#encoding: utf-8 #-- copyright # OpenProject is a project management system. # # Copyright (C) 2012-2013 the OpenProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ def parse_password_rules(str) str.sub(', and ', ', ').split(', ') end Given /^passwords must contain ([0-9]+) of ([a-z, ]+) characters$/ do |minimum_rules, rules| rules = parse_password_rules(rules) Setting.password_active_rules = rules Setting.password_min_adhered_rules = minimum_rules.to_i end Given /^passwords have a minimum length of ([0-9]+) characters$/ do |minimum_length| Setting.password_min_length = minimum_length end Given /^users are not allowed to reuse the last ([0-9]+) passwords$/ do |count| Setting.password_count_former_banned = count end def fill_change_password(old_password, new_password, confirmation=new_password) # use find and set with id to prevent ambigious match I get with fill_in find('#password').set(old_password) fill_in('new_password', :with => new_password) fill_in('new_password_confirmation', :with => confirmation) click_link_or_button 'Apply' @new_password = new_password end def change_password(old_password, new_password) visit "/my/password" fill_change_password(old_password, new_password) end Given /^I try to change my password from "([^\"]+)" to "([^\"]+)"$/ do |old, new| change_password(old, new) end When /^I try to set my new password to "(.+)"$/ do |password| visit "/my/password" change_password('adminADMIN!', password) end When /^I fill out the change password form$/ do fill_change_password('adminADMIN!', 'adminADMIN!New') end When /^I fill out the change password form with a wrong old password$/ do fill_change_password('wrong', 'adminADMIN!New') end When /^I fill out the change password form with a wrong password confirmation$/ do fill_change_password('adminADMIN!', 'adminADMIN!New', 'wrong') end Then /^the password change should succeed$/ do find('.notice').should have_content('success') end Then /^I should be able to login using the new password$/ do visit('/logout') login(@user.login, @new_password) end Given /^I try to log in with user "([^"]*)"$/ do |login| step 'I go to the logout page' step 'I go to the login page' with_scope('#main') do fill_in('Login', :with => login) fill_in('Password', :with => (@new_password || 'adminADMIN!')) click_link_or_button('Login') end end When /^I activate the ([a-z, ]+) password rules$/ do |rules| rules = parse_password_rules(rules) # ensure checkboxes are loaded, 'all' doesn't wait should have_selector(:xpath, "//input[@id='settings_password_active_rules_' and @value='#{rules.first}']") all(:xpath, "//input[@id='settings_password_active_rules_']").each do |checkbox| checkbox.set(false) end rules.each do |rule| find(:xpath, "//input[@id='settings_password_active_rules_' and @value='#{rule}']").set(true) end end def set_user_attribute(login, attribute, value) user = User.find_by_login login user.send((attribute.to_s + '=').to_sym, value) user.save end Given /^the user "(.+)" is(not |) forced to change his password$/ do |login, disable| set_user_attribute(login, :force_password_change, (disable == 'not ') ? false : true) end