#-- copyright # OpenProject is an open source project management software. # Copyright (C) 2012-2021 the OpenProject GmbH # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: # Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang # Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # See docs/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ require 'spec_helper' require 'rack/test' shared_examples 'it supports direct uploads' do include Rack::Test::Methods include API::V3::Utilities::PathHelper include FileHelpers let(:container_href) { raise "define me!" } let(:request_path) { raise "define me!" } before do allow(User).to receive(:current).and_return current_user end describe 'POST /prepare', with_settings: { attachment_max_size: 512 } do let(:request_parts) { { metadata: metadata.to_json, file: file } } let(:metadata) { { fileName: 'cat.png', fileSize: file.size, contentType: 'image/png' } } let(:file) { mock_uploaded_file(name: 'original-filename.txt') } def request! post request_path, request_parts end subject(:response) { last_response } context 'with local storage' do before do request! end it 'should respond with HTTP Not Found' do expect(subject.status).to eq(404) end end context 'with remote AWS storage', with_direct_uploads: true do before do request! end context 'with no filesize metadata' do let(:metadata) { { fileName: 'cat.png' } } it 'should respond with 422 due to missing file size metadata' do expect(subject.status).to eq(422) expect(subject.body).to include 'fileSize' end end context 'with the correct parameters' do let(:json) { JSON.parse subject.body } it 'should prepare a direct upload' do expect(subject.status).to eq 201 expect(json["_type"]).to eq "AttachmentUpload" expect(json["fileName"]).to eq "cat.png" end describe 'response' do describe '_links' do describe 'container' do let(:link) { json.dig "_links", "container" } before do expect(link).to be_present end it "it points to the expected container" do expect(link["href"]).to eq container_href end end describe 'addAttachment' do let(:link) { json.dig "_links", "addAttachment" } before do expect(link).to be_present end it 'should point to AWS' do expect(link["href"]).to eq "https://#{MockCarrierwave.bucket}.s3.amazonaws.com/" end it 'should have the method POST' do expect(link["method"]).to eq "post" end it 'should include form fields' do fields = link["form_fields"] expect(fields).to be_present expect(fields).to include( "key", "acl", "policy", "X-Amz-Signature", "X-Amz-Credential", "X-Amz-Algorithm", "X-Amz-Date", "success_action_status" ) expect(fields["Content-Type"]).to eq metadata[:contentType] expect(fields["key"]).to end_with "cat.png" end it 'should also include the content type and the necessary policy in the form fields' do fields = link["form_fields"] expect(fields).to include("policy", "Content-Type") expect(fields["Content-Type"]).to eq metadata[:contentType] policy = Base64.decode64 fields["policy"] expect(policy).to include '["starts-with","$Content-Type",""]' end end end end end end end end shared_examples 'an APIv3 attachment resource', type: :request, content_type: :json do |include_by_container = true| include Rack::Test::Methods include API::V3::Utilities::PathHelper include FileHelpers let(:current_user) { user_with_permissions } let(:user_with_permissions) do FactoryBot.create(:user, member_in_project: project, member_through_role: role) end let(:author) do current_user end let(:project) { FactoryBot.create(:project, public: false) } let(:role) { FactoryBot.create(:role, permissions: permissions) } let(:attachment) { FactoryBot.create(:attachment, container: container, author: author) } let(:container) { send attachment_type } let(:attachment_type) { raise "attachment type goes here, e.g. work_package" } let(:permissions) { all_permissions } let(:all_permissions) { Array([create_permission, read_permission, update_permission]).flatten.compact } let(:create_permission) { raise "permissions go here, e.g. add_work_packages" } let(:read_permission) { raise "permissions go here, e.g. view_work_packages" } let(:update_permission) { raise "permissions go here, e.g. edit_work_packages" } let(:missing_permissions_user) { user_with_permissions } before do allow(User).to receive(:current).and_return current_user end describe '#get' do subject(:response) { last_response } let(:get_path) { api_v3_paths.attachment attachment.id } let(:container) { send(attachment_type) } context 'logged in user' do before do get get_path end it 'should respond with 200' do expect(subject.status).to eq(200) end it 'should respond with correct attachment' do expect(subject.body).to be_json_eql(attachment.filename.to_json).at_path('fileName') end context 'requesting nonexistent attachment' do let(:get_path) { api_v3_paths.attachment 9999 } it_behaves_like 'not found' do let(:id) { 9999 } let(:type) { 'Attachment' } end end context 'requesting attachments without sufficient permissions' do let(:current_user) { missing_permissions_user } let(:permissions) { all_permissions - Array(read_permission) } it_behaves_like 'not found' do let(:type) { 