//-- copyright // OpenProject is a project management system. // Copyright (C) 2012-2014 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. // // OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: // Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang // Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. //++ // ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ _____ _ _ _ │ // │ |_ _(_)_ __ ___ ___| (_)_ __ ___ ___ │ // │ | | | | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ | | '_ \ / _ \/ __| │ // │ | | | | | | | | | __/ | | | | | __/\__ \ │ // │ |_| |_|_| |_| |_|\___|_|_|_| |_|\___||___/ │ // ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ // │ Javascript library that fetches and plots timelines for the │ // │ OpenProject timelines module. │ // ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ angular.module('openproject.timelines.models') .factory('Project', [function() { Project = { objectType: 'Project', identifier: 'projects', is: function(t) { if (t === undefined) return false; return Project.identifier === t.identifier; }, hide: function () { var hidden = this.hiddenForEmpty() || this.hiddenForTimeFrame(); this.hide = function () { return hidden; }; return hidden; }, hiddenForEmpty: function () { if (this.timeline.options.exclude_empty !== 'yes') { return false; } var hidden = true; // iterates over projects for second level grouping adjustments. // TODO simply hiding parents might be sufficient. jQuery.each(this.getPlanningElements(), function (i, child) { if (!child.filteredOut()) { hidden = false; } }); return hidden; }, hiddenForTimeFrame: function () { var types = this.timeline.options.planning_element_time_types; if (!types || types.length === 0) { return false; } var hidden = true; // we need to look at every element jQuery.each(this.getPlanningElements(), function (i, child) { // if hidden is already false, do not calculate // otherwise, we show this project current element is a planning element (redundant?) // and it is inside our timeframe // and it has got the planning element type we want if (hidden && child.is(PlanningElement) && child.inTimeFrame() && Timeline.idInArray(types, child.getPlanningElementType())) { hidden = false; } }); return hidden; }, filteredOut: function() { var filtered = this.filteredOutForExclusionOfOwnPlanningElements() || this.filteredOutForExclusionOfReporters() || this.filteredOutForTypes() || this.filteredOutForStatus() || this.filteredOutForSubproject() || this.filteredOutForResponsibles(); this.filteredOut = function () { return filtered; }; return filtered; }, filteredOutForExclusionOfOwnPlanningElements: function () { return (this.timeline.options.exclude_own_planning_elements === 'yes' && (this.id === this.timeline.options.project_id || this.identifier === this.timeline.options.project_id)); }, filteredOutForExclusionOfReporters: function() { return (this.timeline.options.exclude_reporters === 'yes' && !(this.id === this.timeline.options.project_id || this.identifier === this.timeline.options.project_id)); }, filteredOutForSubproject: function() { var i, j, p; var allowedParents = this.timeline.options.parents; if ((allowedParents === undefined) || (allowedParents.length === 0)) { // if there is no filter, do not filter out anything. return false; } else { // for every id selected in the filter for (i = 0; i < allowedParents.length; i++) { j = Timeline.pnum(allowedParents[i]); if (j === -1) { // if the current selection is the (none) selection, we only need to // check the project's immediate parent. If it has none, it should // be shown, thus *not* filtered. if (this.parent === undefined) { return false; } } else { // if this project or one of it's ancestors has an id that is // equal to the current selection, it should be shown, thus *not* // filtered. p = this; while (p !== undefined) { if (p.id === j) { return false; } else { p = p.parent; } } } } // everything that was not decided to be *not* filtered until now should // be filtered. return true; } }, filteredOutForResponsibles: function() { return Timeline.filterOutBasedOnArray( this.timeline.options.project_responsibles, this.getResponsible() ); }, filteredOutForStatus: function() { return Timeline.filterOutBasedOnArray( this.timeline.options.project_status, this.getProjectStatus() ); }, filteredOutForTypes: function() { return Timeline.filterOutBasedOnArray(this.timeline.options.project_types, this.getProjectType()); }, getPlanningElementType: function() { return undefined; }, getPlanningElements: function() { if (!this.planning_elements) { return []; } if (!this.sorted_pes) { this.sort('planning_elements'); this.sorted_pes = true; } return this.planning_elements; }, getFirstLevelGroupingData: function() { return this.timeline.getGroupForProject(this); }, getFirstLevelGrouping: function() { return this.timeline.getGroupForProject(this).number; }, getFirstLevelGroupingName: function() { return this.timeline.getGroupForProject(this).name; }, sort: function(field) { var timeline = this.timeline; this[field] = this[field].sort(function(a, b) { // order by inverse grouping, date, name, id var dc = 0, nc = 0; var as = a.start(), bs = b.start(); var ag, bg; if (a.is(Project) && b.is(Project)) { var dataAGrouping = a.getFirstLevelGroupingData(); var dataBGrouping = b.getFirstLevelGroupingData(); // order first level grouping. if (parseInt(dataAGrouping.id, 10) !