#encoding: utf-8 #-- copyright # OpenProject is a project management system. # # Copyright (C) 2012-2013 the OpenProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ Then /^I should see the planning element edit modal$/ do steps 'Then I should see a modal window with selector "#planningElementDialog"' end Then /^I should see a modal window with selector "(.*?)"$/ do |selector| page.should have_selector(selector) dialog = find(selector) dialog["class"].include?("ui-dialog-content").should be_true end Then /^I should see a modal window$/ do steps 'Then I should see a modal window with selector ".ui-dialog-content"' end Then(/^I should not see the planning element "(.*?)"$/) do |planning_element_name| steps %Q{ Then I should not see "#{planning_element_name}" within ".tl-left-main" } end Then(/^the project "(.*?)" should have an indent of (\d+)$/) do |project_name, indent| find(".tl-indent-#{indent}", :text => project_name).should_not be_nil end Then(/^the project "(.*?)" should follow after "(.*?)"$/) do |project_name_one, project_name_two| #Check that the things really exist and wait until the exist steps %Q{ Then I should see "#{project_name_one}" within ".tl-left-main" Then I should see "#{project_name_two}" within ".tl-left-main" } elements = find_lowest_containing_element project_name_one, ".tl-word-ellipsis" elements[-1].should have_xpath("preceding::span[@class='tl-word-ellipsis']/descendant-or-self::*[text()='#{project_name_two}']") end Then(/^I should see the planning element "(.*?)"$/) do |planning_element_name| steps %Q{ Then I should see "#{planning_element_name}" within ".tl-left-main" } end Then(/^I should see the project "(.*?)"$/) do |project_name| steps %Q{ Then I should see "#{project_name}" within ".tl-left-main" } end Then(/^I should not see the project "(.*?)"$/) do |project_name| steps %Q{ Then I should not see "#{project_name}" within ".tl-left-main" } end Then /^the first table column should not take more than 25% of the space$/ do result = page.evaluate_script("jQuery('.tl-left-main th').width() < (jQuery('body').width() * 0.25 + 22)") result.should be_true end Then /^the "([^"]*)" row should (not )?be marked as default$/ do |title, negation| should_be_visible = !negation table_row = find_field(title).find(:xpath, "./ancestor::tr") # The first column contains the Default value # TODO: This should not be a magic constant but derived from the actual table # header. if should_be_visible table_row.should have_css('td:nth-child(1) img[alt=checked]') else table_row.should_not have_css('td:nth-child(1) img[alt=checked]') end end Then /^I should see that "([^"]*)" is( not)? a milestone and( not)? shown in aggregation$/ do |name, not_milestone, not_in_aggregation| row = page.find(:css, ".timelines-pet-name", :text => Regexp.new("^#{name}$")).find(:xpath, './ancestor::tr') nodes = row.all(:css, '.timelines-pet-is_milestone img[alt=checked]') if not_milestone nodes.should be_empty else nodes.should_not be_empty end nodes = row.all(:css, '.timelines-pet-in_aggregation img[alt=checked]') if not_in_aggregation nodes.should be_empty else nodes.should_not be_empty end end Then /^the "([^"]*)" row should (not )?be marked as allowing associations$/ do |title, negation| should_be_visible = !negation table_row = page.all(:css, "table.list tbody tr td", :text => title).first.find(:xpath, "./ancestor::tr") nodes = table_row.all(:css, '.timelines-pt-allows_association img[alt=checked]') if should_be_visible nodes.should_not be_empty else nodes.should be_empty end end Then /^I should see that "([^"]*)" is a color$/ do |name| cell = page.all(:css, ".timelines-color-name", :text => name) cell.should_not be_empty end Then /^I should not see the "([^"]*)" planning element type$/ do |name| page.all(:css, '.timelines-pet-name', :text => name).should be_empty end Then /^I should not see the "([^"]*)" color$/ do |name| cell = page.all(:css, ".timelines-color-name", :text => name) cell.should be_empty end Then /^"([^"]*)" should be the first element in the list$/ do |name| should have_selector("table.list tbody tr td", :text => Regexp.new("^#{name}$")) end Then /^"([^"]*)" should be the last element in the list$/ do |name| has_css?("table.list tbody tr td", :text => Regexp.new("^#{name}$")) end Then /^I should see an? (notice|warning|error) flash stating "([^"]*)"$/ do |class_name, message| page.all(:css, ".flash.#{class_name}, .flash.#{class_name} *", :text => message).should_not be_empty end Then /^I should see a planning element named "([^"]*)"$/ do |name| cells = page.all(:css, "table td.timelines-pe-name *", :text => name) cells.should_not be_empty end Then /^I should( not)? see "([^"]*)" below "([^"]*)"$/ do |negation, text, heading| cells = page.all(:css, "h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6", :text => heading) cells.should_not be_empty container = cells.first.find(:xpath, "./ancestor::*[@class='container']") if negation container.should be_has_no_content(text) else container.should be_has_content(text) end end Then /^I should not be able to add new project associations$/ do link = page.all(:css, "a.timelines-new-project-associations") link.should be_empty end Then /^I should (not )?see a planning element link for "([^"]*)"$/ do |negate, planning_element_subject| planning_element = PlanningElement.find_by_subject(planning_element_subject) text = "*#{planning_element.id}" step %Q{I should #{negate}see "#{text}"} end Then /^I should (not )?see a planning element quickinfo link for "([^"]*)"$/ do |negate, planning_element_subject| planning_element = PlanningElement.find_by_subject(planning_element_subject) text = "*#{planning_element.id} #{planning_element.planning_element_status.nil? ? "" : planning_element.planning_element_status.name + ":"} #{planning_element.subject} #{planning_element.start_date.to_s} – #{planning_element.due_date.to_s} (#{planning_element.responsible.to_s})" step %Q{I should #{negate}see "#{text}"} end Then /^I should (not )?see a planning element quickinfo link with description for "([^"]*)"$/ do |negate, planning_element_subject| planning_element = PlanningElement.find_by_subject(planning_element_subject) step %Q{I should #{negate}see a planning element quickinfo link for "#{planning_element_subject}"} step %Q{I should #{negate}see "#{planning_element.description}"} end Then /^I should (not )?see the timeline "([^"]*)"$/ do |negate, timeline_name| selector = "div.timeline div.tl-left-main" timeline = Timeline.find_by_name(timeline_name) if (negate && page.has_css?(selector)) || !negate timeline.project.planning_elements.each do |planning_element| step %Q{I should #{negate}see "#{planning_element.subject}" within "#{selector}"} end end end