# /api/v3/capabilities --- get: parameters: - description: |- JSON specifying filter conditions. Accepts the same format as returned by the [queries](https://www.openproject.org/docs/api/endpoints/queries/) endpoint. + action: Get all capabilities of a certain action + principal: Get all capabilities of a principal + context: Get all capabilities within a context. Note that for a project context the client needs to provide `p{id}`, e.g. `p5` and for the global context a `g` example: '[{ "principal": { "operator": "=", "values": ["1"] }" }]' in: query name: filters required: false schema: type: string - description: |- JSON specifying sort criteria. Accepts the same format as returned by the [queries](https://www.openproject.org/docs/api/endpoints/queries/) endpoint. Currently supported sorts are: + id: Sort by the capabilities id example: '[["id", "asc"]]' in: query name: sortBy required: false schema: default: '[["id", "asc"]]' type: string responses: '200': content: application/hal+json: examples: response: value: _embedded: elements: - _links: action: href: "/api/v3/actions/work_packages/create" title: Add work package context: href: "/api/v3/projects/123" title: A project principal: href: "/api/v3/users/567" title: Some user self: href: "/api/v3/capabilities/work_packages/create/p123-567" _type: Capability id: work_packages/create/p123-567 - _links: action: href: "/api/v3/actions/work_packages/assignee" context: href: "/api/v3/projects/123" title: A project principal: href: "/api/v3/users/567" title: Some user self: href: "/api/v3/capabilities/work_packages/assignee/p123-567" _type: Capability id: work_packages/assignee/p123-567 - _links: action: href: "/api/v3/actions/memberships/create" context: href: "/api/v3/projects/345" title: A project principal: href: "/api/v3/users/821" title: Some user self: href: "/api/v3/capabilities/memberships/create/p345-821" title: Create members _type: Capability id: memberships/create/p345-821 - _links: context: href: "/api/v3/capabilities/context/global" title: Global principal: href: "/api/v3/users/567" title: Some user self: href: "/api/v3/capabilities/users/delete/g-567" title: Delete user _type: Capability id: users/delete/g-567 _links: changeSize: href: "/api/v3/capabilities?pageSize={size}" templated: true jumpTo: href: "/api/v3/capabilities?offset={offset}" templated: true self: href: "/api/v3/capabilities" _type: Collection count: 4 total: 4 schema: "$ref": "../components/schemas/list_capabilities_model.yml" description: OK headers: {} tags: - Actions & Capabilities description: Returns a collection of actions assigned to a principal in a context. The client can choose to filter the actions similar to how work packages are filtered. In addition to the provided filters, the server will reduce the result set to only contain actions, for which the requesting client has sufficient permissions operationId: List_capabilities summary: List capabilities