Feature: Issue edit Background: Given there is 1 project with the following: | identifier | omicronpersei8 | | name | omicronpersei8 | And I am working in project "omicronpersei8" And the project "omicronpersei8" has the following trackers: | name | position | | Bug | 1 | And there is a default issuepriority with: | name | Normal | And there is a role "member" And the role "member" may have the following rights: | add_issues | | view_issues | | edit_issues | And there is 1 user with the following: | login | bob| And the user "bob" is a "member" in the project "omicronpersei8" And there are the following issue status: | name | is_closed | is_default | | New | false | true | Given the user "bob" has 1 issue with the following: | subject | issue1 | | description | Aioli Sali Grande | And I am logged in as "bob" @javascript Scenario: User updates an issue successfully When I go to the page of the issue "issue1" Then I should see "Update" within "#content > .action_menu_main" And I should not see "Change properties" When I click on "Update" within "#content > .action_menu_main" Then I should see "Change properties" Then I fill in "notes" with "human Horn" And I click on "Submit" And I should see "Successful update." within ".notice" And I should see "human Horn" within "#history" @javascript Scenario: User updates an issue with previewing the stuff before When I go to the page of the issue "issue1" Then I should see "Update" within "#content > .action_menu_main" And I should not see "Change properties" When I click on "Update" within "#content > .action_menu_main" Then I should see "Change properties" Then I fill in "notes" with "human Horn" When I click on "Preview" within "#issue-form" Then I should see "human Horn" within "#preview" Then I click on "Submit" And I should see "Successful update." within ".notice" And I should see "human Horn" within "#history"