#!/bin/bash # This script is used to migrate an OpenProject (<= 8) database in MySQL to the latest version in Postgres. # All that's needed is docker. The result will be a SQL dump to the current directory. # # We do the MySQL-to-Postgres migration because in the old OpenProject packages MySQL # used to be the standard database. If you are already running on Postgres this script won't work as it is. # For it to work it you will have to use postgres in every step and remove the line # containing MYSQL_DATABASE_URL. if [[ -z "$1" ]] || [[ -z "$2" ]]; then echo echo " usage: bash migrate-from-pre-8.sh [dump format = sql|custom (default)]" echo echo " example: bash migrate-from-pre-8.sh /var/db/openproject/backups/dump.sql" echo exit 1 fi CURRENT_OP_MAJOR_VERSION=11 SECONDS=0 DOCKER_HOST_IP=$1 MYSQL_DUMP_FILE=$2 DUMP_FORMAT=${3:-custom} MYSQL_CONTAINER=opmysql POSTGRES_CONTAINER=oppostgres OP7_CONTAINER=op7 OP8_CONTAINER=op8 OP10_CONTAINER=op10 REMOVE_CONTAINERS=true POSTGRES_PORT=5439 MYSQL_PORT=3305 # has to be free on localhost MYSQL_USER=root MYSQL_PWD=root DATABASE=openproject SKIP_STEP_1=false MIGRATION_TIMEOUT_S=600 # wait at most 10 minutes for the migration from 8 to 10 to finish if [[ ! "$SKIP_STEP_1" = "true" ]]; then # STEP 1: Migrate from current (7) to 8 still in a MySQL database echo echo "1) Migrate to 8 in MySQL" echo echo "1.1) Starting mysql database..." if [[ ! `docker ps | grep $MYSQL_CONTAINER` ]]; then docker run -p $MYSQL_PORT:3306 -d --name $MYSQL_CONTAINER -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$MYSQL_PWD mysql:5.6 if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then exit 1; fi sleep 10 echo " database started" else echo " already running" fi echo echo "1.2) Starting OpenProject 7" if [[ ! `docker ps | grep $OP7_CONTAINER` ]]; then docker run -d --name $OP7_CONTAINER openproject/community:7 # can use `run -it` directly because the image doesn't support it yet in version 8 if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then exit 1; fi echo " OpenProject started" else echo " OpenProject already running" fi echo echo "1.3) Starting OpenProject 8" if [[ ! `docker ps | grep $OP8_CONTAINER` ]]; then docker run -d --name $OP8_CONTAINER openproject/community:8-mysql # can use `run -it` directly because the image doesn't support it yet in version 8 if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then exit 1; fi echo " OpenProject started" else echo " OpenProject already running" fi echo echo "1.4) Creating MySQL database for migration from OP 7 to 8" echo "drop database if exists $DATABASE; create database $DATABASE;" | docker exec -i $MYSQL_CONTAINER mysql -p$MYSQL_PWD if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then echo " Could not create database" exit 1 else echo " Created database" fi echo echo "1.5) Importing MySQL dump ($MYSQL_DUMP_FILE)" cat $MYSQL_DUMP_FILE | docker exec -i $MYSQL_CONTAINER mysql -p$MYSQL_PWD $DATABASE if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then echo " Could not import database" exit 1 else echo " Imported database" fi echo echo "1.6) Migrating database from 6 to 7 ... (NOOP if already on 7)" docker exec -it $OP7_CONTAINER /bin/sh -c "DATABASE_URL=mysql2://$MYSQL_USER:$MYSQL_PWD@$DOCKER_HOST_IP:$MYSQL_PORT/$DATABASE bundle exec rake db:migrate" if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then echo " Could not migrate database" exit 1 else echo " Migrated database" fi # Sometimes very old databases may not have all schema migrations recorded # even though the respective migrations were executed. If this is the case # you can uncomment this step and adjust it to insert the missing versions. # # echo # echo "1.6.1) Fixing schema migrations" # # echo ' # INSERT INTO schema_migrations (version) VALUES # (20110224000000), (20110226120112) # ; # ' | mysql -uroot -h -P $MYSQL_PORT $DATABASE # # if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then # echo " Could not fix schema