#-- copyright # OpenProject is a project management system. # # Copyright (C) 2012-2013 the OpenProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ # "Then I should see 5 articles" Then /^I should see (\d+) ([^\" ]+)(?: within "([^\"]*)")?$/ do |number, name, selector| with_scope(selector) do if defined?(Spec::Rails::Matchers) page.should have_css(".#{name.singularize}", :count => number.to_i) else assert page.has_css?(".#{name.singularize}", :count => number.to_i) end end end Then /^I should not see(?: (\d+))? ([^\" ]+)(?: within "([^\"]*)")?$/ do |number, name, selector| options = number ? {:count => number.to_i} : {} with_scope(selector) do if defined?(Spec::Rails::Matchers) page.should have_no_css(".#{name.singularize}", options) else assert page.has_no_css?(".#{name.singularize}", options) end end end Around('@changes_environment') do |scenario, block| saved_env = ENV["RAILS_ENV"] block.call ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = saved_env end Then /^I am in "([^\"]*)" mode$/ do |env| ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = env end Given /^the [pP]roject(?: "([^\"]+?)")? uses the following trackers:$/ do |project, table| project = get_project(project) trackers = table.raw.map do |line| name = line.first tracker = Tracker.find_by_name(name) tracker = FactoryGirl.create(:tracker, :name => name) if tracker.blank? tracker end project.update_attributes :tracker_ids => trackers.map(&:id).map(&:to_s) end