class CreateInitialVariableCostObjectJournals < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up [VariableCostObject].each do |p| say_with_time("Building initial journals for #{p.class_name}") do # avoid touching the journaled object on journal creation p.journal_class.class_exec { def touch_journaled_after_creation end } # Create initial journals p.find(:all).each do |o| # Using rescue and save! here because either the Journal or the # touched record could fail. This will catch either error and continue begin new_journal = o.recreate_initial_journal! rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => ex if new_journal.errors.count == 1 && new_journal.errors.first[0] == "version" # Skip, only error was from creating the initial journal for a record that already had one. else puts "ERROR: errors creating the initial journal for #{o.class.to_s}##{}:" puts " #{ex.message}" end end end end end end def self.down VariableCostObjectJournal.destroy_all end end