#-- encoding: UTF-8 #-- copyright # OpenProject is a project management system. # Copyright (C) 2012-2015 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: # Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang # Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ require 'forwardable' require 'cgi' module ApplicationHelper include OpenProject::TextFormatting include OpenProject::ObjectLinking include Redmine::I18n extend Forwardable def_delegators :wiki_helper, :wikitoolbar_for, :heads_for_wiki_formatter # Return true if user is authorized for controller/action, otherwise false def authorize_for(controller, action) User.current.allowed_to?({ controller: controller, action: action }, @project) end # Display a link if user is authorized # # @param [String] name Anchor text (passed to link_to) # @param [Hash] options Hash params. This will checked by authorize_for to see if the user is authorized # @param [optional, Hash] html_options Options passed to link_to # @param [optional, Hash] parameters_for_method_reference Extra parameters for link_to # # When a block is given, skip the name parameter def link_to_if_authorized(*args, &block) name = args.shift unless block_given? options = args.shift || {} html_options = args.shift parameters_for_method_reference = args return unless authorize_for(options[:controller] || params[:controller], options[:action]) if block_given? link_to(options, html_options, *parameters_for_method_reference, &block) else link_to(name, options, html_options, *parameters_for_method_reference) end end def required_field_name(name = '') safe_join [name, ' ', content_tag('span', '*', class: 'required')] end def li_unless_nil(link, options = {}) content_tag(:li, link, options) if link end # Show a sorted linkified (if active) comma-joined list of users def list_users(users, options = {}) users.sort.map { |u| link_to_user(u, options) }.join(', ') end # returns a class name based on the user's status def user_status_class(user) 'status_' + user.status_name end def user_status_i18n(user) l(('status_' + user.status_name).to_sym) end def toggle_link(name, id, options = {}, html_options = {}) onclick = "jQuery('##{id}').toggle(); " onclick << (options[:focus] ? "jQuery('##{options[:focus]}').focus(); " : 'this.blur(); ') onclick << 'return false;' link_to(name, '#', { onclick: onclick }.merge(html_options)) end def delete_link(url, options = {}) options = { method: :delete, data: { confirm: l(:text_are_you_sure) }, class: 'icon icon-delete' }.merge(options) link_to l(:button_delete), url, options end def image_to_function(name, function, html_options = {}) html_options.symbolize_keys! tag(:input, html_options.merge( type: 'image', src: image_path(name), onclick: (html_options[:onclick] ? "#{html_options[:onclick]}; " : '') + "#{function};" )) end def prompt_to_remote(name, text, param, url, html_options = {}) html_options[:onclick] = "promptToRemote('#{text}', '#{param}', '#{url_for(url)}'); return false;" link_to name, {}, html_options end def format_activity_title(text) h(truncate_single_line(text, length: 100)) end def format_activity_day(date) date == Date.today ? l(:label_today).titleize : format_date(date) end def format_activity_description(text) html_escape_once(truncate(text.to_s, length: 120).gsub(%r{[\r\n]*<(pre|code)>.*$}m, '...')).gsub(/[\r\n]+/, '
').html_safe end def format_version_name(version) h(version.to_s_for_project(@project)) end def due_date_distance_in_words(date) if date l((date < Date.today ? :label_roadmap_overdue : :label_roadmap_due_in), distance_of_date_in_words(Date.today, date)) end end def render_page_hierarchy(pages, node = nil, options = {}) return '' unless pages[node] content_tag :ul, class: 'pages-hierarchy' do pages[node].map { |page| content_tag :li do concat link_to(page.pretty_title, project_wiki_path(page.project, page), title: (options[:timestamp] && page.updated_on ? l(:label_updated_time, distance_of_time_in_words(Time.now, page.updated_on)) : nil)) concat render_page_hierarchy(pages, page.id, options) if pages[page.id] end }.join.html_safe end end def error_messages_for(*params) objects, options = extract_objects_from_params(params) error_messages = objects.map { |o| o.errors.full_messages }.flatten unless error_messages.empty? render partial: 'common/validation_error', locals: { error_messages: error_messages, object_name: options[:object_name].to_s.gsub('_', '') } end end # Taken from Dynamic Form # # lib/action_view/helpers/dynamic_form.rb:187-198 def extract_objects_from_params(params) options = params.extract_options!.symbolize_keys objects = Array.wrap(options.delete(:object) || params).map { |object| object = instance_variable_get("@#{object}") unless object.respond_to?(:to_model) object = convert_to_model(object) if object.class.respond_to?(:model_name) options[:object_name] ||= object.class.model_name.human.downcase end object } [objects.compact, options] end # Renders flash messages def render_flash_messages flash.map { |k, v| render_flash_message(k, v) }.join.html_safe end def join_flash_messages(messages) if messages.respond_to?(:join) messages.join('
