window.OpenProject = (function ($) { /** * OpenProject instance methods */ var OP = function (options) { options = options || {}; this.urlRoot = options.urlRoot || ""; if (!/\/$/.test(this.urlRoot)) { this.urlRoot += '/'; } }; OP.prototype.getFullUrl = function (url) { if (!url) { return this.urlRoot; } if (/^\//.test(url)) { url = url.substr(1); } return this.urlRoot + url; }; OP.prototype.fetchProjects = (function () { var augment = function (openProject, projects) { var parents = [], currentLevel = -1; return, function (project) { while (currentLevel >= project.level) { parents.pop(); currentLevel--; } parents.push(project); currentLevel = project.level; project.hname = OpenProject.Helpers.hname(, project.level); project.parents = parents.slice(0, -1); // make sure to pass a clone project.tokens = OpenProject.Helpers.Search.tokenize(; project.url = openProject.getFullUrl('/projects/' + project.identifier) + "?jump=" + encodeURIComponent(jQuery('meta[name="current_menu_item"]').attr('content')) return project; }); }; return function (url, callback) { var fetchArgs =; if (typeof url === "function") { callback = url; url = undefined; } if (!url) { url = this.getFullUrl("/projects/level_list.json"); } if (this.projects) {, this.projects); return; } jQuery.getJSON( url, jQuery.proxy(function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { this.projects = augment(this, data.projects); this.fetchProjects.apply(this, fetchArgs); }, this) ); }; })(); /** * Static OpenProject Helper methods */ OP.Helpers = (function () { var Helpers = {}; Helpers.hname = function (name, level) { var l, prefix = ''; if (level > 0) { for (l = 0; l < level; l++) { prefix += '\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0'; //     } prefix += '\u00BB\u00A0'; // »  } return prefix + name; }; var REGEXP_ESCAPE = /([\\\.\+\*\?\[\^\]\$\(\)\{\}\=\|\:\!><])/g; /** * Escapes regexp special chars, e.g. to make sure, that users cannot enter * regexp syntax but just plain strings. */ Helpers.regexpEscape = function (str) { // taken from return (str+'').replace(REGEXP_ESCAPE, "\\$1"); }; /** * replace wrong with right in text * * Matches case insensitive and performs atmost one replacement. * This is a faster version of * * text.replace(new RegExp(Helpers.regexpEscape(wrong), 'i'), right) * * ... at least for some browsers. Performs twice as fast on Chrome 23, * 20 % faster on FF 18. */ Helpers.replace = function (text, wrong, right) { var matchStart; if (wrong.length === 0) { return text; } matchStart = text.toUpperCase().indexOf(wrong.toUpperCase()); if (matchStart < 0) { return text; } return text.substring(0, matchStart) + right + text.substring(matchStart + wrong.length); }; /** * Removes element from array - but only once. * * a = [1, 2, 3, 2, 1]; * b = withoutOnce(a, 1); * * b; // => [2, 3, 2, 1] * a === b // false */ Helpers.withoutOnce = function (array, element) { var removed = false; return jQuery.grep(array, function (t) { if (removed) { return true; } if (t === element) { removed = true; return false; } return true; }); }; Helpers.Search = {}; var REGEXP_TOKEN = /[\s\.\-\/,]+/; Helpers.Search.tokenize = function (name, separators) { var regexp; if (jQuery.isArray(separators)) { regexp = new RegExp(Helpers.regexpEscape(separators.join("")) + "+"); } else if (separators instanceof RegExp) { regexp = separators; } else { regexp = REGEXP_TOKEN; } return jQuery.grep(name.split(regexp), function (t) { return t.length > 0; }); }, Helpers.Search.formatter = (function () { var START_OF_TEXT = "\u2402", END_OF_TEXT = "\u2403"; R_START_OF_TEXT = new RegExp(START_OF_TEXT, "g"), R_END_OF_TEXT = new RegExp(END_OF_TEXT, "g"); var format = function (text, term) { var matchStart, matchEnd; if (term.length === 0) { return text; } matchStart = text.toUpperCase().indexOf(term.toUpperCase()); if (matchStart < 0) { return text; } matchEnd = matchStart + term.length; return text.substring(0, matchStart) + START_OF_TEXT + text.substring(matchStart, matchEnd) + END_OF_TEXT + text.substring(matchEnd); }; var replaceSpecialChars = function (text) { return text.replace(R_START_OF_TEXT, ""). replace(R_END_OF_TEXT, ""); }; return function (result, container, query) { jQuery(container).attr("title", result.project && || result.text); if (query.sterm === undefined) { query.sterm = jQuery.trim(query.term); } // fallback to base behavior if (result.matches === undefined) { return replaceSpecialChars(format(result.text, query.term)); } // shortcut for empty searches if (query.sterm.length === 0) { return result.text; } var matches = result.matches.slice(), text = result.text, match; while (matches.length) { match = matches.pop(); text = Helpers.replace(text, match[0], format(match[0], match[1])); } return replaceSpecialChars(text); }; })(); Helpers.Search.matcher = (function () { var match, matchMatrix, defaultMatcher = $.fn.select2.defaults.matcher; match = function (query, t) { return function (s) { return, t, s); }; }; matchMatrix = function (query, parts, tokens, matches) { var part = parts[0], candidates = jQuery.grep(tokens, match(query, part)); if (parts.length === 1) { // do the remaining tokens match the one remaining part? if (candidates.length > 0) { matches.push([candidates[0], part]); return true; } else { return false; } } parts = parts.slice(1); for (var i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) { if (matchMatrix(query, parts, Helpers.withoutOnce(tokens, candidates[i]), matches)) { matches.push([candidates[i], part]); return true; } } return false; }; return function (term, name, token) { var result, matches = []; if (match(this, term)(name)) { matches.push([name, term]); result = true; } else if (token === undefined) { result = false; } else { result = matchMatrix(this, Helpers.Search.tokenize(term, /\s+/), token, matches); } return result ? matches : false; }; })(); Helpers.Search.projectQueryWithHierarchy = function (fetchProjects, pageSize) { var addUnmatchedParents = function (projects, matches, previousMatchId) { var i, project, result = []; jQuery.each(matches, function (i, match) { var previousParents; var unmatchedParents = []; var parents = match.project.parents.clone(); if (i > 0) { previousParents = result[result.length - 1].project.parents.clone(); previousParents.push(result[result.length - 1]); } var k; for (k = 0; k < parents.length; k += 1) { if (typeof previousParents == "undefined" || typeof previousParents[k] == "undefined") break; if (previousParents[k].id !== parents[k].id) break; } for (; k < parents.length; k += 1) { result.push(parents[k]); } result.push(match); }); result = (obj) { if (typeof obj.text === "undefined") { return {text: obj.hname}; } return obj; }); return result; }; return function (query) { query.sterm = jQuery.trim(query.term); fetchProjects(function (projects) { var context = query.context || {}, matches = [], project, matchPairs; context.i = context.i ? context.i + 1 : 0; for (context.i; context.i < projects.length; context.i++) { project = projects[context.i]; matchPairs = query.matcher(query.sterm,, project.tokens); if (matchPairs) { matches.push({ id :, text : project.hname, project : project, matches : matchPairs }); } if (matches.length === pageSize) { break; } } // perf optimization - when term is '', then all project will have // been matched and there will be no unmatched parents if (query.sterm.length > 0) { matches = addUnmatchedParents(projects, matches, context.lastMatchId); } // store last match for next page if (matches.length > 0) { context.lastMatchId = matches[matches.length - 1].id; } else { context.lastMatchId = undefined; }, { results : matches, more : context.i < projects.length, context : context }); }); }; }; return Helpers; })(); return OP; })(jQuery);