#-- encoding: UTF-8 #-- copyright # OpenProject is an open source project management software. # Copyright (C) 2012-2021 the OpenProject GmbH # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: # Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang # Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # See docs/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ ############################################################################### # The base activity provider class provides a default implementation for the # # most common activity jobs. You may implement the following methods to set # # the respective activity details: # # - event_name # # - event_title # # - event_type # # - event_description # # - event_datetime # # - event_path # # - event_url # # # # See the comments on the methods to get additional information. # ############################################################################### class Activities::BaseActivityProvider include I18n include Redmine::I18n include OpenProject::StaticRouting class_attribute :activity_provider_options # Returns events of type event_type visible by user that occurred between from and to def self.find_events(event_type, user, from, to, options) raise "#{name} can not provide #{event_type} events." if activity_provider_options[:type] != event_type activity_provider_options[:activities] .map { |activity| new(activity).find_events(user, from, to, options) } .flatten end def initialize(activity) self.activity = activity end def self.activity_provider_for(options = {}) options.assert_valid_keys(:type, :permission, :activities) self.activity_provider_options = { type: name.underscore.pluralize, activities: [:activity], permission: "view_#{name.underscore.pluralize}".to_sym }.merge(options) end def find_events(user, from, to, options) query = event_selection_query(user, from, to, options) query = apply_order(query) query = apply_limit(query, options) query = apply_event_projection(query) fill_events(query) end def fill_events(events_query) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(events_query.to_sql).map do |e| params = event_params(e) Activities::Event.new(**params) if params end end ############################################################################# # Activities may need information not available in the journal table. Thus, # # if you need further information from different tables (e.g., projects # # table) you may extend the query in this method. # ############################################################################# def extend_event_query(query) query end ############################################################################# # This method returns a list of columns that the activity query needs to # # return, so the activity provider can actually create an activity object. # # You must at least return the column containing the project reference with # # the alias 'project_id'. # ############################################################################# def event_query_projection [] end def event_datetime(event) event['event_datetime'].is_a?(String) ? DateTime.parse(event['event_datetime']) : event['event_datetime'] end def event_type(_event_data) activity_provider_options[:type] end ############################################################################# # Override this method if the journal table does not contain a reference to # # the 'projects' table. # ############################################################################# def projects_reference_table activity_journals_table end def activitied_type activity_type = self.class.name class_name = activity_type.demodulize class_name.gsub('ActivityProvider', '').constantize end protected def event_selection_query(user, from, to, options) query = journals_with_data_query query = extend_event_query(query) query = filter_for_event_datetime(query, from, to) query = restrict_user(query, options) restrict_projects(query, user, options) end def apply_event_projection(query) projection = event_projection projection << event_query_projection if respond_to?(:event_query_projection) query.project(projection) end def apply_limit(query, options) if options[:limit] query.take(options[:limit]) else query end end def filter_for_event_datetime(query, from, to) query = query.where(journals_table[:created_at].gteq(from)) if from query = query.where(journals_table[:created_at].lteq(to)) if to query end def apply_order(query) query.order(journals_table[:id].desc) end def event_params(event_data) params = { provider: self, event_description: event_data['event_description'], author_id: event_data['event_author'].to_i, journable_id: event_data['journable_id'], project_id: event_data['project_id'].to_i } %i[event_name event_title event_type event_description event_datetime event_path event_url].each do |a| params[a] = send(a, event_data) if self.class.method_defined? a end params rescue StandardError => e Rails.logger.error "Failed to deduce event params for #{event_data.inspect}: #{e}" end def event_projection [[:id, 'event_id'], [:created_at, 'event_datetime'], [:user_id, 'event_author'], [:notes, 'event_description'], [:version, 'version'], [:journable_id, 'journable_id']].map do |column, alias_name| journals_table[column].as(alias_name) end end def join_with_projects_table(query) query.join(projects_table).on(projects_table[:id].eq(projects_reference_table['project_id'])) end def restrict_user(query, options) query = query.where(journals_table[:user_id].eq(options[:author].id)) if options[:author] query end def restrict_projects(query, user, options) query = join_with_projects_table(query) query = restrict_projects_by_selection(options, query) query = restrict_projects_by_activity_module(query) restrict_projects_by_permission(query, user) end def restrict_projects_by_selection(options, query) if (project = options[:project]) query = query.where(project.project_condition(options[:with_subprojects])) end query end def restrict_projects_by_activity_module(query) # Have to use the string based where here as the resulting # sql would otherwise expect a parameter for the prepared statement. query.where(projects_table[:id].in(EnabledModule.where("name = 'activity'").select(:project_id).arel)) end def restrict_projects_by_permission(query, user) perm = activity_provider_options[:permission] query.where(projects_table[:id].in(Project.allowed_to(user, perm).select(:id).arel)) end attr_accessor :activity def journals_with_data_query join_activity_journals_table(journals_table) .where(journals_table[:journable_type].eq(activitied_type.name)) end def join_activity_journals_table(query) query .join(activity_journals_table) .on(journals_table[:data_id].eq(activity_journals_table[:id]) .and(journals_table[:data_type]).eq(activitied_type.journal_class.name)) end def journals_table Journal.arel_table end def activitied_table @activitied_table ||= activitied_type.arel_table end def projects_table @projects_table ||= Project.arel_table end def enabled_modules_table @enabled_modules_table ||= EnabledModule.arel_table end def activity_journals_table @activity_journals_table ||= activitied_type.journal_class.arel_table end def activity_journal_projection_statement(column, name) projection_statement(activity_journals_table, column, name) end def projection_statement(table, column, name) table[column].as(name) end def event_name(event) I18n.t(event_type(event).underscore, scope: 'events') end def url_helpers @url_helpers ||= OpenProject::StaticRouting::StaticUrlHelpers.new end end