module BacklogsNavigationHelpers # Maps a name to a path. Used by the # # When /^I go to (.+)$/ do |page_name| # # step definition in web_steps.rb # def path_to(page_name) case page_name when /^the master backlog(?: of the [pP]roject "(.+?)")?$/ project = get_project($1) "/projects/#{project.identifier}/backlogs" when /^the (:?overview ?)?page (?:for|of) the [pP]roject$/ project = get_project path_to %Q{the overview page of the project called "#{}"} when /^the work_packages index page$/ project = get_project path_to %Q{the work packages index page of the project called "#{}"} when /^the burndown for "(.+?)"(?: (?:in|of) the [pP]roject "(.+?)")?$/ project = get_project($2) sprint = Sprint.find_by_name_and_project_id($1, project) "/projects/#{project.identifier}/sprints/#{}/burndown_chart" when /^the task ?board for "(.+?)"(?: (?:in|of) the [pP]roject "(.+?)")?$/ project = get_project($2) sprint = Sprint.find_by_name_and_project_id($1, project) # WARN: Deprecated side effect to keep some old-style step definitions. # Do not depend on @sprint being set in new step definitions. @sprint = sprint "/projects/#{project.identifier}/sprints/#{}/taskboard" else super end end end World(BacklogsNavigationHelpers)