').html_safe else messages end end def render_flash_message(type, message, html_options = {}) css_classes = ["flash #{type} icon icon-#{type}", html_options.delete(:class)].join(' ') html_options = { class: css_classes, role: 'alert' }.merge(html_options) content_tag :div, html_options do if User.current.impaired? concat(content_tag('a', join_flash_messages(message), href: 'javascript:;', class: 'impaired--empty-link')) concat(content_tag(:i, '', class: 'icon-close close-handler', tabindex: '0', role: 'button', aria: { label: ::I18n.t('js.close_popup_title') })) else concat(join_flash_messages(message)) concat(content_tag(:i, '', class: 'icon-close close-handler', tabindex: '0', role: 'button', aria: { label: ::I18n.t('js.close_popup_title') })) end end end # Renders tabs and their content def render_tabs(tabs) if tabs.any? render partial: 'common/tabs', locals: { tabs: tabs } else content_tag 'p', l(:label_no_data), class: 'nodata' end end def project_tree_options_for_select(projects, options = {}, &_block) Project.project_level_list(projects).map { |element| tag_options = { value: h(element[:project].id), title: h(element[:project].name), } if options[:selected] == element[:project] || (options[:selected].respond_to?(:include?) && options[:selected].include?(element[:project])) tag_options[:selected] = 'selected' end level_prefix = '' level_prefix = (' ' * 3 * element[:level] + '» ').html_safe if element[:level] > 0 tag_options.merge!(yield(element[:project])) if block_given? content_tag('option', level_prefix + h(element[:project].name), tag_options) }.join('').html_safe end # Yields the given block for each project with its level in the tree # # Wrapper for Project#project_tree def project_tree(projects, &block) Project.project_tree(projects, &block) end # Returns a lft-sorted project hierarchy only when # the sort helper has deemed a non-default sort option to be selected. def project_tree_when_sorted(projects, &block) if default_sort_order? project_tree(projects, &block) else projects.each do |p| yield p, 0 end end end def project_nested_ul(projects, &_block) s = '' if projects.any? ancestors = [] Project.project_tree(projects) do |project, _level| if ancestors.empty? || project.is_descendant_of?(ancestors.last) s << "\n" end end s << '
  • ' s << yield(project).to_s ancestors << project end s << ("
  • \n" * ancestors.size) end s.html_safe end def principals_check_box_tags(name, principals) labeled_check_box_tags(name, principals, title: :user_status_i18n, class: :user_status_class) end def labeled_check_box_tags(name, collection, options = {}) collection.sort.map { |object| id = name.gsub(/[\[\]]+/, '_') + object.id.to_s object_options = options.inject({}) { |h, (k, v)| h[k] = v.is_a?(Symbol) ? send(v, object) : v h } object_options[:class] = Array(object_options[:class]) + %w(form--label-with-check-box) content_tag :div, class: 'form--field' do label_tag(id, object, object_options) do styled_check_box_tag(name, object.id, false, id: id) + object end end }.join.html_safe end def html_hours(text) text.gsub(%r{(\d+)\.(\d+)}, '\1.\2').html_safe end def authoring(created, author, options = {}) l(options[:label] || :label_added_time_by, author: link_to_user(author), age: time_tag(created)).html_safe end def time_tag(time) text = distance_of_time_in_words(Time.now, time) if @project and @project.module_enabled?('activity') link_to(text, { controller: '/activities', action: 'index', project_id: @project, from: time.to_date }, title: format_time(time)) else datetime = time.acts_like?