== parseInt(dataBGrouping.id, 10)) { /** other is always at bottom */ if (parseInt(dataAGrouping.id, 10) === 0) { return 1; } else if (parseInt(dataBGrouping.id, 10) === 0) { return -1; } if (parseInt(timeline.options.grouping_one_sort, 10) === 1) { ag = dataAGrouping.number; bg = dataBGrouping.number; } else { ag = dataAGrouping.p.name; bg = dataBGrouping.p.name; } if (ag > bg) { return 1; } return -1; } } var datesEqual = as && bs && as.equals(bs); if ((!as || datesEqual) && typeof a.end === "function") { as = a.end(); } if ((!bs || datesEqual) && typeof b.end === "function") { bs = b.end(); } if (as) { if (bs) { dc = as.compareTo(bs); } else { dc = 1; } } else if (bs) { dc = -1; } var identifier_methods = [a, b].map(function(e) { return e.hasOwnProperty("subject") ? "subject" : "name"; }); if (!a.identifierLower) { a.identifierLower = a[identifier_methods[0]].toLowerCase(); } if (!b.identifierLower) { b.identifierLower = b[identifier_methods[1]].toLowerCase(); } if (a.identifierLower < b.identifierLower) { nc = -1; } if (a.identifierLower > b.identifierLower) { nc = +1; } if (a.hasSecondLevelGroupingAdjustment && b.hasSecondLevelGroupingAdjustment) { if (parseInt(timeline.options.grouping_two_sort, 10) === 1) { if (dc !== 0) { return dc; } if (nc !== 0) { return nc; } } else if (parseInt(timeline.options.grouping_two_sort, 10) === 2) { if (nc !== 0) { return nc; } if (dc !== 0) { return dc; } } } if (parseInt(timeline.options.project_sort, 10) === 1 && a.is(Project) && b.is(Project)) { if (nc !== 0) { return nc; } if (dc !== 0) { return dc; } } else { if (dc !== 0) { return dc; } if (nc !== 0) { return nc; } } if (a.id > b.id) { return +1; } else if (a.id < b.id) { return -1; } return 0; }); return this; }, start: function() { var i, current, pes = this.getPlanningElements(); for (i = 0; i < pes.length; i += 1) { current = pes[i]; if (current.start()) { return current.start(); } else if (current.end()) { return current.end(); } } return undefined; }, getAttribute: function (val) { if (typeof this[val] === "function") { return this[val](); } return this[val]; }, does_historical_differ: function () { return false; }, getReporters: function() { if (!this.reporters) { return []; } if (!this.sorted_reps) { this.sort('reporters'); this.sorted_reps = true; } return this.reporters; }, addReporter: function(rep) { var reps = this.getReporters(); if (jQuery.inArray(rep, reps) === -1) { reps.push(rep); this.reporters = reps; this.sorted_reps = false; return true; } return false; }, removeReporter: function(rep) { // this fails silently, when reporter to be removed is not in the list reporters. var new_reporters = jQuery.grep(this.getReporters(), function(e, i) { return e.id !== rep.id; }); this.reporters = new_reporters; // we are not resetting sorted_reps, since removal does not affect sortation. }, getProjectStatus: function() { return this.via_reporting !== undefined ? this.via_reporting.getStatus() : null; }, getTypeName: function () { var pt = this.getProjectType(); if (pt) { return pt.name; } }, getStatusName: function () { var status = this.getProjectStatus(); if (status) { return status.name; } }, getProjectType: function() { return (this.project_type !== undefined) ? this.project_type : null; }, getResponsible: function() { if (this.responsible !== undefined) { return this.responsible; } else if (this.responsible_id !== undefined && this.responsible_id !== null) { return { "id": this.responsible_id }; } else { return null; } }, getResponsibleName: function() { if (this.responsible && this.responsible.name) { return this.responsible.name; } }, getAssignedName: function () { return; }, getSubElements: function() { var result = []; jQuery.each(this.getPlanningElements(), function(i, e) { // filtering of planning elements now happens in iterateWithChildren result.push(e); }); jQuery.each(this.getReporters(), function(i, e) { // filtering of projects still happens here. if (!e.filteredOut()) { result.push(e); } }); return result; }, getParent: function() { var parent; if(!this.parent) return null; parent = this.timeline.getProject(this.parent.id); this.parent = parent; this.getParent = function() { return this.parent; }; return this.getParent(); }, getUrl: function() { var options = this.timeline.options; var url = options.url_prefix; url += options.project_prefix; url += "/"; url += this.identifier; url += "/timelines"; return url; }, render: function(node) { if (node.isExpanded()) { return false; } var timeline = this.timeline; var scale = timeline.getScale(); var beginning = timeline.getBeginning(); var milestones, others; // draw all planning elements that should be seen in an // aggregation. limited to one level. var pes = jQuery.grep(this.getPlanningElements(), function(e) { return e.start() !