Feature: Permissions #XXX: Test permissions on table and simple table (currently testet in _cost_entry_table partial only) #XXX: Test access permissions for /cost_reports AND /project/../cost_reports - sometimes there is access denied where is should not and vice versa @changes_environment Scenario: Enabling the debug-flag doesn't work in production mode When we can finally switch the ruby environment within our cukes Given there is a standard permission test project named "Permission_Test" And I am in "production" mode And I am admin And I am on the overall Cost Reports page with standard groups in debug mode And I start debugging Then I should not see "[ RESULT ]" And I should not see "[ Query ]" @changes_environment Scenario: Enabling the debug-flag works in development mode Given there is a standard permission test project named "Permission_Test" And I am in "development" mode And I am admin And I am on the overall Cost Reports page with standard groups in debug mode Then I should see "[ RESULT ]" And I should see "[ Query ]"