describe('queryMenuItem Directive', function() { var compile, element, rootScope, scope, html; var queryId = '25', stateParams = {}; beforeEach(angular.mock.module('openproject.layout')); beforeEach(module('templates', '', 'openproject.models')); beforeEach(module('templates', function($provide) { $provide.value('$stateParams', stateParams); })); beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, $compile) { html = '
'; compile = function() { element = angular.element(html); rootScope = $rootScope; scope = $rootScope.$new(); $compile(element)(scope); scope.$digest(); }; })); describe('when the query id does not match the state param', function() { beforeEach(function() { stateParams.query_id = '1'; compile(); rootScope.$broadcast('$stateChangeSuccess'); }); it('does not add the css-class "selected" to the element', function() { expect(element.hasClass('selected')); }); }); describe('when the query id matches the state param', function() { beforeEach(function() { stateParams.query_id = queryId; compile(); rootScope.$broadcast('$stateChangeSuccess'); }); it('adds the css-class "selected" to the element', function() { expect(element.hasClass('selected')); }); }); describe('when the query id is undefined', function() { beforeEach(function() { html = '
'; }); describe('and the state param is null', function() { beforeEach(function() { stateParams.query_id = null; compile(); rootScope.$broadcast('$stateChangeSuccess'); }); it('adds the css-class "selected" to the element', function() { expect(element.hasClass('selected')); }); }); describe('and the state param is set', function() { beforeEach(function() { stateParams.query_id = '25'; compile(); rootScope.$broadcast('$stateChangeSuccess'); }); it('does not add the css-class "selected" to the element', function() { expect(element.hasClass('selected')); }); }); }); });