(:time) ? time.xmlschema : time.iso8601 content_tag(:time, text, datetime: datetime, title: format_time(time), class: 'timestamp') end end def syntax_highlight(name, content) highlighted = Redmine::SyntaxHighlighting.highlight_by_filename(content, name) highlighted.each_line do |line| yield highlighted.html_safe? ? line.html_safe : line end end def to_path_param(path) path.to_s end def reorder_links(name, url, options = {}) method = options[:method] || :post content_tag(:span, link_to(content_tag(:span, '', class: 'icon-context icon-sort-up icon-small', title: l(:label_sort_highest)), url.merge("#{name}[move_to]" => 'highest'), method: method, title: l(:label_sort_highest)) + link_to(content_tag(:span, '', class: 'icon-context icon-arrow-up2 icon-small', title: l(:label_sort_higher)), url.merge("#{name}[move_to]" => 'higher'), method: method, title: l(:label_sort_higher)) + link_to(content_tag(:span, '', class: 'icon-context icon-arrow-down2 icon-small', title: l(:label_sort_lower)), url.merge("#{name}[move_to]" => 'lower'), method: method, title: l(:label_sort_lower)) + link_to(content_tag(:span, '', class: 'icon-context icon-sort-down icon-small', title: l(:label_sort_lowest)), url.merge("#{name}[move_to]" => 'lowest'), method: method, title: l(:label_sort_lowest)), class: 'reorder-icons' ) end def other_formats_links(&block) formats = capture(Redmine::Views::OtherFormatsBuilder.new(self), &block) unless formats.nil? || formats.strip.empty? content_tag 'p', class: 'other-formats' do (l(:label_export_to) + formats).html_safe end end end # this method seems to not be used any more def page_header_title if @page_header_title.present? h(@page_header_title) elsif @project.nil? || @project.new_record? h(Setting.app_title) else b = [] ancestors = (@project.root? ? [] : @project.ancestors.visible) if ancestors.any? root = ancestors.shift b << link_to_project(root, { jump: current_menu_item }, class: 'root') if ancestors.size > 2 b << '…' ancestors = ancestors[-2, 2] end b += ancestors.map { |p| link_to_project(p, { jump: current_menu_item }, class: 'ancestor') } end b << h(@project) b.join(' » ') end end def html_title(*args) title = [] if args.empty? title << h(@project.name) if @project title += @html_title if @html_title title << h(Setting.app_title) else @html_title ||= [] @html_title += args title += @html_title end title.select { |t| !t.blank? }.join(' - ').html_safe end # Returns the theme, controller name, and action as css classes for the # HTML body. def body_css_classes css = ['theme-' + current_theme.identifier.to_s] if params[:controller] && params[:action] css << 'controller-' + params[:controller] css << 'action-' + params[:action] end css.join(' ') end def accesskey(s) OpenProject::AccessKeys.key_for s end # Same as Rails' simple_format helper without using paragraphs def simple_format_without_paragraph(text) text.to_s .gsub(/\r\n?/, "\n") # \r\n and \r -> \n .gsub(/\n\n+/, '

    ') # 2+ newline -> 2 br .gsub(/([^\n]\n)(?=[^\n])/, '\1
    ') # 1 newline -> br .html_safe end def lang_options_for_select(blank = true) auto = if blank && (valid_languages - all_languages) == (all_languages - valid_languages) [['(auto)', '']] else [] end auto + valid_languages.map { |lang| [ll(lang.to_s, :general_lang_name), lang.to_s] }.sort { |x, y| x.last <=> y.last } end def all_lang_options_for_select(blank = true) (blank ? [['(auto)', '']] : []) + all_languages.map { |lang| [ll(lang.to_s, :general_lang_name), lang.to_s] }.sort { |x, y| x.last <=> y.last } end def labelled_tabular_form_for(record, options = {}, &block) options.reverse_merge!(builder: TabularFormBuilder, html: {}) options[:html][:class] = 'form' unless options[:html].has_key?(:class) form_for(record, options, &block) end def back_url_hidden_field_tag back_url = params[:back_url] || request.env['HTTP_REFERER'] back_url = CGI.unescape(back_url.to_s) hidden_field_tag('back_url', CGI.escape(back_url)) unless back_url.blank? end def back_url_to_current_page_hidden_field_tag back_url = params[:back_url] if back_url.present? back_url = back_url.to_s elsif request.get? and !params.blank? back_url = url_for(params) end hidden_field_tag('back_url', back_url) unless back_url.blank? end def check_all_links(form_name) link_to_function(l(:button_check_all), "checkAll('#{form_name}', true)") + ' | ' + link_to_function(l(:button_uncheck_all), "checkAll('#{form_name}', false)") end # Generates the HTML for a progress bar # Params: # * pcts: # * a number indicating the percentage done # * or an array of two numbers -> [percentage_closed, percentage_done] # where percentage_closed <= percentage_done # and percentage_close + percentage_done <= 100 # * options: # A hash containing the following keys: # * width: (default '100px') the css-width for the progress bar # * legend: (default: '') the text displayed alond with the progress bar def progress_bar(pcts, options = {}) pcts = Array(pcts).map(&:round) closed = pcts[0] done = (pcts[1] || closed) - closed width = options[:width] || '100px;' legend = options[:legend] || '' content_tag :span do content_tag :span, class: 'progress-bar', style: "width: #{width}" do content_tag(:span, '', class: 'inner-progress closed', style: "width: #{closed}%") + content_tag(:span, '', class: 'inner-progress done', style: "width: #{done}%") end.