migrations" # exit 1 # else # echo " Fixed schema migrations" # fi echo echo "1.7) Migrating database from 7 to 8 ... (NOOP if already on 8)" docker exec -it $OP8_CONTAINER /bin/sh -c "DATABASE_URL=mysql2://$MYSQL_USER:$MYSQL_PWD@$DOCKER_HOST_IP:$MYSQL_PORT/$DATABASE bundle exec rake db:migrate" if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then echo " Could not migrate database" exit 1 else echo " Migrated database" fi echo echo "1.8) Dumping intermediate database in version 8 ..." docker exec -it $MYSQL_CONTAINER mysqldump -p$MYSQL_PWD $DATABASE > $DATABASE-mysql-dump-8.sql if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then echo " Could not dump database" exit 1 else echo " Dumped database" fi fi # STEP 2: Migrate from 8 to 10 (latest) echo echo "2) Migrate from 8 to 10 and from MySQL to Postgres" echo echo "2.1) Starting postgres database" if [[ ! `docker ps | grep $POSTGRES_CONTAINER` ]]; then docker run -p $POSTGRES_PORT:5432 -d --name $POSTGRES_CONTAINER -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres postgres:9.6 if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then exit 1; fi sleep 10 echo " database started" else echo " database already running" fi echo echo "2.2) Migrating from MySQL to Postgres (and 8 to 10)" docker run \ --rm \ -v $PWD:/data \ --name migrate8to10 \ -e MYSQL_DATABASE_URL="mysql2://$MYSQL_USER:$MYSQL_PWD@$DOCKER_HOST_IP:$MYSQL_PORT/$DATABASE" \ -e DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres:postgres@$DOCKER_HOST_IP:$POSTGRES_PORT/$DATABASE" \ -e FORCE_YES=true \ -t openproject/community:b007c71494a76924396ad0b168ba733471e3e326 \ > migration.log & # wait for migration to finish... ( timeout --preserve-status $MIGRATION_TIMEOUT_S tail -f -n0 migration.log & ) | grep -q "completed" MIGRATION_STATUS=$? if [[ $MIGRATION_STATUS -gt 0 ]]; then echo " migration unsuccessful. Please check migration.log" exit 1 else echo " migration SUCCESSFUL!" fi echo echo "2.3) Moving dangling tables from $DATABASE to public" read -r -d '' MOVE_SCHEMA_FN < /dev/null # don't need this anymore echo echo "2.5) Migrating from 10 to current ($CURRENT_OP_MAJOR_VERSION)" docker pull openproject/community:$CURRENT_OP_MAJOR_VERSION docker run \ --rm \ -v $PWD:/data \ --name migrate10tocurrent \ -e DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres:postgres@$DOCKER_HOST_IP:$POSTGRES_PORT/$DATABASE" \ -it openproject/community:$CURRENT_OP_MAJOR_VERSION \ bundle exec rake db:migrate > migration.log MIGRATION_STATUS=$? if [[ $MIGRATION_STATUS -gt 0 ]]; then echo " migration unsuccessful. Please check migration.log" exit 1 else echo " migration SUCCESSFUL!" fi EXT="dump" if [[ "$DUMP_FORMAT" = "sql" ]]; then EXT="sql" fi echo echo "2.6) Dumping migrated database to $DATABASE-migrated.$EXT" OUTPUT_PARAMS="-F custom -f /data/$DATABASE-migrated.dump" OUTPUT_FILE="/dev/stdout" if [[ "$DUMP_FORMAT" = "sql" ]]; then OUTPUT_PARAMS="" OUTPUT_FILE="./$DATABASE-migrated.sql" fi # Using the running docker image to dump the database to ensure we use the same # postgres client version and also so that a postgres client is not necessary to run this script. # We are not using the latest container since the Postgres version might have changed in it. docker run \ --rm \ -e PGPASSWORD=postgres \ -v $PWD:/data \ -it openproject/community:11 pg_dump \ -h $DOCKER_HOST_IP \ -p $POSTGRES_PORT \ -U postgres \ -d $DATABASE \ -n public \ -x -O \ $OUTPUT_PARAMS \ > $OUTPUT_FILE if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then echo " Could not dump database" exit 1 else echo " Dumped database" fi if [[ ! "$REMOVE_CONTAINERS" = "false" ]]; then echo echo "Cleaning up used docker containers..." docker stop $MYSQL_CONTAINER && docker rm $MYSQL_CONTAINER docker stop $OP7_CONTAINER && docker rm $OP7_CONTAINER docker stop $OP8_CONTAINER && docker rm $OP8_CONTAINER docker stop $POSTGRES_CONTAINER && docker rm $POSTGRES_CONTAINER fi echo "Finished after $(($SECONDS / 60)) minutes."