#-- copyright # OpenProject Backlogs Plugin # # Copyright (C)2013-2014 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF) # Copyright (C)2011 Stephan Eckardt, Tim Felgentreff, Marnen Laibow-Koser, Sandro Munda # Copyright (C)2010-2011 friflaj # Copyright (C)2010 Maxime Guilbot, Andrew Vit, Joakim Kolsjö, ibussieres, Daniel Passos, Jason Vasquez, jpic, Emiliano Heyns # Copyright (C)2009-2010 Mark Maglana # Copyright (C)2009 Joe Heck, Nate Lowrie # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # OpenProject Backlogs is a derivative work based on ChiliProject Backlogs. # The copyright follows: # Copyright (C) 2010-2011 - Emiliano Heyns, Mark Maglana, friflaj # Copyright (C) 2011 - Jens Ulferts, Gregor Schmidt - Finn GmbH - Berlin, Germany # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ When /^I create the impediment$/ do page.driver.post backlogs_project_sprint_impediments_url( *@impediment_params.values_at('project_id', 'fixed_version_id') ), @impediment_params end When /^I create the story$/ do page.driver.post backlogs_project_sprint_stories_url( *@story_params.values_at('project_id', 'fixed_version_id') ), @story_params end When /^I create the task$/ do page.driver.post backlogs_project_sprint_tasks_url( *@task_params.values_at('project_id', 'fixed_version_id') ), @task_params end When /^I move the (story|item|task) named (.+) below (.+)$/ do |type, story_subject, prev_subject| work_package_class = if type.strip == 'task' then Task else Story end story = work_package_class.find_by(subject: story_subject.strip) prev = work_package_class.find_by(subject: prev_subject.strip) attributes = story.attributes attributes[:prev] = prev.id if type == 'task' # #attributes returns the parent_id to always be nil attributes['parent_id'] = story.parent_id else attributes[:fixed_version_id] = prev.fixed_version_id end project = Project.find(attributes['project_id']) sprint = prev.fixed_version page.driver.post polymorphic_url( [:backlogs, project, sprint.becomes(Sprint), story] ), attributes.merge('_method' => 'put') end When /^I move the story named (.+) (up|down) to the (\d+)(?:st|nd|rd|th) position of the sprint named (.+)$/ do |story_subject, direction, position, sprint_name| position = position.to_i story = Story.find_by(subject: story_subject) sprint = Sprint.find_by(name: sprint_name) story.fixed_version = sprint attributes = story.attributes attributes[:prev] = if position == 1 '' else stories = Story.where(fixed_version_id: sprint.id, type_id: Story.types).order('position ASC') raise "You indicated an invalid position (#{position}) in a sprint with #{stories.length} stories" if 0 > position or position > stories.length stories[position - (direction == 'up' ? 2 : 1)].id end page.driver.post backlogs_project_sprint_story_url( *attributes.values_at('project_id', 'fixed_version_id', 'id') ), attributes.merge('_method' => 'put') end When /^I move the (\d+)(?:st|nd|rd|th) story to the (\d+|last)(?:st|nd|rd|th)? position$/ do |old_pos, new_pos| @story_ids = page.all(:css, '#owner_backlogs_container .stories .story .id') story = @story_ids[old_pos.to_i - 1] story.should_not == nil prev = if new_pos.to_i == 1 nil elsif new_pos == 'last' @story_ids.last elsif old_pos.to_i > new_pos.to_i @story_ids[new_pos.to_i - 2] else @story_ids[new_pos.to_i - 1] end @story = Story.find(story.text.to_i) page.driver.post backlogs_project_sprint_story_url( @project.id, @story.fixed_version_id, @story.id ), prev: (prev.nil? ? '' : prev.text), '_method' => 'put' end When /^I update the impediment$/ do page.driver.post backlogs_project_sprint_impediment_url( *@impediment_params.values_at('project_id', 'fixed_version_id', 'id') ), @impediment_params.merge('_method' => 'put') end When /^I update the sprint$/ do page.driver.post backlogs_project_sprint_url( *@sprint_params.values_at('project_id', 'id') ), @sprint_params.merge('_method' => 'put') end When /^I update the story$/ do page.driver.post backlogs_project_sprint_story_url( *@story_params.values_at('project_id', 'fixed_version_id', 'id') ), @story_params.merge('_method' => 'put') end When /^I update the task$/ do page.driver.post backlogs_project_sprint_task_url( *@task_params.values_at('project_id', 'fixed_version_id', 'id') ), @task_params.merge('_method' => 'put') end When /^I view the master backlog$/ do visit url_for(controller: '/projects', action: :show, id: @project) click_link('Backlogs') end When /^I view the stories of (.