#-- encoding: UTF-8 #-- copyright # OpenProject is a project management system. # # Copyright (C) 2012-2013 the OpenProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ class JournalManager def self.is_journalized?(obj) not obj.nil? and obj.respond_to? :journals end def self.changed?(journable) if journable.journals.count > 0 changed = attributes_changed? journable changed ||= association_changed? journable, "attachable", :attachments, :id, :attachment_id, :filename changed ||= association_changed? journable, "customizable", :custom_values, :custom_field_id, :custom_field_id, :value changed else true end end def self.attributes_changed?(journable) type = base_class(journable.class) current = valid_journal_attributes type, journable.attributes predecessor = journable.journals.last.data.journaled_attributes return predecessor.map{|k,v| current[k.to_s] != v} .inject(false) { |r, c| r || c } end def self.association_changed?(journable, journal_association, association, id, key, value) if journable.respond_to? association journal_assoc_name = "#{journal_association}_journals".to_sym changes = {} current = journable.send(association).map {|a| { key.to_s => a.send(id), value.to_s => a.send(value)} } predecessor = journable.journals.last.send(journal_assoc_name).map(&:attributes) merged_journals = JournalManager.merge_reference_journals_by_id current, predecessor, key.to_s changes.merge! JournalManager.added_references(merged_journals, association.to_s, value.to_s) changes.merge! JournalManager.removed_references(merged_journals, association.to_s, value.to_s) changes.merge! JournalManager.changed_references(merged_journals, association.to_s, value.to_s) not changes.empty? else false end end def self.merge_reference_journals_by_id(current, predecessor, key) all_attachable_journal_ids = current.map { |j| j[key] } | predecessor.map { |j| j[key] } all_attachable_journal_ids.each_with_object({}) { |i, h| h[i] = [predecessor.detect { |j| j[key] == i }, current.detect { |j| j[key] == i }] } end def self.added_references(merged_references, key, value) merged_references.select {|_, v| v[0].nil? and not v[1].nil?} .each_with_object({}) { |k,h| h["#{key}_#{k[0]}".to_sym] = [nil, k[1][1][value]] } end def self.removed_references(merged_references, key, value) merged_references.select {|_, v| not v[0].nil? and v[1].nil?} .each_with_object({}) { |k,h| h["#{key}_#{k[0]}".to_sym] = [k[1][0][value], nil] } end def self.changed_references(merged_references, key, value) merged_references.select {|_, v| not v[0].nil? and not v[1].nil? and v[0][value] != v[1][value]} .each_with_object({}) { |k,h| h["#{key}_#{k[0]}".to_sym] = [k[1][0][value], k[1][1][value]] } end def self.recreate_initial_journal(type, journal, changed_data) if journal.data.nil? journal.data = create_journal_data journal.id, type, changed_data.except(:id) else journal.changed_data = changed_data journal.attachable_journals.delete_all journal.customizable_journals.delete_all end create_association_data journal.journable, journal journal.save! journal.reload end def self.add_journal(journable, user = User.current, notes = "") if is_journalized? journable journal_attributes = { journable_id: journable.id, journable_type: journal_class_name(journable.class), version: (journable.journals.count + 1), activity_type: journable.send(:activity_type), changed_data: journable.attributes.symbolize_keys } create_journal journable, journal_attributes, user, notes end end def self.create_journal(journable, journal_attributes, user = User.current, notes = "") type = base_class(journable.class) extended_journal_attributes = journal_attributes.merge({ journable_type: journal_class_name(type) }) .merge({ notes: notes }) .except(:changed_data) .except(:id) unless extended_journal_attributes.has_key? :user_id extended_journal_attributes[:user_id] = user.id end journal = journable.journals.build extended_journal_attributes journal.data = create_journal_data journal.id, type, valid_journal_attributes(type, journal_attributes[:changed_data]) create_association_data journable, journal journal end def self.valid_journal_attributes(type, changed_data) journal_class = journal_class type journal_class_attributes = journal_class.columns.map(&:name) valid_journal_attributes = changed_data.select {|k,v| journal_class_attributes.include?(k.to_s)} valid_journal_attributes.except 'id', 'updated_at', 'updated_on' end def self.create_journal_data(journal_id, type, changed_data) journal_class = journal_class type new_data = Hash[changed_data.map{|k,v| [k, (v.kind_of? Array) ? v.last : v]}] journal_class.new new_data end USER_DELETION_JOURNAL_BUCKET_SIZE = 1000; def self.update_user_references(current_user_id, substitute_id) foreign_keys = ['author_id', 'user_id', 'assigned_to_id', 'responsible_id'] # as updating the journals will take some time we do it in batches # so that journals created later are also accounted for while (journal_subset = Journal.all(:conditions => ["id > ?", current_id ||= 0], :order => "id ASC", :limit => USER_DELETION_JOURNAL_BUCKET_SIZE)).size > 0 do # change user reference in data fields journal_subset.each do |journal| foreign_keys.each do |foreign_key| if journal.data.respond_to? foreign_key journal.data.send "#{foreign_key}=", substitute_id if journal.data.send(foreign_key) == current_user_id end end # change journal user journal.user_id = substitute_id if journal.user_id = current_user_id journal.save if journal.data.changed? end current_id = journal_subset.map(&:id).max end end def self.journal_class(type) "Journal::#{journal_class_name(type)}".constantize end private def self.journal_class_name(type) "#{base_class(type).name}Journal" end def self.base_class(type) supertype = type.ancestors.find{|a| a != type and a.is_a? Class} supertype = type if supertype == ActiveRecord::Base supertype end def self.create_association_data(journable, journal) create_attachment_data journable, journal if journable.respond_to? :attachments create_custom_field_data journable, journal if journable.respond_to? :custom_values end def self.create_attachment_data(journable, journal) journable.attachments.each do |a| journal.attachable_journals.build attachment: a, filename: a.filename end end def self.create_custom_field_data(journable, journal) journable.custom_values.each do |cv| journal.customizable_journals.build custom_field_id: cv.custom_field_id, value: cv.value end end end