#-- encoding: UTF-8 #-- copyright # OpenProject is a project management system. # Copyright (C) 2012-2018 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: # Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Jean-Philippe Lang # Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # See docs/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ class JournalManager class << self attr_accessor :send_notification def changes_on_association(current, predecessor, association, key, value) merged_journals = merge_reference_journals_by_id(current, predecessor, key.to_s, value.to_s) changes = added_references(merged_journals) .merge(removed_references(merged_journals)) .merge(changed_references(merged_journals)) to_changes_format(changes, association.to_s) end def reset_notification @send_notification = true end private def merge_reference_journals_by_id(new_journals, old_journals, id_key, value) all_associated_journal_ids = new_journals.map { |j| j[id_key] } | old_journals.map { |j| j[id_key] } all_associated_journal_ids.each_with_object({}) do |id, result| result[id] = [select_and_combine(old_journals, id, id_key, value), select_and_combine(new_journals, id, id_key, value)] end end def added_references(merged_references) merged_references .select { |_, (old_value, new_value)| old_value.nil? && new_value.present? } end def removed_references(merged_references) merged_references .select { |_, (old_value, new_value)| old_value.present? && new_value.nil? } end def changed_references(merged_references) merged_references .select { |_, (old_value, new_value)| old_value.present? && new_value.present? && old_value.strip != new_value.strip } end def to_changes_format(references, key) references.each_with_object({}) do |(id, (old_value, new_value)), result| result["#{key}_#{id}"] = [old_value, new_value] end end def journable_details(journable) calculated_proc = journable.class.vestal_journals_options[:calculate] attributes = journable.attributes.symbolize_keys if calculated_proc attributes .merge!(journable.instance_exec(&calculated_proc)) end attributes end def journal_class_name(type) "#{base_class_name(type)}Journal" end def base_class(type) type.base_class end def base_class_name(type) base_class(type).name end def create_association_data(journable, journal) create_attachment_data journable, journal if journable.respond_to? :attachments create_custom_field_data journable, journal if journable.respond_to? :custom_values end def create_attachment_data(journable, journal) journable.attachments.each do |a| journal.attachable_journals.build attachment: a, filename: a.filename end end def create_custom_field_data(journable, journal) journable.custom_values.group_by(&:custom_field).each do |custom_field, custom_values| # Consider only custom values with non-blank values. Otherwise, # non-existing custom values are different to custom values with an empty # value. # Mind that false.present? == false, but we don't consider false this being "blank"... # This does not matter when we use stringly typed values (as in the database), # but it matters when we use real types valid_values = custom_values.select { |cv| cv.value.present? || cv.value == false } if custom_field.multi_value? && valid_values.any? build_multi_value_custom_field_journal! journal, custom_field, valid_values elsif valid_values.any? build_custom_field_journal! journal, custom_field, valid_values.first end end end def build_multi_value_custom_field_journal!(journal, custom_field, custom_values) value = custom_values.map(&:value).join(",") # comma separated custom option IDs journal.customizable_journals.build custom_field_id: custom_field.id, value: value end def build_custom_field_journal!(journal, custom_field, custom_value) journal.customizable_journals.build custom_field_id: custom_field.id, value: custom_value.value end def select_and_combine(journals, id, key, value) selected_journals = journals.select { |j| j[key] == id }.map { |j| j[value] } if selected_journals.empty? nil else selected_journals.join(',') end end end self.send_notification = true def self.journalized?(obj) not obj.nil? and obj.respond_to? :journals end def self.changed?(journable) if (journable.journals.loaded? ? journable.journals.size : journable.journals.count) > 0 changed = attributes_changed? journable changed ||= association_changed? journable, 'attachable', :attachments, :id, :attachment_id, :filename changed ||= association_changed? journable, 'customizable', :custom_values, :custom_field_id, :custom_field_id, :value changed else true end end def self.attributes_changed?(journable) type = base_class(journable.class) current = valid_journal_attributes type, journable.attributes predecessor = journable.journals.last.data.journaled_attributes current = normalize_newlines(current) predecessor = normalize_newlines(predecessor) # we generally ignore changes from blank to blank predecessor .any? { |k, v| current[k.to_s] != v && (v.present? || current[k.to_s].present?) } end def self.association_changed?