<<(content_tag :span, "#{legend}% #{l(:total_progress)}", class: 'progress-bar-legend') end end def checked_image(checked = true) if checked icon_wrapper('icon-context icon-checkmark', l(:label_checked)) end end def calendar_for(field_id) include_calendar_headers_tags javascript_tag("jQuery(function() { jQuery('##{field_id}').datepicker(); })") end def include_calendar_headers_tags unless @calendar_headers_tags_included @calendar_headers_tags_included = true content_for :header_tags do start_of_week = case Setting.start_of_week.to_i when 1 '1' # Monday when 7 '0' # Sunday when 6 '6' # Saturday else # use language (pass a blank string into the JSON object, # as the datepicker implementation checks for numbers in # /frontend/app/misc/datepicker-defaults.js:34) '""' end # FIXME: Get rid of this abomination js = "var CS = { lang: '#{current_language.to_s.downcase}', firstDay: #{start_of_week} };" javascript_tag(js) end end end # Returns the javascript tags that are included in the html layout head def user_specific_javascript_includes tags = '' tags += javascript_tag(%{ window.openProject = new OpenProject({ urlRoot : '#{OpenProject::Configuration.rails_relative_url_root}', environment: '#{Rails.env}', loginUrl: '#{url_for controller: '/account', action: 'login'}' }); I18n.defaultLocale = "#{I18n.default_locale}"; I18n.locale = "#{I18n.locale}"; }) if User.current.pref.warn_on_leaving_unsaved? tags += javascript_tag(%{ jQuery(document).ready(function(){ warnLeavingUnsaved('#{escape_javascript(l(:text_warn_on_leaving_unsaved))}'); jQuery(document).ajaxComplete(function(){ warnLeavingUnsaved('#{escape_javascript(l(:text_warn_on_leaving_unsaved))}') }); }); }) end if User.current.impaired? and accessibility_js_enabled? tags += javascript_include_tag('accessibility.js') end tags.html_safe end # Add a HTML meta tag to control robots (web spiders) # # @param [optional, String] content the content of the ROBOTS tag. # defaults to no index, follow, and no archive def robot_exclusion_tag(content = 'NOINDEX,FOLLOW,NOARCHIVE') "".html_safe end # Returns true if arg is expected in the API response def include_in_api_response?(arg) unless @included_in_api_response param = params[:include] @included_in_api_response = param.is_a?(Array) ? param.map(&:to_s) : param.to_s.split(',') @included_in_api_response.map!(&:strip) end @included_in_api_response.include?(arg.to_s) end # Returns options or nil if nometa param or X-OpenProject-Nometa header # was set in the request def api_meta(options) if params[:nometa].present? || request.headers['X-OpenProject-Nometa'] # compatibility mode for activeresource clients that raise # an error when deserializing an array with attributes nil else options end end def disable_accessibility_css! @accessibility_css_disabled = true end def accessibility_css_enabled? !@accessibility_css_disabled end def disable_accessibility_js! @accessibility_js_disabled = true end def accessibility_js_enabled? !@accessibility_js_disabled end # # Returns the footer text displayed in the layout file. # def footer_content elements = [] elements << I18n.t(:text_powered_by, link: link_to(OpenProject::Info.app_name, OpenProject::Info.url)) unless OpenProject::Footer.content.nil? OpenProject::Footer.content.each do |name, value| content = value.respond_to?(:call) ? value.call : value if content elements << content_tag(:span, content, class: "footer_#{name}") end end end elements << Setting.additional_footer_content if Setting.additional_footer_content.present? elements.join(', ').html_safe end private def wiki_helper helper = Redmine::WikiFormatting.helper_for(Setting.text_formatting) extend helper self end def link_to_content_update(text, url_params = {}, html_options = {}) link_to(text, url_params, html_options) end def password_complexity_requirements rules = OpenProject::Passwords::Evaluator.rules_description # use 0..0, so this doesn't fail if rules is an empty string rules[0] = rules[0..0].upcase s = raw '' + OpenProject::Passwords::Evaluator.min_length_description + '' s += raw '
    ' + rules + '' unless rules.empty? s end def icon_wrapper(icon_class, label) content = content_tag(:span, '', class: icon_class) content += content_tag(:span, label, class: 'hidden-for-sighted') end end