#-- encoding: UTF-8 #-- copyright # OpenProject is a project management system. # Copyright (C) 2012-2017 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: # Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Jean-Philippe Lang # Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ class UsersController < ApplicationController layout 'admin' before_action :disable_api before_action :require_admin, except: [:show, :deletion_info, :destroy] before_action :find_user, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :change_status, :destroy, :deletion_info, :resend_invitation] # should also contain destroy but post data can not be redirected before_action :require_login, only: [:deletion_info] before_action :authorize_for_user, only: [:destroy] before_action :check_if_deletion_allowed, only: [:deletion_info, :destroy] accept_key_auth :index, :show, :create, :update, :destroy include SortHelper include CustomFieldsHelper include PaginationHelper def index @groups = Group.all.sort @status = Users::UserFilterCell.status_param params @users = Users::UserFilterCell.filter User.all, params respond_to do |format| format.html do render layout: !request.xhr? end end end def show # show projects based on current user visibility @memberships = @user.memberships .visible(current_user) events = Redmine::Activity::Fetcher.new(User.current, author: @user).events(nil, nil, limit: 10) @events_by_day = events.group_by { |e| e.event_datetime.to_date } unless User.current.admin? if !(@user.active? || @user.registered?) || (@user != User.current && @memberships.empty? && events.empty?) render_404 return end end respond_to do |format| format.html do render layout: 'base' end end end def new @user = User.new(language: Setting.default_language, mail_notification: Setting.default_notification_option) @auth_sources = AuthSource.all end verify method: :post, only: :create, render: { nothing: true, status: :method_not_allowed } def create @user = User.new(language: Setting.default_language, mail_notification: Setting.default_notification_option) @user.attributes = permitted_params.user_create_as_admin(false, @user.change_password_allowed?) @user.admin = params[:user][:admin] || false @user.login = params[:user][:login] || @user.mail if UserInvitation.invite_user! @user respond_to do |format| format.html do flash[:notice] = l(:notice_successful_create) redirect_to(params[:continue] ? new_user_path : edit_user_path(@user)) end end else @auth_sources = AuthSource.all respond_to do |format| format.html do render action: 'new' end end end end def edit @auth_sources = AuthSource.all @membership ||= Member.new end verify method: :put, only: :update, render: { nothing: true, status: :method_not_allowed } def update @user.attributes = permitted_params.user_update_as_admin(@user.uses_external_authentication?, @user.change_password_allowed?) if @user.change_password_allowed? if params[:user][:assign_random_password] @user.random_password! elsif set_password? params @user.password = params[:user][:password] @user.password_confirmation = params[:user][:password_confirmation] end end pref_params = if params[:pref].present? permitted_params.pref else {} end if @user.save update_email_service = UpdateUserEmailSettingsService.new(@user) update_email_service.call(mail_notification: pref_params.delete(:mail_notification), self_notified: params[:self_notified] == '1', notified_project_ids: params[:notified_project_ids]) @user.pref.attributes = pref_params @user.pref.save if !@user.password.blank? && @user.change_password_allowed? send_information = params[:send_information] if @user.invited? # setting a password for an invited user activates them implicitly @user.activate! send_information = true end if @user.active? && send_information UserMailer.account_information(@user, @user.password).deliver_now end end respond_to do |format| format.html do flash[:notice] = l(:notice_successful_update) redirect_to :back end end else @auth_sources = AuthSource.all @membership ||= Member.new # Clear password input @user.password = @user.password_confirmation = nil respond_to do |format| format.html do render action: :edit end end end rescue ::ActionController::RedirectBackError redirect_to controller: '/users', action: 'edit', id: @user end def change_status if @user.id == current_user.id # user is not allowed to change own status redirect_back_or_default(action: 'edit', id: @user) return end if params[:unlock] @user.failed_login_count = 0 @user.activate elsif params[:lock] @user.lock elsif params[:activate] @user.activate end # Was the account activated? (do it before User#save clears the change) was_activated = (@user.status_change == [User::STATUSES[:registered], User::STATUSES[:active]]) if params[:activate] && @user.missing_authentication_method? flash[:error] = I18n.t(:error_status_change_failed, errors: I18n.t(:notice_user_missing_authentication_method), scope: :user) elsif @user.save flash[:notice] = I18n.t(:notice_successful_update) if was_activated UserMailer.account_activated(@user).deliver_now end else flash[:error] = I18n.t(:error_status_change_failed, errors: @user.errors.full_messages.join(', '), scope: :user) end redirect_back_or_default(action: 'edit', id: @user) end def resend_invitation status = Principal::STATUSES[:invited] @user.update status: status if @user.status != status token = UserInvitation.reinvite_user @user.id if token.persisted? flash[:notice] = I18n.t(:notice_user_invitation_resent, email: @user.mail) else logger.error "could not re-invite #{@user.mail}: #{token.errors.full_messages.join(' ')}" flash[:error] = I18n.t(:notice_internal_server_error, app_title: Setting.app_title) end redirect_to edit_user_path(@user) end def destroy # true if the user deletes him/herself self_delete = (@user == User.current) DeleteUserService.new(@user, User.current).call flash[:notice] = l('account.deleted') respond_to do |format| format.html do redirect_to self_delete ? signin_path : users_path end end end def deletion_info render action: 'deletion_info', layout: my_or_admin_layout end private def find_user if params[:id] == 'current' || params['id'].nil? require_login || return @user = User.current else @user = User.find(params[:id]) end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound render_404 end def authorize_for_user if (User.current != @user || User.current == User.anonymous) && !User.current.admin? respond_to do |format| format.html do render_403 end format.xml do head :unauthorized, 'WWW-Authenticate' => 'Basic realm="OpenProject API"' end format.js do head :unauthorized, 'WWW-Authenticate' => 'Basic realm="OpenProject API"' end format.json do head :unauthorized, 'WWW-Authenticate' => 'Basic realm="OpenProject API"' end end false end end def check_if_deletion_allowed render_404 unless DeleteUserService.deletion_allowed? @user, User.current end def my_or_admin_layout # TODO: how can this be done better: # check if the route used to call the action is in the 'my' namespace if url_for(:delete_my_account_info) == request.url 'my' else 'admin' end end def set_password?(params) params[:user][:password].present? && !OpenProject::Configuration.disable_password_choice? end protected def default_breadcrumb if action_name == 'index' t('label_user_plural') else ActionController::Base.helpers.link_to(t('label_user_plural'), users_path) end end def show_local_breadcrumb true end end