Given /^the project "([^\"]+)" has (\d+) [Cc]ost(?: )?[Ee]ntr(?:ies|y)$/ do |project, count| p = Project.find_by_name(project) || Project.find_by_identifier(project) as_admin count do ce = CostEntry.generate ce.project = p ce.issue = Issue.generate_for_project!(p)! end end Given /^there is 1 cost type with the following:$/ do |table| ct = CostType.generate send_table_to_object(ct, table, { :cost_rate => do |o,v| FactoryGirl.create(:cost_rate, :rate => v, :cost_type => o) end, :name => do |o,v| = v o.unit = v o.unit_plural = "#{v}s"! end}) end Given /^there (?:is|are) (\d+) (default )?hourly rate[s]? with the following:$/ do |num, is_default, table| if is_default hr = DefaultHourlyRate.spawn else hr = HourlyRate.spawn end send_table_to_object(hr, table, { :user => do |rate, value|! rate.reload unless rate.project.nil? || User.find_by_login(value).projects.include?(rate.project) Rate.update_all({ :project_id => User.find_by_login(value).projects(:order => "id ASC") }, { :id => }) end Rate.update_all({ :user_id => User.find_by_login(value).id }, { :id => }) end, :valid_from => do |rate, value| # This works for definitions like "2 years ago" number, time_unit, tempus = value.split time = number.to_i.send(time_unit.to_sym).send(tempus.to_sym) rate.update_attribute :valid_from, time end }) end Given /^the [Uu]ser "([^\"]*)" has (\d+) [Cc]ost(?: )?[Ee]ntr(?:ies|y)$/ do |user, count| u = User.find_by_login user p = u.projects.last i = Issue.generate_for_project!(p) as_admin count do ce = CostEntry.spawn ce.user = u ce.project = p ce.issue = i! end end Given /^the project "([^\"]+)" has (\d+) [Cc]ost(?: )?[Ee]ntr(?:ies|y) with the following:$/ do |project, count, table| p = Project.find_by_name(project) || Project.find_by_identifier(project) i = Issue.generate_for_project!(p) as_admin count do ce = CostEntry.generate ce.project = p ce.issue = i send_table_to_object(ce, table)! end end Given /^the issue "([^\"]+)" has (\d+) [Cc]ost(?: )?[Ee]ntr(?:ies|y) with the following:$/ do |issue, count, table| i = Issue.find(:last, :conditions => ["subject = '#{issue}'"]) as_admin count do ce =, :spent_on => (table.rows_hash["date"] ? table.rows_hash["date"].to_date :, :units => table.rows_hash["units"], :project => i.project, :issue => i, :user => User.find_by_login(table.rows_hash["user"]), :comments => "lorem") ce.cost_type = CostType.find_by_name(table.rows_hash["cost type"]) if table.rows_hash["cost type"]! end end Given /^there is a standard cost control project named "([^\"]*)"$/ do |name| steps %Q{ Given there is 1 project with the following: | Name | #{name} | And the project "#{name}" has the following trackers: | name | | tracker1 | And the project "#{name}" has 1 subproject And the project "#{name}" has 1 issue with: | subject | #{name}issue | And there is a role "Manager" And the role "Manager" may have the following rights: | view_own_hourly_rate | | view_issues | | view_own_time_entries | | view_own_cost_entries | | view_cost_rates | And there is a role "Controller" And the role "Controller" may have the following rights: | View own cost entries | And there is a role "Developer" And the role "Developer" may have the following rights: | View own cost entries | And there is a role "Reporter" And the role "Reporter" may have the following rights: | Create issues | And there is a role "Supplier" And the role "Supplier" may have the following rights: | View own hourly rate | | View own cost entries | And there is 1 user with: | Login | manager | And the user "manager" is a "Manager" in the project "#{name}" And there is 1 user with: | Login | controller | And the user "controller" is a "Controller" in the project "#{name}" And there is 1 user with: | Login | developer | And the user "developer" is a "Developer" in the project "#{name}" And there is 1 user with: | Login | reporter | And the user "reporter" is a "Reporter" in the project "#{name}" } end Given /^users have times and the cost type "([^\"]*)" logged on the issue "([^\"]*)" with:$/ do |cost_type, issue, table| i = Issue.find(:last, :conditions => ["subject = '#{issue}'"]) raise "No such issue: #{issue}" unless i table.rows_hash.collect do |k,v| user = k.split.first if k.end_with? "hours" steps %Q{ And the issue "#{issue}" has 1 time entry with the following: | hours | #{v} | | user | #{user} | } elsif k.end_with? "units" steps %Q{ And the issue "#{issue}" has 1 cost entry with the following: | units | #{v} | | user | #{user} | | cost type | #{cost_type} | } elsif k.end_with? "rate" steps %Q{ And the user "#{user}" has: | default rate | #{v} | } else "Don't know what to do with #{k} => #{v}. Use | (hours|rate|units) | | as." next end end end Given /^there is a variable cost object with the following:$/ do |table| cost_object = table_hash = table.rows_hash cost_object.created_on = table_hash.has_key?("created_on") ? eval(table_hash["created_on"]) : cost_object.fixed_date = cost_object.created_on.to_date cost_object.project = (Project.find_by_identifier(table_hash["project"]) || Project.find_by_name(table_hash ["project"])) if table_hash.has_key? "project" = User.find_by_login(table_hash["author"]) || cost_object.project.members.first.principal cost_object.subject = table_hash["subject"] if table_hash.has_key? "subject"! cost_object.journals.first.update_attribute(:created_at, eval(table_hash["created_on"])) if table_hash.has_key?("created_on") end Given /^I update the variable cost object "([^"]*)" with the following:$/ do |subject, table| cost_object = VariableCostObject.find_by_subject(subject) cost_object.subject = table.rows_hash["subject"]! end