#-- encoding: UTF-8 #-- copyright # OpenProject is a project management system. # Copyright (C) 2012-2013 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: # Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang # Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ module TimelogHelper include ApplicationHelper include WorkPackage::CsvExporter def render_timelog_breadcrumb links = [] links << link_to(l(:label_project_all), {:project_id => nil, :work_package_id => nil}) links << link_to(h(@project), {:project_id => @project, :work_package_id => nil}) if @project if @issue if @issue.visible? links << link_to_work_package(@issue, :subject => false) else links << "##{@issue.id}".html_safe end end breadcrumb links end # Returns a collection of activities for a select field. time_entry # is optional and will be used to check if the selected TimeEntryActivity # is active. def activity_collection_for_select_options(time_entry=nil, project=nil) project ||= @project if project.nil? activities = TimeEntryActivity.shared.active else activities = project.activities end collection = [] if time_entry && time_entry.activity && !time_entry.activity.active? collection << [ "--- #{l(:actionview_instancetag_blank_option)} ---", '' ] else collection << [ "--- #{l(:actionview_instancetag_blank_option)} ---", '' ] unless activities.detect(&:is_default) end activities.each { |a| collection << [a.name, a.id] } collection end def select_hours(data, criteria, value) if value.to_s.empty? data.select {|row| row[criteria].blank? } else data.select {|row| row[criteria].to_s == value.to_s} end end def sum_hours(data) sum = 0 data.each do |row| sum += row['hours'].to_f end sum end def options_for_period_select(value) options_for_select([[l(:label_all_time), 'all'], [l(:label_today), 'today'], [l(:label_yesterday), 'yesterday'], [l(:label_this_week), 'current_week'], [l(:label_last_week), 'last_week'], [l(:label_last_n_days, 7), '7_days'], [l(:label_this_month), 'current_month'], [l(:label_last_month), 'last_month'], [l(:label_last_n_days, 30), '30_days'], [l(:label_this_year), 'current_year']], value) end def entries_to_csv(entries) decimal_separator = l(:general_csv_decimal_separator) custom_fields = TimeEntryCustomField.find(:all) export = CSV.generate(:col_sep => l(:general_csv_separator)) do |csv| # csv header fields headers = [TimeEntry.human_attribute_name(:spent_on), TimeEntry.human_attribute_name(:user), TimeEntry.human_attribute_name(:activity), TimeEntry.human_attribute_name(:project), TimeEntry.human_attribute_name(:issue), TimeEntry.human_attribute_name(:type), TimeEntry.human_attribute_name(:subject), TimeEntry.human_attribute_name(:hours), TimeEntry.human_attribute_name(:comments) ] # Export custom fields headers += custom_fields.collect(&:name) csv << encode_csv_columns(headers) # csv lines entries.each do |entry| fields = [format_date(entry.spent_on), entry.user, entry.activity, entry.project, (entry.work_package ? entry.work_package.id : nil), (entry.work_package ? entry.work_package.type : nil), (entry.work_package ? entry.work_package.subject : nil), entry.hours.to_s.gsub('.', decimal_separator), entry.comments ] fields += custom_fields.collect {|f| show_value(entry.custom_value_for(f)) } csv << encode_csv_columns(fields) end end export end def format_criteria_value(criteria, value) if value.blank? l(:label_none) elsif k = @available_criterias[criteria][:klass] obj = k.find_by_id(value.to_i) if obj.is_a?(WorkPackage) obj.visible? ? h("#{obj.type} ##{obj.id}: #{obj.subject}") : h("##{obj.id}") else obj end else format_value(value, @available_criterias[criteria][:format]) end end def report_to_csv(criterias, periods, hours) export = CSV.generate(:col_sep => l(:general_csv_separator)) do |csv| # Column headers headers = criterias.collect do |criteria| label = @available_criterias[criteria][:label] label.is_a?(Symbol) ? l(label) : label end headers += periods headers << l(:label_total) csv << headers.collect {|c| to_utf8_for_timelogs(c) } # Content report_criteria_to_csv(csv, criterias, periods, hours) # Total row row = [ l(:label_total) ] + [''] * (criterias.size - 1) total = 0 periods.each do |period| sum = sum_hours(select_hours(hours, @columns, period.to_s)) total += sum row << (sum > 0 ? "%.2f" % sum : '') end row << "%.2f" %total csv << row end export end def report_criteria_to_csv(csv, criterias, periods, hours, level=0) hours.collect {|h| h[criterias[level]].to_s}.uniq.each do |value| hours_for_value = select_hours(hours, criterias[level], value) next if hours_for_value.empty? row = [''] * level row << to_utf8_for_timelogs(format_criteria_value(criterias[level], value)) row += [''] * (criterias.length - level - 1) total = 0 periods.each do |period| sum = sum_hours(select_hours(hours_for_value, @columns, period.to_s)) total += sum row << (sum > 0 ? "%.2f" % sum : '') end row << "%.2f" %total csv << row if criterias.length > level + 1 report_criteria_to_csv(csv, criterias, periods, hours_for_value, level + 1) end end end def to_utf8_for_timelogs(s) begin; s.to_s.encode(l(:general_csv_encoding), 'UTF-8'); rescue; s.to_s; end end def polymorphic_time_entries_path(object) polymorphic_path([object, :time_entries]) end def polymorphic_new_time_entry_path(object) polymorphic_path([:new, object, :time_entry,]) end def polymorphic_time_entries_report_path(object) polymorphic_path([object, :time_entries, :report]) end # Retrieves the date range based on predefined ranges or specific from/to param dates def retrieve_date_range @free_period = false @from, @to = nil, nil if params[:period_type] == '1' || (params[:period_type].nil? && !params[:period].nil?) case params[:period].to_s when 'today' @from = @to = Date.today when 'yesterday' @from = @to = Date.today - 1 when 'current_week' @from = Date.today - (Date.today.cwday - 1)%7 @to = @from + 6 when 'last_week' @from = Date.today - 7 - (Date.today.cwday - 1)%7 @to = @from + 6 when '7_days' @from = Date.today - 7 @to = Date.today when 'current_month' @from = Date.civil(Date.today.year, Date.today.month, 1) @to = (@from >> 1) - 1 when 'last_month' @from = Date.civil(Date.today.year, Date.today.month, 1) << 1 @to = (@from >> 1) - 1 when '30_days' @from = Date.today - 30 @to = Date.today when 'current_year' @from = Date.civil(Date.today.year, 1, 1) @to = Date.civil(Date.today.year, 12, 31) end elsif params[:period_type] == '2' || (params[:period_type].nil? && (!params[:from].nil? || !params[:to].nil?)) begin; @from = params[:from].to_s.to_date unless params[:from].blank?; rescue; end begin; @to = params[:to].to_s.to_date unless params[:to].blank?; rescue; end @free_period = true else # default end @from, @to = @to, @from if @from && @to && @from > @to @from ||= (TimeEntry.earliest_date_for_project(@project) || Date.today) @to ||= (TimeEntry.latest_date_for_project(@project) || Date.today) end def find_optional_project if !params[:issue_id].blank? @issue = WorkPackage.find(params[:issue_id]) @project = @issue.project elsif !params[:work_package_id].blank? @issue = WorkPackage.find(params[:work_package_id]) @project = @issue.project elsif !params[:project_id].blank? @project = Project.find(params[:project_id]) end deny_access unless User.current.allowed_to?(:view_time_entries, @project, :global => true) end end