#-- copyright # OpenProject is a project management system. # # Copyright (C) 2012-2013 the OpenProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ [CustomField, WorkPackageCustomField].each do |const| InstanceFinder.register(const, Proc.new{ |name| const.find_by_name(name) }) RouteMap.register(const, "/custom_fields") end Given /^the following (user|issue) custom fields are defined:$/ do |type, table| type = (type + "_custom_field").to_sym as_admin do table.hashes.each_with_index do |r, i| attr_hash = { :name => r['name'], :field_format => r['type']} attr_hash[:possible_values] = r['possible_values'].split(",").collect(&:strip) if r['possible_values'] attr_hash[:is_required] = (r[:required] == 'true') if r[:required] attr_hash[:editable] = (r[:editable] == 'true') if r[:editable] attr_hash[:visible] = (r[:visible] == 'true') if r[:visible] attr_hash[:is_filter] = (r[:is_filter] == 'true') if r[:is_filter] attr_hash[:default_value] = r[:default_value] ? r[:default_value] : nil attr_hash[:is_for_all] = r[:is_for_all] || true FactoryGirl.create type, attr_hash end end end Given /^the user "(.+?)" has the user custom field "(.+?)" set to "(.+?)"$/ do |login, field_name, value| user = User.find_by_login(login) custom_field = UserCustomField.find_by_name(field_name) user.custom_values.build(:custom_field => custom_field, :value => value) user.save! end Given /^the custom field "(.+)" is( not)? summable$/ do |field_name, negative| custom_field = WorkPackageCustomField.find_by_name(field_name) Setting.issue_list_summable_columns = negative ? Setting.issue_list_summable_columns - ["cf_#{custom_field.id}"] : Setting.issue_list_summable_columns << "cf_#{custom_field.id}" end Given /^the custom field "(.*?)" is activated for tracker "(.*?)"$/ do |field_name, tracker_name| custom_field = WorkPackageCustomField.find_by_name(field_name) tracker = Tracker.find_by_name(tracker_name) custom_field.trackers << tracker end Given /^there are no custom fields$/ do CustomField.destroy_all end