class HourlyRate < Rate validates_uniqueness_of :valid_from, :scope => [:user_id, :project_id] validates_presence_of :user_id, :project_id, :valid_from def validate # Only allow change of project and user on first creation return if self.new_record? errors.add :project_id, :activerecord_error_invalid if project_id_changed? errors.add :user_id, :activerecord_error_invalid if user_id_changed? end def previous(reference_date = self.valid_from) # This might return a default rate self.user.rate_at(reference_date - 1, self.project) end def next(reference_date = self.valid_from) HourlyRate.find( :first, :conditions => [ "user_id = ? and project_id = ? and valid_from > ?", self.user_id, self.project_id, reference_date], :order => "valid_from ASC" ) end def self.history_for_user(usr, check_permissions = true) rates = Project.has_module(:costs_module).active.visible.each do |project| next if (check_permissions && !User.current.allowed_to?(:view_hourly_rates, project, {:for_user => usr})) rates[project] = HourlyRate.find(:all, :conditions => { :user_id => usr, :project_id => project }, :order => "#{HourlyRate.table_name}.valid_from desc") end # FIXME: What permissions to apply here? rates[nil] = DefaultHourlyRate.find(:all, :conditions => { :user_id => usr}, :order => "#{DefaultHourlyRate.table_name}.valid_from desc") rates end def self.at_date_for_user_in_project(date, user_id, project = nil, include_default = true) user_id = if user_id.is_a?(User) unless project.nil? rate = find(:first, :conditions => [ "user_id = ? and project_id = ? and valid_from <= ?", user_id, project, date], :order => "valid_from DESC") if rate.nil? project = Project.find(project) unless project.is_a?(Project) rate = find(:first, :conditions => [ "user_id = ? and project_id in (?) and valid_from <= ?", user_id, project.ancestors, date], :include => :project, :order => "projects.lft DESC, valid_from DESC") end end rate ||= DefaultHourlyRate.at_for_user(date, user_id) if include_default rate end end