'Attachment' } end end end end describe '#post' do let(:permissions) { Array(update_permission) } let(:request_path) { api_v3_paths.attachments } let(:request_parts) { { metadata: metadata.to_json, file: file } } let(:metadata) { { fileName: 'cat.png' } } let(:file) { mock_uploaded_file(name: 'original-filename.txt') } let(:max_file_size) { 1 } # given in kiB before do allow(Setting).to receive(:attachment_max_size).and_return max_file_size.to_s post request_path, request_parts end subject(:response) { last_response } it 'should respond with HTTP Created' do expect(subject.status).to eq(201) end it 'should return the new attachment without container' do expect(subject.body).to be_json_eql('Attachment'.to_json).at_path('_type') expect(subject.body).to be_json_eql(nil.to_json).at_path('_links/container/href') end it 'ignores the original file name' do expect(subject.body).to be_json_eql('cat.png'.to_json).at_path('fileName') end context 'metadata section is missing' do let(:request_parts) { { file: file } } it_behaves_like 'invalid request body', I18n.t('api_v3.errors.multipart_body_error') end context 'file section is missing' do # rack-test won't send a multipart request without a file being present # however as long as we depend on correctly named sections this test should do just fine let(:request_parts) { { metadata: metadata.to_json, wrongFileSection: file } } it_behaves_like 'invalid request body', I18n.t('api_v3.errors.multipart_body_error') end context 'metadata section is no valid JSON' do let(:request_parts) { { metadata: '"fileName": "cat.png"', file: file } } it_behaves_like 'parse error' end context 'metadata is missing the fileName' do let(:metadata) { Hash.new } it_behaves_like 'constraint violation' do let(:message) { "fileName #{I18n.t('activerecord.errors.messages.blank')}" } end end context 'file is too large' do let(:file) { mock_uploaded_file(content: 'a' * 2.kilobytes) } let(:expanded_localization) do I18n.t('activerecord.errors.messages.file_too_large', count: max_file_size.kilobytes) end it_behaves_like 'constraint violation' do let(:message) { "File #{expanded_localization}" } end end context 'missing permissions' do let(:permissions) do # Some attachables use public permissions # which more or less allows everybody to upload attachments. # This messes with the tests. # However, it might make sense to reevaluate the necessity of this test. allow(Redmine::Acts::Attachable) .to receive(:attachables) .and_return(Redmine::Acts::Attachable.attachables.select do |a| permission = OpenProject::AccessControl.permission(a.attachable_options[:add_on_new_permission]) !permission || !permission.public? end) [] end it_behaves_like 'unauthorized access' end end describe '#delete' do let(:path) { api_v3_paths.attachment attachment.id } before do delete path end subject(:response) { last_response } shared_examples_for 'deletes the attachment' do it 'responds with HTTP No Content' do expect(subject.status).to eq 204 end it 'removes the attachment from the DB' do expect(Attachment.exists?(attachment.id)).to be_falsey end end shared_examples_for 'does not delete the attachment' do |status = 403| it "responds with #{status}" do if permissions.any? || read_permission.nil? expect(subject.status).to eq status else # In case no permissions are left, the user is not allowed to see the attachment # and will thus receive a 404. expect(subject.status).to eq 404 end end it 'does not delete the attachment' do expect(Attachment.exists?(attachment.id)).to be_truthy end end context 'with required permissions' do it_behaves_like 'deletes the attachment' context 'for a non-existent attachment' do let(:path) { api_v3_paths.attachment 1337 } it_behaves_like 'not found' do let(:id) { 1337 } let(:type) { 'Attachment' } end end end context 'without required permissions' do let(:permissions) { all_permissions - Array(update_permission) } it_behaves_like 'does not delete the attachment' end context "with an uncontainered attachment" do let(:container) { nil } context 'with the user being the author' do it_behaves_like 'deletes the attachment' end context 'with the user not being the author' do let(:author) { FactoryBot.create(:user) } it_behaves_like 'does not delete the attachment', 404 end end end describe '#content' do let(:path) { api_v3_paths.attachment_content attachment.id } before do get path end subject(:response) { last_response } context 'with required permissions' do shared_examples 'for a local file' do let(:mock_file) { raise "define mock_file" } let(:content_disposition) { raise "define content_disposition" } let(:attachment) do att = FactoryBot.create(:attachment, container: container, file: mock_file, author: current_user) att.file.store! att.send :write_attribute, :file, mock_file.original_filename att.send :write_attribute, :content_type, mock_file.content_type att.save! att end it 'responds with 200 OK' do expect(subject.status).to eq 200 end it 'has the necessary headers for content and caching' do expect(subject.headers['Content-Disposition']) .to eql content_disposition expect(subject.headers['Content-Type']) .to