require 'spec_helper' require 'support/components/notifications/center' describe "Split screen in the notification center", type: :feature, js: true do shared_let(:project) { FactoryBot.create :project } shared_let(:work_package) { FactoryBot.create :work_package, project: project } shared_let(:second_work_package) { FactoryBot.create :work_package, project: project } shared_let(:recipient) do FactoryBot.create :user, member_in_project: project, member_with_permissions: %i[view_work_packages] end shared_let(:notification) do FactoryBot.create :notification, recipient: recipient, project: project, resource: work_package, journal: work_package.journals.last end shared_let(:second_notification) do FactoryBot.create :notification, recipient: recipient, project: project, resource: second_work_package, journal: work_package.journals.last end let(:center) { } let(:split_screen) { work_package } describe 'basic use case' do current_user { recipient } before do visit home_path end it 'can switch between multiple notifications and the split screen remains open and updates accordingly' do center.expect_bell_count 2 center.click_item notification # Opening the split screen marks the notifications as read split_screen.expect_open center.expect_work_package_item notification center.expect_work_package_item second_notification # Clicking on a another notification changes the split screen content center.click_item second_notification split_screen =, project) split_screen.expect_open center.expect_work_package_item second_notification end it 'can navigate between the tabs' do center.expect_bell_count 2 center.click_item notification split_screen.expect_open # Activity is selected as default split_screen.expect_tab :activity activity_tab = activity_tab.expect_wp_has_been_created_activity work_package # Navigate to the relations tab split_screen.switch_to_tab tab: 'relations' split_screen.expect_tab :relations relations_tab = relations_tab.expect_no_relation work_package # Navigate to full view and back wp_full = split_screen.switch_to_fullscreen wp_full.expect_tab :relations wp_full.go_back split_screen.expect_tab :relations # The split screen can be closed split_screen.close split_screen.expect_closed end end end