When /^I select "(.+)" from the available widgets drop down$/ do |widget_name| steps %{When I select "#{widget_name}" from "block-select"} end Then /^"(.+)" should be disabled in the available widgets drop down$/ do |widget_name| option_name = MyProjectsOverviewsController::BLOCKS.detect{|k, v| I18n.t(v) == widget_name}.first steps %Q{Then the "block-select" drop-down should have the following options disabled: | #{option_name} |} end Then /^I should see the dropdown of available widgets$/ do page.has_select?('block-select', :options => ['Watched Issues', 'Issues assigned to me']) end Then(/^I should see the widget "([^"]*)"$/) do |arg| page.find("#widget_#{arg}").should_not be_nil end