(function($) { <% content = render partial: 'repositories/settings' %> $('#tab-content-repository').html('<%= escape_javascript content %>'); <% unless flash.empty? %> <%# TODO: Double flash from regular flash %> var div_content = $('#content'); div_content.parent().find('.flash').remove(); div_content.before('<%= render_flash_messages %>'); <% end %> var toggleContent = function(content,selected) { var vendor = $('#scm_vendor').val(), targetName = '#' + vendor + '-' + selected, oldTargets = content.find('.attributes-group').not(targetName); newTarget = jQuery(targetName); // would work with fieldset#disabled, but that's bugged up unto IE11 // https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedbackdetail/view/962368/ // // Ugly workaround: disable all inputs manually, but // spare enabling inputs marked with `aria-disabled` oldTargets .find('input,select') .prop('disabled', true); oldTargets.hide(); newTarget .find('input,select') .not('[aria-disabled="true"]') .prop('disabled', false); newTarget.show(); }; $('#tab-content-repository') .find('.attributes-group.-toggleable') .each(function(_i, el) { var fs = $(el), name = fs.attr('data-switch'), switches = fs.find('[name="' + name + '"]'), headers = fs.find('.attributes-group--header-text'), content = $(el); // Focus on first header headers.first().focus(); // Open content if there is only one possible selection var checkedInput = jQuery('input[name=scm_type]:checked'); if(checkedInput.length > 0) { toggleContent(content, checkedInput.val()); } // Necessary for accessibilty purpose jQuery('#scm_vendor').on('change', function(){ window.setTimeout(function(){ document.getElementsByName('scm_type')[0].focus(); }, 500) }); // Toggle content switches.on('change', function() { toggleContent(content, this.value); }); }); }(jQuery));