#-- copyright # OpenProject is a project management system. # # Copyright (C) 2012-2013 the OpenProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ def filter_user_by_login login # method to be overridden by plugins user = User.find_by_login(login) steps %Q{ When I fill in "principal_search" with "#{user.name}" And I wait for the AJAX requests to finish } end When /^I check the role "(.+?)" for the project member "(.+?)"$/ do |role_name, user_login| role = Role.find_by_name(role_name) member = member_for_login user_login steps %Q{When I check "member_role_ids_#{role.id}" within "#member-#{member.id}"} end Then /^the project member "(.+?)" should not be in edit mode$/ do |user_login| member = member_for_login user_login page.find("#member-#{member.id}-roles-form").should_not be_visible end Then /^the project member "(.+?)" should have the role "(.+?)"$/ do |user_login, role_name| member = member_for_login user_login steps %Q{Then I should see "#{role_name}" within "#member-#{member.id}-roles"} end When /^I follow the delete link of the project member "(.+?)"$/ do |login_name| member = member_for_login login_name steps %Q{When I follow "Delete" within "#member-#{member.id}"} end When /^I go to the project member settings of the project(?: called) "(.+?)"$/ do |project_name| steps %Q{ When I go to the settings page of the project called "#{project_name}" And I click on "tab-members" } end When /^I add the principal "(.+)" as a member with the roles:$/ do |principal_name, roles_table| steps %Q{ When I check "#{principal_name}" within "#tab-content-members" } roles_table.raw.flatten.each do |role_name| steps %Q{ When I check "#{role_name}" within "#tab-content-members .splitcontentright" } end steps %Q{ When I press "Add" within "#tab-content-members .splitcontentright" } end Then /^I should see the principal "(.+)" as a member with the roles:$/ do |principal_name, roles_table| principal = InstanceFinder.find(Principal, principal_name) steps %Q{ Then I should see "#{principal.name}" within "#tab-content-members .members" } found_roles = page.find(:xpath, "//tr[contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@class),' '),' member ')][contains(.,'#{principal.name}')]").find(:css, "td.roles span").text.split(",").map(&:strip) found_roles.should =~ roles_table.raw.flatten end Then /^I should not see the principal "(.+)" as a member$/ do |principal_name| principal = InstanceFinder.find(Principal, principal_name) steps %Q{ Then I should not see "#{principal.name}" within "#tab-content-members .members" } end When /^I filter for the user "(.+?)"$/ do |login| filter_user_by_login login end def member_for_login principal_name principal = InstanceFinder.find(Principal, principal_name) sleep 1 #the assumption here is, that there is only one project principal.members.first end