(journable, journal_association, association, id, key, value) if journable.respond_to? association journal_assoc_name = "#{journal_association}_journals" current = journable.send(association).map { |a| { key.to_s => a.send(id), value.to_s => a.send(value) } } predecessor = journable.journals.last.send(journal_assoc_name).map(&:attributes) current = remove_empty_associations(current, value.to_s) changes = JournalManager.changes_on_association(current, predecessor, association, key, value) !changes.empty? else false end end # associations have value attributes ('value' for custom values and 'filename' # for attachments). This method ensures that blank value attributes are # treated like non-existing associations. Thus, this prevents that # non-existing associations (nil) are different to blank associations (""). # This would lead to false change information, otherwise. # We need to be careful though, because we want to accept false (and false.blank? == true) def self.remove_empty_associations(associations, value) associations.reject do |association| association.has_key?(value) && association[value].blank? && association[value] != false end end def self.recreate_initial_journal(type, journal, changed_data) if journal.data.nil? journal.data = create_journal_data journal.id, type, changed_data.except(:id) else journal.changed_data = changed_data journal.attachable_journals.delete_all journal.customizable_journals.delete_all end create_association_data journal.journable, journal journal.save! journal.reload end def self.add_journal!(journable, user = User.current, notes = '') return unless journalized?(journable) # Ensure a version exists for this journable type # since no version is changed here, in case of concurrency, one # of the calls is allowed to fail journable_type = base_class_name(journable.class) ::JournalVersion.find_or_create_by(journable_type: journable_type, journable_id: journable.id) version = get_next_journal_version(journable_type, journable) Rails.logger.debug "Inserting new journal for #{journable_type} ##{journable.id} @ #{version}" journal_attributes = { journable_id: journable.id, journable_type: journal_class_name(journable.class), version: version, activity_type: journable.send(:activity_type), details: journable_details(journable) } journal = create_journal journable, journal_attributes, user, notes # FIXME: this is required for the association to be correctly saved... journable.journals.select(&:new_record?) journal.save! journal end def self.get_next_journal_version(journable_type, journable) # Increment the version according to our DB if OpenProject::Database.postgresql? increment_version!(journable_type, journable.id) else lock_and_increment_version!(journable_type, journable.id) end end ## # In case of MySQL, we cannot return the value just inserted with RETURNING, # but have to insert and select separately, which is not atomic def self.lock_and_increment_version!(journable_type, journable_id) result = Journal.with_advisory_lock_result('journals.write_lock', timeout_seconds: 30) do entry = ::JournalVersion.find_by!(journable_type: journable_type, journable_id: journable_id) entry.increment!(:version) entry.version end unless result.lock_was_acquired? raise "Failed to acquire write lock to journable #{journable_type} ##{journable_id}" end result.result end def self.increment_version!(journable_type, journable_id) sql = <<~SQL UPDATE #{JournalVersion.table_name} SET version = version + 1 WHERE journable_type = :journable_type AND :journable_id = journable_id RETURNING version SQL sanitized = ::OpenProject::SqlSanitization.sanitize(sql, journable_type: journable_type, journable_id: journable_id) ::JournalVersion .connection .execute(sanitized) .first['version'] end def self.create_journal(journable, journal_attributes, user = User.current, notes = '') type = base_class(journable.class) extended_journal_attributes = journal_attributes .merge(journable_type: type.to_s) .merge(notes: notes) .except(:details) .except(:id) unless extended_journal_attributes.has_key? :user_id extended_journal_attributes[:user_id] = user.id end journal_attributes[:details] = normalize_newlines(journal_attributes[:details]) journal = journable.journals.build extended_journal_attributes journal.data = create_journal_data journal.id, type, valid_journal_attributes(type, journal_attributes[:details]) create_association_data journable, journal journal end def self.valid_journal_attributes(type, changed_data) journal_class = journal_class type journal_class_attributes = journal_class.columns.map(&:name) valid_journal_attributes = changed_data.select { |k, _v| journal_class_attributes.include?(k.to_s) } valid_journal_attributes.except :id, :updated_at, :updated_on end def self.create_journal_data(_journal_id, type, changed_data) journal_class = journal_class type new_data = Hash[changed_data.map { |k, v| [k, (v.is_a? Array) ? v.last : v] }] journal_class.new new_data end def self.update_user_references(current_user_id, substitute_id) foreign_keys = ['author_id', 'user_id', 'assigned_to_id', 'responsible_id'] Journal::BaseJournal.subclasses.each do |klass| foreign_keys.each do |foreign_key| if klass.column_names.include? foreign_key klass.where(foreign_key => current_user_id).update_all(foreign_key => substitute_id) end end end end def self.journal_class(type) namespace = type.name.deconstantize if namespace == 'Journal' type else "Journal::#{journal_class_name(type)}".constantize end end def self.journaled_class(journal_type) namespace = journal_type.name.deconstantize if namespace == 'Journal' class_name = journal_type.name.demodulize class_name.gsub('Journal', '').constantize else journal_type end end def self.normalize_newlines(data) data.each_with_object({}) do |e, h| h[e[0]] = (e[1].is_a?(String) ? e[1].gsub(/\r\n/, "\n") : e[1]) end end def self.with_send_notifications(send_notifications, &block) old_value = send_notification self.send_notification = send_notifications result = block.call self.send_notification = old_value result end end