import {injectorBridge} from '../../../angular/angular-injector-bridge.functions'; import {WorkPackageTable} from '../../wp-fast-table'; import {States} from '../../../states.service'; import {TableEventHandler} from '../table-handler-registry'; import {WorkPackageTableSelection} from '../../state/wp-table-selection.service'; import {rowClassName} from '../../builders/single-row-builder'; import {tdClassName} from '../../builders/cell-builder'; export class RowClickHandler implements TableEventHandler { // Injections public states:States; public wpTableSelection:WorkPackageTableSelection; constructor() { injectorBridge(this); } public get EVENT() { return 'click.table.row'; } public get SELECTOR() { return `.${rowClassName}`; } public handleEvent(table: WorkPackageTable, evt:JQueryEventObject) { let target = jQuery(; // Shortcut to any clicks within a cell // We don't want to handle these. if (target.parents(`.${tdClassName}`).length) { console.log('Skipping click on inner cell'); return; } console.log('ROW CLICK!'); // Locate the row from event let element = target.closest(this.SELECTOR); let row = table.rowObject('workPackageId')); // Ignore links if ('a')) { return; } // The current row is the last selected work package // not matter what other rows are (de-)selected below. // Thus save that row for the details view button. this.states.focusedWorkPackage.put(row.workPackageId); // Update single selection if no modifier present if (!(evt.ctrlKey || evt.metaKey || evt.shiftKey)) { this.wpTableSelection.setSelection(row); } // Multiple selection if shift present if (evt.shiftKey) { this.clearSelection(); this.wpTableSelection.setMultiSelectionFrom(table.rows, row); } // Single selection expansion if ctrl / cmd(mac) if (evt.ctrlKey || evt.metaKey) { this.wpTableSelection.toggleRow(row.workPackageId); } } // TODO check if this can be replace with css user-select: none? // Thanks to private clearSelection() { var selection = (document as any).selection; if(selection && selection.empty) { selection.empty(); } else if(window.getSelection) { var sel = window.getSelection(); sel.removeAllRanges(); } } } RowClickHandler.$inject = ['states', 'wpTableSelection'];