eql mock_file.content_type max_age = OpenProject::Configuration.fog_download_url_expires_in.to_i - 10 expect(subject.headers["Cache-Control"]).to eq "public, max-age=#{max_age}" expect(subject.headers["Expires"]).to be_present expires_time = Time.parse response.headers["Expires"] expect(expires_time < Time.now.utc + max_age).to be_truthy expect(expires_time > Time.now.utc + max_age - 60).to be_truthy end it 'sends the file in binary' do expect(subject.body) .to match(mock_file.read) end end context 'for a local text file' do it_behaves_like 'for a local file' do let(:mock_file) { FileHelpers.mock_uploaded_file name: 'foobar.txt' } let(:content_disposition) { "inline; filename=foobar.txt" } end end context 'for a local binary file' do it_behaves_like 'for a local file' do let(:mock_file) { FileHelpers.mock_uploaded_file name: 'foobar.dat', content_type: "application/octet-stream" } let(:content_disposition) { "attachment; filename=foobar.dat" } end end context 'for a local json file' do it_behaves_like 'for a local file' do let(:mock_file) do FileHelpers.mock_uploaded_file(name: 'foobar.json', content_type: "application/json", content: '{"id": "12342"}') end let(:content_disposition) { "attachment; filename=foobar.json" } end end context 'for a remote file' do let(:external_url) { 'http://some_service.org/blubs.gif' } let(:mock_file) { FileHelpers.mock_uploaded_file name: 'foobar.txt' } let(:attachment) do FactoryBot.create(:attachment, container: container, file: mock_file, author: current_user).tap do # need to mock here to avoid dependency on external service allow_any_instance_of(Attachment) .to receive(:external_url) .and_return(external_url) end end it 'responds with 302 Redirect' do expect(subject.status).to eq 302 expect(subject.headers['Location']) .to eql external_url max_age = OpenProject::Configuration.fog_download_url_expires_in.to_i - 10 expect(subject.headers["Cache-Control"]).to eq "public, max-age=#{max_age}" expect(subject.headers["Expires"]).to be_present expires_time = Time.parse response.headers["Expires"] expect(expires_time < Time.now.utc + max_age).to be_truthy expect(expires_time > Time.now.utc + max_age - 60).to be_truthy end end end end context 'by container', if: include_by_container do it_behaves_like 'it supports direct uploads' do let(:request_path) { "/api/v3/#{attachment_type}s/#{container.id}/attachments/prepare" } let(:container_href) { "/api/v3/#{attachment_type}s/#{container.id}" } end subject(:response) { last_response } describe '#get' do let(:get_path) { api_v3_paths.send "attachments_by_#{attachment_type}", container.id } before do FactoryBot.create_list(:attachment, 2, container: container) get get_path end it 'should respond with 200' do expect(subject.status).to eq(200) end it_behaves_like 'API V3 collection response', 2, 2, 'Attachment' end describe '#post' do let(:request_path) { api_v3_paths.send "attachments_by_#{attachment_type}", container.id } let(:request_parts) { { metadata: metadata.to_json, file: file } } let(:metadata) { { fileName: 'cat.png' } } let(:file) { mock_uploaded_file(name: 'original-filename.txt') } let(:max_file_size) { 1 } # given in kiB before do allow(Setting).to receive(:attachment_max_size).and_return max_file_size.to_s post request_path, request_parts end it 'should respond with HTTP Created' do expect(subject.status).to eq(201) end it 'should return the new attachment' do expect(subject.body).to be_json_eql('Attachment'.to_json).at_path('_type') end it 'ignores the original file name' do expect(subject.body).to be_json_eql('cat.png'.to_json).at_path('fileName') end context 'metadata section is missing' do let(:request_parts) { { file: file } } it_behaves_like 'invalid request body', I18n.t('api_v3.errors.multipart_body_error') end context 'file section is missing' do # rack-test won't send a multipart request without a file being present # however as long as we depend on correctly named sections this test should do just fine let(:request_parts) { { metadata: metadata.to_json, wrongFileSection: file } } it_behaves_like 'invalid request body', I18n.t('api_v3.errors.multipart_body_error') end context 'metadata section is no valid JSON' do let(:request_parts) { { metadata: '"fileName": "cat.png"', file: file } } it_behaves_like 'parse error' end context 'metadata is missing the fileName' do let(:metadata) { Hash.new } it_behaves_like 'constraint violation' do let(:message) { "fileName #{I18n.t('activerecord.errors.messages.blank')}" } end end context 'file is too large' do let(:file) { mock_uploaded_file(content: 'a' * 2.kilobytes) } let(:expanded_localization) do I18n.t('activerecord.errors.messages.file_too_large', count: max_file_size.kilobytes) end it_behaves_like 'constraint violation' do let(:message) { "File #{expanded_localization}" } end end context 'only allowed to add, but not to edit' do let(:permissions) { all_permissions - Array(update_permission) } it_behaves_like 'unauthorized access' end context 'only allowed to view' do let(:permissions) { Array(read_permission) } it_behaves_like 'unauthorized access' end end end end