require "spec_helper" require "support/pages/abstract_work_package" describe "multi select custom values", js: true do let(:type) { FactoryGirl.create :type } let(:project) { FactoryGirl.create :project, types: [type] } let(:custom_field) do FactoryGirl.create( :list_wp_custom_field, name: "Ingredients", multi_value: true, types: [type], projects: [project], possible_values: ["ham", "onions", "pineapple", "mushrooms"] ) end def custom_value_for(str) custom_field.custom_options.find { |co| co.value == str }.try(:id) end let(:wp_page) { work_package } let(:wp_table) { project } let(:hierarchy) { } let(:columns) { } let(:user) { FactoryGirl.create :admin } context "with existing custom values" do let(:work_package) do wp = FactoryGirl.create :work_package, project: project, type: type wp.custom_field_values = { => ["ham", "pineapple", "onions"].map { |s| custom_value_for(s) } } wp end let(:work_package2) do wp = FactoryGirl.create :work_package, project: project, type: type wp.custom_field_values = { => ["ham"].map { |s| custom_value_for(s) } } wp end describe 'in single view' do let(:edit_field) do field = wp_page.edit_field "customField#{}" field.field_type = 'select' field end before do login_as(user) wp_page.visit! wp_page.ensure_page_loaded end it "should be shown and allowed to be updated" do expect(page).to have_text expect(page).to have_text "ham" expect(page).to have_text "pineapple" expect(page).to have_text "onions" edit_field.activate! sel = edit_field.input_element sel.unselect "pineapple" "mushrooms" edit_field.submit_by_dashboard expect(page).to have_selector('.custom-option.-multiple-lines', count: 3) expect(page).to have_text "Successful update" expect(page).to have_text expect(page).to have_text "ham" expect(page).not_to have_text "pineapple" expect(page).to have_text "onions" expect(page).to have_text "mushrooms" end end describe 'in the WP table' do let(:edit_field) do field = wp_table.edit_field work_package, "customField#{}" field.field_type = 'select' field end before do work_package work_package2 login_as(user) wp_table.visit! wp_table.expect_work_package_listed(work_package) wp_table.expect_work_package_listed(work_package2) columns.add end it 'should be usable in the table context' do # Disable hierarchies hierarchy.disable_hierarchy hierarchy.expect_no_hierarchies # Should show truncated values expect(page).to have_text "ham, pineapple, ... 3" expect(page).not_to have_text "onions" # Group by the CF wp_table.click_setting_item 'Group by ...' select 'Ingredients', from: 'selected_columns_new' click_button 'Apply' loading_indicator_saveguard # Expect changed groups expect(page).to have_selector('.group--value .count', count: 2) expect(page).to have_selector('.group--value', text: 'ham, onions, pineapple (1)') expect(page).to have_selector('.group--value', text: 'ham (1)') edit_field.activate! sel = edit_field.input_element sel.unselect "pineapple" sel.unselect "onions" edit_field.submit_by_dashboard # Expect changed groups expect(page).to have_selector('.group--value .count', count: 1) expect(page).to have_selector('.group--value', text: 'ham (2)') end end end end