$inplace-edit--border-color: #ddd $inplace-edit--dark-background: #f8f8f8 $inplace-edit--color--very-dark: #cacaca .inplace-edit @extend .form--field.-full-width .-preview button visibility: hidden .jstb_preview visibility: visible &.-busy opacity: 0.5 .jstElements button opacity: 0.5 * cursor: wait!important inplace-edit--write .inplace-edit--write-value .date-range-picker display: table & > * display: table-cell margin-bottom: 0 & > span padding-right: 5px padding-left: 5px .ui-datepicker-current, .ui-datepicker-close display: none #ui-datepicker-div z-index: 9999 !important .inplace-edit--form display: block position: relative //todo: Move to something more specific .jstHandle, .jstSpacer display: none .jstElements button display: none .jstb_strong, .jstb_em, .jstb_ins, .jstb_del, .jstb_ul, .jstb_ol, .jstb_preview, .jstb_help display: flex .inplace-edit--select .select2-display-none display: none .inplace-edit--textarea min-height: 200px width: 100% margin-bottom: -1px .inplace-edit--text-field margin-bottom: 0!important padding: 0.375rem font-size: inherit line-height: inherit .inplace-edit--dashboard position: relative width: 100% z-index: 100 font-size: 0.875rem .inplace-edit--errors line-height: 1.2em width: 100% padding: 5px left: 251px bottom: -11px background: white border: 1px solid $inplace-edit--color--very-dark min-height: 42px .inplace-edit--controls display: inline-block width: 115px height: 35px background: $inplace-edit--dark-background border: 1px solid $inplace-edit--color--very-dark box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px $inplace-edit--border-color text-align: center float: right padding: 5px line-height: 1.6rem margin-top: -1px // Having to get the element out of the normal dom flow to // prevent the element overlapping and thereby blocking the click on // inplace-editable elements below the current one. position: absolute right: 0 .inplace-edit--read @extend .form--field-container .inplace-edit--read-value @include grid-block padding: 0.375rem &.-default font-style: italic .inplace-edit--preview border: 1px solid $inplace-edit--border-color padding: 0.375rem .inplace-edit--icon-wrapper @include grid-block(shrink) text-align: center width: 33px background: $gray-light border-left: 1px solid $inplace-edit--border-color align-items: center justify-content: center visibility: hidden font-size: rem-calc(14px) .icon-edit::before // HACK: overriding default padding here padding-right: 0 a color: $body-font-color a:hover color: $body-font-color text-decoration: none .inplace-editing--trigger-container @include grid-block // need to specify the a explicitly as otherwise // the default class will win a.inplace-editing--trigger-link, .inplace-editing--trigger-link @include grid-block color: $body-font-color font-weight: inherit &:hover, &:focus, text-decoration: none color: $body-font-color .inplace-editing--container border-color: $inplace-edit--border-color .inplace-edit--icon-wrapper visibility: visible .inplace-editing--container @include grid-block border-color: #fff border-style: solid border-radius: 2px border-width: 1px .inplace-edit--read @include grid-block .inplace-edit--control background: $inplace-edit--color--very-dark width: 1.5rem height: 1.5rem line-height: 1.5rem border: 1px solid $inplace-edit--dark-background display: inline-block border-radius: 0.75rem font-size: 0.75rem &.-icons-2 width: 2.875rem a color: $body-font-color text-decoration: none &:hover .icon-context::before padding: 0 // custom hack to have the jsToolbar in the same line as the "Description" title .inplace-edit.attribute-description .inplace-edit--write margin-top: -48px // for non-textile description we need to not overlap the 'Description' header // which in textile is shown due to edit buttons on the right side &.edit-strategy-textarea margin-top: auto