Feature: Group memberships Background: Given there is 1 project with the following: | name | project1 | | identifier | project1 | And there is 1 user with the following: | login | bob | | firstname | Bob | | Lastname | Bobbit | And there is 1 user with the following: | login | alice | | firstname | Alice | | lastname | Wonderland | And there is 1 group with the following: | name | group1 | And there is a role "alpha" And there is a role "beta" And the role "alpha" may have the following rights: | manage_members | And the user "bob" is a "alpha" in the project "project1" Scenario: Adding a group with members to a project Given the group "group1" has the following members: | alice | And I am logged in as "bob" When I go to the members tab of the settings page of the project "project1" And I add the principal "group1" as a member with the roles: | beta | Then I should see the principal "group1" as a member with the roles: | beta | And I should see the principal "alice" as a member with the roles: | beta | Scenario: Adding members to a group after the group has been added to the project adds the users to the project Given the group "group1" is a "beta" in the project "project1" And I am logged in as "admin" When I go to the edit page of the group called "group1" And I follow "Users" within ".tabs" And I add the user "alice" to the group And I go to the members tab of the settings page of the project "project1" Then I should see the principal "group1" as a member with the roles: | beta | And I should see the principal "alice" as a member with the roles: | beta | @javascript Scenario: Removing a group from a project removes its members (users) as well if they have no roles of their own Given the group "group1" has the following members: | alice | And the group "group1" is a "beta" in the project "project1" And I am logged in as "bob" When I go to the members tab of the settings page of the project "project1" And I follow the delete link of the project member "group1" Then I should not see the principal "group1" as a member And I should not see the principal "alice" as a member @javascript Scenario: Removing a group from a project leaves a member if he has other roles besides those inherited from the group Given the group "group1" has the following members: | alice | And the user "alice" is a "alpha" in the project "project1" And the group "group1" is a "beta" in the project "project1" And I am logged in as "bob" When I go to the members tab of the settings page of the project "project1" And I follow the delete link of the project member "group1" Then I should not see the principal "group1" as a member And I should see the principal "alice" as a member with the roles: | alpha |