sl: activerecord: attributes: ldap_groups/synchronized_group: dn: 'DN' auth_source: 'LDAP povezava' ldap_groups/synchronized_filter: filter_string: 'LDAP filter' auth_source: 'LDAP povezava' group_name_attribute: "Atribut imena skupine\n" models: ldap_groups/synchronized_group: 'sinhronizacija LDAP skupine' ldap_groups/synchronized_filter: 'Sinhronizacijski filter skupine LDAP' ldap_groups: label_menu_item: 'LDAP sinhronizacija skupine' label_group_key: 'LDAP skupinski filter ključ' label_synchronize: 'Sinhroniziraj' settings: name_attribute: "Atribut imena skupine LDAP\n" name_attribute_text: 'Atribut LDAP, ki se uporablja za poimenovanje skupine OpenProject, ko jo ustvari filter' synchronized_filters: add_new: "Dodajte sinhroniziran LDAP filter\n" singular: 'Sinhronizacijski filter skupine LDAP' plural: 'Sinhronizacijski filter skupine LDAP' destroy: title: 'Odstrani sinhronizirani filter %{name}' confirmation: "Če nadaljujete, bo sinhronizirani filter %{name} in vse skupine %{groups_count}, ustvarjene prek njega, odstranjene.\n" removed_groups: "Opozorilo: S tem odstranite naslednje skupine iz OpenProject-a in ga odstranite iz vseh projektov!" verification: "Vnesite ime filtra %{name}, da preverite izbris." form: group_name_attribute_text: "Vnesite atribut skupine LDAP, ki se uporablja za nastavitev imena skupine OpenProject.\n" filter_string_text: 'Vnesite filter RFC4515 LDAP, ki vrne skupine v vašem LDAP za sinhronizacijo z OpenProject.' synchronized_groups: add_new: 'dodaj sinhroniziranje LDAP skupini' destroy: title: 'Remove synchronized group %{name}' confirmation: "If you continue, the synchronized group %{name} and all %{users_count} users synchronized through it will be removed." info: "Note: The OpenProject group itself and members added outside this LDAP synchronization will not be removed." verification: "Enter the group's name %{name} to verify the deletion." help_text_html: | This module allows you to set up a synchronization between LDAP and OpenProject groups. It depends on LDAP groups need to use the groupOfNames / memberOf attribute set to be working with OpenProject.
Groups are synchronized hourly through a cron job. Please see our documentation on this topic. no_results: 'Ni najdena nobena sinhronizirana skupina' no_members: 'Skupina še nima sinhroniziranih članov' plural: 'Synchronized LDAP groups' singular: 'sinhronizacija LDAP skupine' form: auth_source_text: 'Izberite, katera povezava LDAP naj bo uporabljena.' dn_text: 'Vnesite celoten DN skupine v LDAP' group_text: 'Select an existing OpenProject group that members of the LDAP group shall be synchronized with'