== undefined && e.end() !== undefined && e.planning_element_type.in_aggregation; }); var dummy_node = { getDOMElement: function() { return node.getDOMElement(); }, isExpanded: function() { return false; } }; var is_milestone = function(e, i) { var pet = e.getPlanningElementType(); return pet && pet.is_milestone; }; // The label_spaces object will contain available spaces per // planning element. There may be many. var label_spaces = {}; var render = function(i, e) { var node = jQuery.extend({}, dummy_node, { getData: function() { return e; } }); e.render(node, true, label_spaces[i]); e.renderForeground(node, true, label_spaces[i]); }; var visible_in_aggregation = function(e, i) { var pet = e.getPlanningElementType(); return !e.filteredOut() && pet && pet.in_aggregation; }; // divide into milestones and others. milestones = jQuery.grep(pes, is_milestone); others = jQuery.grep(pes, is_milestone, true); // join others with milestones, and remove all that should be filtered. pes = jQuery.grep(others.concat(milestones), visible_in_aggregation); // Outer loop to calculate best label space for each planning // element. Here, we initialize possible spaces by registering the // whole element as the single space for a label. jQuery.each(pes, function(i, e) { var b = e.getHorizontalBounds(scale, beginning); label_spaces[i] = [b]; // find all pes above the one we're traversing. var passed_self = false; var pes_to_traverse = jQuery.grep(pes, function(f) { return passed_self || (e === f) ? passed_self = true : false; }); // Now, for every other element , shorten the available spaces or splice them. jQuery.each(pes_to_traverse, function(j, f) { var k, cb = f.getHorizontalBounds(scale, beginning, is_milestone(f)); // do not shorten if I am looking at myself. if (e === f) { return; } // do not shorten if current element is not a milestone and // begins before me. if (!is_milestone(f) && cb.x < b.x) { return; } // do not shorten if both are milestones and current begins before me. if (is_milestone(f) && is_milestone(e) && cb.x < b.x) { return; } // do not shorten if I am a milestone and current element is not. if (is_milestone(e) && !is_milestone(f)) { return; } // iterate over actual spaces left for shortening or splicing. var spaces = label_spaces[i]; for (k = 0; k < spaces.length; k++) { var space = spaces[k]; // b eeeeeeee //cb fffffffffff // current element lies after me, var rightSideOverlap = cb.x > space.x && // but I do end after its start. cb.x < space.end(); // b eeeeeeeeeee //cb ffffffffffff // current element lies before me var leftSideOverlap = cb.end() < space.end() && // but I start before current elements end. cb.end() > space.x; if ((cb.x <= space.x && cb.end() >= space.end()) && (label_spaces[i].length > 0)) { if (label_spaces[i].length === 1) { label_spaces[i][0].w = 0; } else { label_spaces[i].splice(k, 1); } } // fffffffeeeeeeeeeeeeffffffffff if (rightSideOverlap && leftSideOverlap) { // if current planning element is completely enclosed // in the current space, split the space into two, and // reiterate. splitting happens by splicing the array at // position i. label_spaces[i].splice(k, 1, {'x': space.x, 'w': cb.x - space.x, end: space.end}, {'x': cb.end(), 'w': space.end() - cb.end(), end: space.end}); } else if (rightSideOverlap) { // if current planning element (f) starts before the one // current space ends, adjust the width of the space. space.w = Math.min(space.end(), cb.x) - space.x; } else if (leftSideOverlap) { // if current planning element (f) ends after the current // space starts, adjust the beginning of the space. // we also need to modify the width because we want to // keep the end at the same position. var oldStart = space.x; space.x = Math.max(space.x, cb.end()); space.w -= (space.x - oldStart); } } }); // after all possible label spaces for the given element are // evaluated, select the widest. b = label_spaces[i].shift(); jQuery.each(label_spaces[i], function(i, e) { if (e.w > b.w) { b = e; } }); label_spaces[i] = b; }); // jQuery.each(others, render); // jQuery.each(milestones, render); jQuery.each(pes, render); }, getElements: function() { return []; }, all: function(timeline) { // collect all planning elements var r = timeline.projects; var result = []; for (var key in r) { if (r.hasOwnProperty(key)) { result.push(r[key]); } } return result; } }; return Project; }]);