context 'when the user is locked for an non admin' do let(:current_user) do user.locked! FactoryBot.create(:user) end it 'responds with 200' do expect(response) .to have_http_status(404) end end context 'for the current user' do let(:params) { { id: 'current' } } it 'responds with 200' do expect(response) .to have_http_status(200) end it 'assigns the user' do expect(assigns(:user)) .to eq(user) end end end describe 'for user with Activity' do render_views let(:work_package) do FactoryBot.create(:work_package, author: user) end let!(:member) do FactoryBot.create(:member, project: work_package.project, principal: user, roles: [FactoryBot.create(:role, permissions: [:view_work_packages])]) end let!(:journal_1) do FactoryBot.create(:work_package_journal, user: user, journable_id: work_package.id, version: Journal.maximum(:version) + 1, data: FactoryBot.build(:journal_work_package_journal, subject: work_package.subject, status_id: work_package.status_id, type_id: work_package.type_id, project_id: work_package.project_id)) end let!(:journal_2) do FactoryBot.create(:work_package_journal, user: user, journable_id: work_package.id, version: Journal.maximum(:version) + 1, data: FactoryBot.build(:journal_work_package_journal, subject: work_package.subject, status_id: work_package.status_id, type_id: work_package.type_id, project_id: work_package.project_id)) end before do allow(User).to receive(:current).and_return(user.reload) allow_any_instance_of(User).to receive(:reported_work_package_count).and_return(42) get :show, params: { id: user.id } end it 'should include the number of reported work packages' do label = Regexp.escape(I18n.t(:label_reported_work_packages)) expect(response.body).to have_selector('p', text: /#{label}.*42/) end it 'should have @events_by_day grouped by day' do expect(assigns(:events_by_day).keys.first.class).to eq(Date) end it 'should have more than one event for today' do expect(assigns(:events_by_day).first.size).to be > 1 end end end describe 'POST #create' do current_user { admin } let(:params) do { user: { firstname: 'John', lastname: 'Doe', login: 'jdoe', password: 'adminADMIN!', password_confirmation: 'adminADMIN!', mail: 'jdoe@gmail.com', mail_notification: 'none' }, pref: {} } end before do perform_enqueued_jobs do post :create, params: params end end it 'is successful' do expect(response) .to redirect_to edit_user_path(User.newest.first) end it 'creates the user with the provided params' do expect(User.newest.first.attributes.with_indifferent_access.slice(:firstname, :lastname, :login, :mail)) .to eql params[:user].with_indifferent_access.slice(:firstname, :lastname, :login, :mail) end it 'sends an activation mail' do mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last expect(mail.to) .to match_array [params[:user][:mail]] activation_link = Regexp.new( "http://#{Setting.host_name}/account/activate\\?token=[a-f0-9]+", Regexp::MULTILINE ) assert(mail.body.encoded =~ activation_link) end context 'with invalid parameters' do let(:params) { { user: { login: 'jdoe' } } } it 'renders new' do expect(response) .to render_template 'new' end end end end