+) in the work_packages tab/ do |sprint_name| sprint = Sprint.find_by(name: sprint_name) visit url_for(controller: '/rb_queries', action: :show, project_id: sprint.project, sprint_id: sprint, only_path: true) end When /^I view the stories in the work_packages tab/ do visit url_for(controller: '/rb_queries', action: :show, project_id: @project, only_path: true) end # WARN: Depends on deprecated behavior of path_for('the task board for # "sprint name"') When /^I view the sprint notes$/ do visit url_for(controller: '/rb_wikis', action: 'show', sprint_id: @sprint, project_id: @project) end # WARN: Depends on deprecated behavior of path_for('the task board for # "sprint name"') When /^I edit the sprint notes$/ do visit url_for(controller: '/rb_wikis', action: 'edit', sprint_id: @sprint, project_id: @project) end When /^I follow "(.+?)" of the "(.+?)" (?:backlogs )?menu$/ do |link, backlog_name| sprint = Sprint.find_by(name: backlog_name) step %{I follow "#{link}" within "#backlog_#{sprint.id} .menu"} end When /^I open the "(.+?)" backlogs(?: )?menu/ do |backlog_name| sprint = Sprint.find_by(name: backlog_name) find(:css, "#backlog_#{sprint.id} .menu > div").click end When /^I close the "(.+?)" backlogs(?: )?menu/ do |backlog_name| sprint = Sprint.find_by(name: backlog_name) step %{I stop hovering over "#backlog_#{sprint.id} .menu"} end When /^I click on the text "(.+?)"$/ do |locator| expect(page) .to have_content(locator) find(:xpath, %{//*[contains(text(), "#{locator}")]}).click end When /^I click on the link on the modal window with text "(.+?)"$/ do |locator| browser = page.driver.browser browser.switch_to.frame('modalIframe') click_link(locator) end When /^I click on the element with class "([^"]+?)"$/ do |locator| find(:css, ".#{locator}").click end When /^I confirm the story form$/ do find(:css, 'input[name=subject]').native.send_key :return step 'I wait for AJAX requests to finish' step 'I should not see ".saving"' end When /^I fill in the ids of the (tasks|work_packages|stories) "(.+?)" for "(.+?)"$/ do |model_name, subjects, field| model = Kernel.const_get(model_name.classify) ids = subjects.split(/,/).map { |subject| model.find_by(subject: subject).id } step %{I fill in "#{ids.join(', ')}" for "#{field}"} end When /^I click on the impediment called "(.+?)"$/ do |impediment_name| step %{I click on the text "#{impediment_name}"} end When /^I click to add a new task for story "(.+?)"$/ do |story_name| expect(page) .to have_content(story_name) story = Story.find_by(subject: story_name) find("tr.story_#{story.id} td.add_new").click end When /^I fill in the id of the work_package "(.+?)" as the parent work_package$/ do |work_package_name| work_package = WorkPackage.find_by(subject: work_package_name) # TODO: Simplify once the work_package#edit/update action is implemented find('#work_package_parent_id, #work_package_parent_id', visible: false).set(work_package.id) end When /^the request on task "(.+?)" is finished$/ do |task_name| # Wait for the modal link of this task to appear... elements = page.find(:xpath, "//div[contains(., '#{task_name}') and contains(@class,'task')]/descendant::a[contains(@href, .)]") # ...by selecting the task board card for a specific task and then go for the # link with the id only appearing after the task was saved end When /^I follow the link to add a subtask$/ do step 'I follow "Relations"' step 'I click "Children"' step 'I press "Add child"' end When /^I change the fold state of a version$/ do find('.backlog .toggler').click end When /^I click on the Export link$/ do click_link('Export') end When(/^I click on the link for the story "(.*?)"$/) do |subject| story = Story.find_by(subject: subject) within("#story_#{story.id}") do click_link(story.id) end end